Pristine Anabolics Intro

I’ve ran 24k pharma @ 60-80mg, centrinolabs @ 60-80mg, alpha pharma, standford but that was winavar 50mg winstrol/50mg Var, and few others. I intake 60-100mg 2hrs prior training arms. From my experience the pumps left my arms where I couldn’t extend them completely. I don’t get the retention you talk about with dbol. Now if you have some quality Anadrol that can leave you pumped for hours. Guess we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.
High var after smashing bi’s sometimea makes it hell to even brush my teeth or shower lol. I quit taking it on leg day and cut my dose in half when training bi’s/back
I’ve prob used 6-7 different labs Var.
We have had this discussion here before.
I’m not the only one that doesn’t get great pumps from var. It doesn’t produce the same glycogen retentention like say SD, Drol or Dbol. It doesn’t have the greatest effect pumping water into the the muscle. It your lean yeah it give vascularity but not throbbing forearm and bicep pumps. I’m not sure if your talking about back and shin pumps.
Totally different effect.

Same here. While i get better pumps than without, i've never experienced the debilitating pumps that people speak of.

An increase in strength is the most noticeable part.
Everything just feels lighter.

i kinda feel lucky in the regard, to be honest.
Same here. While i get better pumps than without, i've never experienced the debilitating pumps that people speak of.

An increase in strength is the most noticeable part.
Everything just feels lighter.

i kinda feel lucky in the regard, to be honest.
Try Anadrol you’ll be addicted. I’m a whore for chasing the pump. Bad

High var after smashing bi’s sometimea makes it hell to even brush my teeth or shower lol. I quit taking it on leg day and cut my dose in half when training bi’s/back
It’s the best feeling as I clinch my arm and that blood is wanting to burst my skin. People at the gym stare and I know inside their mind their sayin, “fuck I wish I could feel what that pump feels like.” :)
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High var after smashing bi’s sometimea makes it hell to even brush my teeth or shower lol. I quit taking it on leg day and cut my dose in half when training bi’s/back
My last cycle was Test E, EQ and Var. like clockwork 2 hours after my workouts my forearms and biceps would be so pumped/cramped I couldn’t straighten my arms. I looked like a fucking Trex, it was ridiculous but damn I do love me some Anavar. This upcoming winter bulk will be some Tbol(start)and Anavar(finish). Can’t wait.
Try Anadrol you’ll be addicted. I’m a whore for chasing the pump. Bad

It’s the best feeling as I clinch my arm and that blood is wanting to burst my skin. People at the gym stare and I know inside their mind their sayin, “fuck I wish I could feel what that pump feels like.” :)

That's on my short list of things to try next. Don't like taking AI's, but i want to run the Abombs, so fuck it. i'm down.
Same here. While i get better pumps than without, i've never experienced the debilitating pumps that people speak of.

An increase in strength is the most noticeable part.
Everything just feels lighter.

i kinda feel lucky in the regard, to be honest.
Yeah don’t get me wrong I love Var! Its by far my favorite oral. I just don’t get the pumps like I do with SD or Drol.
But that’s ok because the trade off is it’s very mild side wise and strength is still there though not amazing either.

Trestolone produces some pretty epic vascularity and pumps as well.
i love car. About to add it to my current cycle. Last couple times I have ranged between 50-100. Can’t say the pumps were excruciating but the strength was good as every lift seemed easier and easier!! Kept mos of the strength gains after as well which is awesome!!
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Sorry, can you define generic? Generic pharma or totally generic?

It's on my sources list as generic HCG. I imagine it's Chinese produced, so UGL would be a fitting term for it. I will get more details before I order it for sure.
It's on my sources list as generic HCG. I imagine it's Chinese produced, so UGL would be a fitting term for it. I will get more details before I order it for sure.
It's easy to verify as good, just use a pregnancy test
My last cycle was Test E, EQ and Var. like clockwork 2 hours after my workouts my forearms and biceps would be so pumped/cramped I couldn’t straighten my arms. I looked like a fucking Trex, it was ridiculous but damn I do love me some Anavar. This upcoming winter bulk will be some Tbol(start)and Anavar(finish). Can’t wait.
Anavar and Tbol bulk, hell yeah!!


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