Pristine Anabolics Intro

Happy Halloween Meso! Hope everybody's test levels are high enough enjoy all the ladies in their barely legal costumes tonight. Gotta love Halloween! A few things on the list have changed so take a good look.

Halloween Promo

- 20% off all orders
- Free shipping on all orders

Minimum - None
*Shipping - $10 (Free on all order Today)
*Carrier is Safflower Oil
* Oral filler is protein powder
* Capsule size 0

10mL Vials
Mega Test 150 - $25 (100mg Test Prop, 50mg Test Base -- Contains MCT)
Test E 250 - $25
Test C 250 - $25
Test P 100 - $15
Tren A 100 - $30
Tren E 200 - $45 (Out of Stock)
Mast P 100 - $30
Mast E 200 - $45
Deca 300 - $35
NPP 150 - $30
EQ 300 - $35
Inj. Superdrol 40mg/mL - $30 (Contains MCT)
DHB/1-Test Cyp 100mg/mL - $35 (Contains MCT)

30 Count Orals
Dbol 25mg - $25
Adrol 25mg - $25
Winny 25mg - $25
Var 25mg - $30
Sdrol 10mg - $30
Lady Var 5mg - $25 (50 Count)
tadalafil 10mg - $20
sildenafil - 25mg - $20
nolva - 25mg - $20


Tuta to Tuta, Proton to Proton is strongly preferred, we will ignore and delete emails from non-encrypted sources (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc)

Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Litecoin (LTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
Lower Test prices.. nice
Thanks. I don't remember that scene but it's been a while since I've watched it.

I'm pretty sure the movie opens with him snorting a line out of her bunny hole. Not very sanitary, but if I were to ever try blow, I wouldn't mind that delivery system.
So fellas, I recently placed a substantial order (for me at least). Communication was on point. Lightening fast TA time. Came home to a nice pack that the eagle dropped off today. Everything accounted for. Thank you @Trenity Good work.
@Trenity when did u bump the deca to 300mg?? i just noticed that

New batch went on the list last week. All batches will be 300 from now on, was a popular request. Next batch of Test E and Sust is 300mg/mL as well. Tren E and Mast E will be @ 250 from now on too.

So fellas, I recently placed a substantial order (for me at least). Communication was on point. Lightening fast TA time. Came home to a nice pack that the eagle dropped off today. Everything accounted for. Thank you @Trenity Good work.

Really appreciate you trying us out big dawg. Happy blasting!
How was the water retention on NPP/Deca?
when i started the cycle i was approximately 248lbs, i had lost close to 20 lbs from previous tren e and low test c cycle(clean diet). my weight got back up to around 254+-. now im back down to 250. so nothing uncontrollable. i started the cycle with alpha pharma npp (wasnt impressed) finished it with pristine. i wish i had used pristine from the beginning. and my appetite on this cycle was insane. i ate evey thing and anything, several times a day. didnt count carbs/calories/etc. needless to say my diet was not on point. did get lots of compliments from the fullness/roundness obviously and did set some personal records on lifts. i will be running another cycle similar late summer early fall
when are u expecting to put out the new mast e and tren e??
and the primo e

We have more Tren E on the way, should be ready next week. Mast E, I have to get rid of the current batch before I brew a new one at 250. Primo is still a bit away. Gotta order a new batch and get it tested before I add it to the list.

In for the primo e many mg/ml and any eo?

When we do make Primo, it'll be Primo E 200 brewed in mct, no eo.
We have more Tren E on the way, should be ready next week. Mast E, I have to get rid of the current batch before I brew a new one at 250. Primo is still a bit away. Gotta order a new batch and get it tested before I add it to the list.

When we do make Primo, it'll be Primo E 200 brewed in mct, no eo.
any estimates on price?
We have more Tren E on the way, should be ready next week. Mast E, I have to get rid of the current batch before I brew a new one at 250. Primo is still a bit away. Gotta order a new batch and get it tested before I add it to the list.

When we do make Primo, it'll be Primo E 200 brewed in mct, no eo.
Are you having Jano test your raws?


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