Pristine Anabolics Intro

Same problem here man. I received 4 dhb. 2 of the 4 vials were the taller type and those 2 were not crashed, but the shorter ones were.

So, I decided to throw one of the vials that was not crashed into the freezer overnight. Here are the results.
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Dhb will crash at from a cold glare. Will be sending these in for testing. For those who have the dhb that won't crash. Are yours taller vials? @Hardbody 59901
Are the short vials you have and the taller ones both from the same batch?
I think my vials are short. They are all same size. I’ll have to measure for me to know for sure. I’ll update on four vials in fridge tomorrow and my testing plan. I will want ur feed back on testing plan. I intend to send one blank, one sample from my script try and a combo of these.
Well, the not crashing thing got me concerned..mostly because I've read the DHB is notorious for crashing. So, I ordered some as a comparison from another source. All the vials in that order were crashed. I pinned twice out of Pristine's, no PIP, and twice out of the other source, terrible PIP and a reaction on top of that. So, I really can't give a good opinion yet. I can't pin the other source's because it literraly fucks me up with every pin. The not crashing thing has me sctratching my head a little.

So, uh, what are you gonna do with them vials of PIP maker?
They're all from the same batch. Started with 150g of DHB, processed into 1500ml of oil, filtered into a 1000ml media bottle and a 500 ml media bottle. Got 94 vials out of the 1000ml bottle, 80 in the shorty vials and 14 personal vials, we use the tall skinnies for personals. Ran out of shorties. The 500ml bottle was bottled 6 days later into the taller vials when they arrived. Got 46 vials out of that. 2 of my personal bottles crashed a bit, but the rest didn't. Not sure what to make of all of it.
So is this the only compound in question? Anyone else buy a product that is known to crash and can speak in it... thinking the high concentration NPP or the TNE maybe? Just weird some crash and some don’t. It’s too early to be rainman. Time for the gym.
Fuck that’s a lot of muscle you put on during your cycle. Just curious how many calories a day? And yeah npp and mast p good shit.
I was at about 2400- 2600 cals. @Atlas_Physiques came up with my meal plan and workouts. That really made all the difference. I had to take a hiatus from using their services for financial reasons but I would like to use them again at some point
So is this the only compound in question? Anyone else buy a product that is known to crash and can speak in it... thinking the high concentration NPP or the TNE maybe? Just weird some crash and some don’t. It’s too early to be rainman. Time for the gym.
The NPP hasn't crashed either..