Pristine Anabolics Intro

Immediate email responses. 4 business day T/A from funds to receipt. 10/10 so far, would bang.

I mean order again.

Now we just have to see how the stuff works. Will post photos of shipping/unwrapping shortly.
Last edited:
View attachment 100114 Ok got the blood test results
Test E at 150mg EW (No other AAS)
Test was done 72 hours after last injection.
Pharma 150mg put me at 1017ng/dl at 72 hours
My SHBG always runs on the low side.
Batch# 041

Test E seems spot on.
All natty IGF-1 :)

Thanks for posting bro! You are the 5th member to post blood test results, and therefore the last one to receive the $250 store credit. Everyone else will receive $150 in store credit. Just email me when you want to claim it. Thank you!

Or you could send him a mislabeled compound and see if he catches it. That way it's labeled.

I like this. I might have to do this.

Immediate email responses. 4 business day T/A from funds to receipt. 10/10 so far, would bang.

I mean order again.

Now we just have to see how the stuff works. Will post photos of shipping/unwrapping shortly.

Really happy you had a good experience my man. I hope you enjoy the gear. I would ask for one favor though, there is a lot of detail about my packaging in your other post I would rather not have on an open forum. Is it too late to edit that out? Thanks for giving us a shot.
Really happy you had a good experience my man. I hope you enjoy the gear. I would ask for one favor though, there is a lot of detail about my packaging in your other post I would rather not have on an open forum. Is it too late to edit that out? Thanks for giving us a shot.
I’ll get it deleted. Made sure not to add carriers or anything but understood.
*Flash Sale*

-Buy 3 get 1 free on oils
-Buy 2 get 1 free on orals
-Free Shipping on all orders

Running until 2AM Eastern!

Minimum - None
*Shipping - $10 (Free oon orders over $100)
*Carrier is Safflower Oil
* Oral filler is protein powder
* Capsule size 0

10mL Vials
Mega Test 150 - $25 (100mg Test Prop, 50mg Test Base -- Contains MCT)
Test E 250 - $25
Test C 250 - $25
Test P 100 - $15
Tren A 100 - $30
Tren E 200 - $45 (Out of Stock)
Mast P 100 - $30
Mast E 200 - $45
Deca 300 - $35
NPP 150 - $30
EQ 300 - $35
Inj. Superdrol 40mg/mL - $30 (Contains MCT)
DHB/1-Test Cyp 100mg/mL - $35 (Contains MCT)

30 Count Orals
Dbol 25mg - $25
Adrol 25mg - $25
Winny 25mg - $25
Var 25mg - $30
Sdrol 10mg - $30
Lady Var 5mg - $25 (50 Count)
tadalafil 10mg - $20
sildenafil - 25mg - $20
nolva - 25mg - $20


Tuta to Tuta, Proton to Proton is strongly preferred, we will ignore and delete emails from non-encrypted sources (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc)

Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Litecoin (LTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
i need my jank ass coinbase to reset. fml. almost blew thru my weekly limit.

Who the fuck does Coinbase think they are?? Telling people how much gear they can buy per week. Bunch of control freaks if you ask me.