Pristine Anabolics Intro

I gotta problem. I bought 12 vials of 1-test/dhb. All reports it crashes at about 65 degrees. Mine won’t. I put it in my high end fridge chilled to 35 degrees and after seven hours it hasn’t crashed. Is it bunk?
It wasn't a "buy 1 get 11 free" deal was it? If so, you may need to worry
No I paid full price. A lotta comments about crashing . Mine won’t crash it’s mct. I’m just worried I got $800 worth of garbage.
I would imagine that any gear sitting at 35 degrees for 7 hours would crash. That's just me using my brain...and that's not always a good thing lol. Maybe some other guys will chime in for you that have experience with it. I cant really speak on it
I gotta problem. I bought 12 vials of 1-test/dhb. All reports it crashes at about 65 degrees. Mine won’t. I put it in my high end fridge chilled to 35 degrees and after seven hours it hasn’t crashed. Is it bunk?

No I paid full price. A lotta comments about crashing . Mine won’t crash it’s mct. I’m just worried I got $800 worth of garbage.

You got these from me? I don't recall anyone ordering a dozen DHB and if they did, the price would have been $420, not $800.
I can’t speak for dhb but I’ve put TE in the freezer for a few hours without having it crash, the oil looked thicker I guess. I created a thread once and had asking this and had a cpl people say that it wasn’t the most reliable test. I also accidentally put TP in the fridge by mistake thinking it was hCG, it also didn’t crash. The TE I had blood work done and I had TT level of ~2600
My DHB from Pristine wouldn't crash either. Thought it would since my heat is out and it's been below 60 in my condo.
Sorry, it isNOT from trenity. I was driving. It was from anothet source I’ll post there. And yes the gh turned out fine. I’m not flaming anyone just asking.
I got them from pristine. Yes about 1 dozen. I’ll send pics. The $800 was from the total package. I’m sending it out for testing anyway. Just question why doesn’t it crash at around 35. I’ll post test results when I get them.
I got them from pristine. Yes about 1 dozen. I’ll send pics. The $800 was from the total package. I’m sending it out for testing anyway. Just question why doesn’t it crash at around 35. I’ll post test results when I get them.
I am more interested in this high end fridge.. what does your fridge have that my low end fridge doesn’t? Does it freeze hormones quicker ?
I got them from pristine. Yes about 1 dozen. I’ll send pics. The $800 was from the total package. I’m sending it out for testing anyway. Just question why doesn’t it crash at around 35. I’ll post test results when I get them.

Hmmm I don't remember the order but I could be wrong. All of the DHB I've shipped came from one batch so I'm not sure why some would crash and some wouldn't. I would definitely recommend testing, you get peace of mind and a $250 credit. We've had a member send in DHB for testing, should get results in a week or so. I say the more the merrier though.
Sorry, it isNOT from trenity. I was driving. It was from anothet source I’ll post there. And yes the gh turned out fine. I’m not flaming anyone just asking.
I got them from pristine. Yes about 1 dozen. I’ll send pics. The $800 was from the total package. I’m sending it out for testing anyway. Just question why doesn’t it crash at around 35. I’ll post test results when I get them.
I'm sorry, but I was just reading back over this, and I'm confused. Maybe I'm wrong, but in one post it says that they are not from Trenity and that a post would be made in the proper thread...and the very next post says that they are from Trenity. Am I missing something?
I'm sorry, but I was just reading back over this, and I'm confused. Maybe I'm wrong, but in one post it says that they are not from Trenity and that a post would be made in the proper thread...and the very next post says that they are from Trenity. Am I missing something?
Yeah that's a contradiction. But my DHB from Pristine won't crash either and my condo is below 60 because my heating unit is out at the moment.
Yeah that's a contradiction. But my DHB from Pristine won't crash either and my condo is below 60 because my heating unit is out at the moment.
I just want to make sure facts are straight when things like that are being thrown around and discussed you know. I have my reasons.