Pristine Anabolics Intro

Man wish this was the case for me. My wife and I tried for 2 years while I was b&c. Eventually got my sperm analyzed and my count was <1 million.
Got told by docs conceiving would be impossible. Got all off all gear 15 months ago and have low T since but been roughing it out to get pregnant. Wife got pregnant 6 weeks ago, miscarried last week . Going to try 1 more time . At least now i have all my gear for my cycle once we get pregnant or stop trying, since my package ended up coming.
HCG/FSH, do it. Thank me later. FSH is expensive and difficult to obtain w.o an RX but that shit works wonders. At the very least run hcg solo or hcg/clomid until she gets pregnant,then you can go back to b & c
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Not sure why this domino guy was begging for gear so bad if he's not even running anything. Some people's kids
Lol. Never begged for gear just asked if any active sources would help out with a discount for those of us who were left hanging. Happens all the time on other source boards. Several guys actually thanked me for sticking my neck out because a group of us got discounted by a source from another boad. Talk all the shit you want, your going to have to continue to deal with me because I'm not going anywhere. This is a good board, good info, some cool people , but the whole group of keyboard tough guys that get off on talking shit and trying to "own" people are just pathetic.
Lol. Never begged for gear just asked if any active sources would help out with a discount for those of us who were left hanging. Happens all the time on other source boards. Several guys actually thanked me for sticking my neck out because a group of us got discounted by a source from another boad. Talk all the shit you want, your going to have to continue to deal with me because I'm not going anywhere. This is a good board, good info, some cool people , but the whole group of keyboard tough guys that get off on talking shit and trying to "own" people are just pathetic.
Are you the one harassing titanium
Lol. Never begged for gear just asked if any active sources would help out with a discount for those of us who were left hanging. Happens all the time on other source boards. Several guys actually thanked me for sticking my neck out because a group of us got discounted by a source from another boad. Talk all the shit you want, your going to have to continue to deal with me because I'm not going anywhere. This is a good board, good info, some cool people , but the whole group of keyboard tough guys that get off on talking shit and trying to "own" people are just pathetic.

“Trying to own people”??? That’s good. If you weren’t so selfish and concerned with just yourself you’d realize we are looking out for your dumbass along with the other dumbass’s out there.

Take a wild guess of what might happen when you post a vulnerable and weak thread asking for “help” from a drug dealer. You’re like a damsel in distress there. You’re opening yourself up to getting raped. You were begging someone to take advantage of you.

I hope it worked out for you but when you do shit like that it flips the power to the UGL. That’s not how it works at MESO. Fuck the sources. They need us more than we need them. You fucked that principle up by begging them for help here.

Take your sad story to another board because you’re not one of us anymore.
Lol. Never begged for gear just asked if any active sources would help out with a discount for those of us who were left hanging. Happens all the time on other source boards. Several guys actually thanked me for sticking my neck out because a group of us got discounted by a source from another boad. Talk all the shit you want, your going to have to continue to deal with me because I'm not going anywhere. This is a good board, good info, some cool people , but the whole group of keyboard tough guys that get off on talking shit and trying to "own" people are just pathetic.

This board isn't like other boards, that's the point they're making. So don't make it like other boards. Many of us came to MESO to escape the way other moderated boards are operated.
So I'm not as seasoned of a vet as some of the guys on here by any means, I'm borderline uncooked lol. I have been here a little though, and seen some shit storms throughout my time. From Psource falling apart, to Panda, Elite, Sas, Etc. and by no means am I sticking my neck out for anyone in specific (just giving my take). @Trenity did fuck up! He could be more active on here/communicate more, could have tested as he mentioned he would, should've been more cautious (the compound mix-up, DHB I believe or Bold-Cyp), the warrant thing (which I hope hope hope wasn't gear related), etc. We have to look out for each other on here as a community as I do actually believe there are plenty of good guys on here who actually give a fuck about other people & not just themselves. That said, I know that @Trenity had good gear (not from experience personally as I have yet to play with mine, no homo). Other labs have been given a chance to redeem themselves (not without backlash or given a rough go) and I feel we should allow him the same opportunity. That also said, @Trenity will have to sack up. You will have to be more active/communicating often, testing (as were pumping your stuff into our bodies), the prices are low (as well as the minimum) so promos don't have to be a thing (here n there if you'd like, but not an every week/month thing). With time, if things turn in the right direction and everything is consistent; the praises will come once again. Please don't kill me (as I try to respect everyones opinion, well; at least the ones that make sense LOL) ......... Thanks
@Domino23 I'msurprised you have a sperm count at all. After watching you beg for gear we all knew you didn't have a set of fukn nuts anyway. Before you do any more testing I'll let you know now your estrogen is high af too!!! Maybe save ya some money and a little time. That thread was great. +1 on making it a sticky!! Great read.
@Domino23 I'msurprised you have a sperm count at all. After watching you beg for gear we all knew you didn't have a set of fukn nuts anyway. Before you do any more testing I'll let you know now your estrogen is high af too!!! Maybe save ya some money and a little time. That thread was great. +1 on making it a sticky!! Great read.
Never begged for gear. Asked if anyone would be willing to give a discount to the group of people who were missing large packs. Ended up getting me and the other people who at the time thought we were ripped off a 20% off discount.

How is this is any different than guys asking in threads if a source will run a promo? Which I see here...alll... the.....time...