Pristine Anabolics Intro

Is this for real?

This guy has 7 kids in his drug manufacturing home... SEVEN FUCKING KIDS!!! How many of you guys are parents? That’s right... SEVEN of those crazy little kids who get into trouble. At least one of them should be old enough to be up late or get into things to potentially see something and know how to talk at school... you know, where teachers are mandated reporters to children’s services investigations.

Active warrants out for his arrest... for at least a decade! How many other warrants does he have over the decades? Does he even know???

Was actually arrested!!! Can’t add much more to that fact.

And the icing on the cake is that he actively admits that he’s not a business man, just a family guy lookin to make an extra buck... off of drugs...

I haven’t even quoted the actual problems with the gear yet...

And the craziest part is people are accepting his return!??? :eek::confused:o_O
Solid points man!

But he has a raws room with a key and lock... :oops: haha! :p

I usually take all the talk from sources about “life stuff” just as that... talk. Half the shit probably isn’t true or blown way out of proportion. 7 kids would imply he needs the orders for his family. I mean 7 kids sounds better than 2 if you’re leaning towards needing to provide for the family lol.
I’m still not buying the arrest story either.
I’m in no way taking up for this source or any other for that matter. I just tend to believe a lot of stuff that comes out is bullshit really.
Hell, he could be telling the truth all around though. Seems like a lot of information to be putting out there for it to all be true. It’s hard to really tell though...

You always make great points in your posts. Good to see you in here posting some great points for everyone to think about bro!! :)
Solid points man!

But he has a raws room with a key and lock... :oops: haha! :p

I usually take all the talk from sources about “life stuff” just as that... talk. Half the shit probably isn’t true or blown way out of proportion. 7 kids would imply he needs the orders for his family. I mean 7 kids sounds better than 2 if you’re leaning towards needing to provide for the family lol.
I’m still not buying the arrest story either.
I’m in no way taking up for this source or any other for that matter. I just tend to believe a lot of stuff that comes out is bullshit really.
Hell, he could be telling the truth all around though. Seems like a lot of information to be putting out there for it to all be true. It’s all hard to really tell.

You always make great points in your posts. Good to see you in here posting some great points for everyone to think about bro!! :)
I’m more inclined to believe the warrant story and would not be surprised if you’re ordering from LE because he’s been compromised.
I’m more inclined to believe the warrant story and would not be surprised if you’re ordering from LE because he’s been compromised.
Definitely a possibility... :eek:

We can only take things how we see/read them. Gather up all the info along with members posts and make our decisions based on that. The more dudes that can post different point of views (that make sense lol) the better.

My views, your views, and other members views can vary widely. I like hearing/seeing all different point of views. It opens up alleys that I/we didn’t think about before.
Viewpoints altogether can help everyone see things at different angles and be a good tool to have when evaluating any source.
Imagine a world where instead of hearing “no rush” from the guy who foolishly defended the brand for weeks (and taking your time instead to fill new orders first), replacements for the shit vials were sent immediately. They’re received. And like his foolish ass has done before, he vouches for you, risking his own reputation, as you try to mend your own. One of the most active members on Meso putting faith in a guy trying to make his shortcomings right.

It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.

Nope. Instead you’re guna have to rely on noobs to support your brand until the vets here are tired of harassing you to keep promises.
View attachment 110386
Imagine a world where instead of hearing “no rush” from the guy who foolishly defended the brand for weeks (and taking your time instead to fill new orders first), replacements for the shit vials were sent immediately. They’re received. And like his foolish ass has done before, he vouches for you, risking his own reputation, as you try to mend your own. One of the most active members on Meso putting faith in a guy trying to make his shortcomings right.

It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.
View attachment 110384

Nope. Instead you’re guna have to rely on noobs to support your brand until the vets here are tired of harassing you to keep promises.

Maybe, just maybe; it was taken out of the back of that mailbox...... Just sayin.. lol, but it's not funny!
It’s awfully quiet in here. Doesn’t seem to be consistent updates, raw testing plans moving forward, or AL donations.

We’ve heard a plan, but no timeline.
It’s awfully quiet in here. Doesn’t seem to be consistent updates, raw testing plans moving forward, or AL donations.

We’ve heard a plan, but no timeline.

From what i've heard through the rumor mill, the source was alerted to a family member being in the hospital after being injured in a foot pursuit, when police told them they were under arrest on a 10 year old warrant.

In a bewildered state, he tripped on the cord of the camping stove. Having purchased it from Walmart, the stove began emitting sparks, despite a fairly soft landing.

During his fall, he pushed over a barrel of Guaiacol, flooding the basement. The sparks from the camping stove lit the Guaiacol on fire. As the brew tent went up in flames, he panicked and ran for safety in the raws room, with the door locking behind him.

During this whole ordeal, the raws room keys were dropped and now he's trapped inside the small closet like room, inhaling the fumes of Guaiacol and melted anal beads, until a nosy neighbor smells the stink and comes over to ask questions.

With his cell phone battery on 3% he makes one more post on Meso, telling everyone that he's doing a large restock and will be away for awhile, but everyone will be taken care of and freebies will be included with each order to make up for the delays.
From what i've heard through the rumor mill, the source was alerted to a family member being in the hospital after being injured in a foot pursuit, when police told them they were under arrest on a 10 year old warrant.

In a bewildered state, he tripped on the cord of the camping stove. Having purchased it from Walmart, the stove began emitting sparks, despite a fairly soft landing.

During his fall, he pushed over a barrel of Guaiacol, flooding the basement. The sparks from the camping stove lit the Guaiacol on fire. As the brew tent went up in flames, he panicked and ran for safety in the raws room, with the door locking behind him.

During this whole ordeal, the raws room keys were dropped and now he's trapped inside the small closet like room, inhaling the fumes of Guaiacol and melted anal beads, until a nosy neighbor smells the stink and comes over to ask questions.

With his cell phone battery on 3% he makes one more post on Meso, telling everyone that he's doing a large restock and will be away for awhile, but everyone will be taken care of and freebies will be included with each order to make up for the delays.

Is prissy Venompharms domestic reshipper? Lmao...
From what i've heard through the rumor mill, the source was alerted to a family member being in the hospital after being injured in a foot pursuit, when police told them they were under arrest on a 10 year old warrant.

In a bewildered state, he tripped on the cord of the camping stove. Having purchased it from Walmart, the stove began emitting sparks, despite a fairly soft landing.

During his fall, he pushed over a barrel of Guaiacol, flooding the basement. The sparks from the camping stove lit the Guaiacol on fire. As the brew tent went up in flames, he panicked and ran for safety in the raws room, with the door locking behind him.

During this whole ordeal, the raws room keys were dropped and now he's trapped inside the small closet like room, inhaling the fumes of Guaiacol and melted anal beads, until a nosy neighbor smells the stink and comes over to ask questions.

With his cell phone battery on 3% he makes one more post on Meso, telling everyone that he's doing a large restock and will be away for awhile, but everyone will be taken care of and freebies will be included with each order to make up for the delays.
Ahhh... same shit happened to my girlfriends, sisters, friends, half brothers, uncle.