Pristine Anabolics Intro

than send it out for testing, he's said he'd pay for it

Actually he told the other dude who had a “taller bottle of DHB” that he would pay for it. The discussions about gear not crashing was mainly in regards to the DHB. Which I didn’t buy. I am assuming he would extend the same offer to me, but I don’t want to assume that. Hence my question to him.
btw, not doubting any of you guys, I'm curious as hell as well, but never in all my years here, have I heard of testing gear by making it crash. Guess if you guys have any gear from any other sources, stick it in the freezer and see what happens. you could also ask it as a question is lab testing forum
i have parapharma and dragon pharma NPP 150, they havent crashed, but i havent put them in the freezer either.
btw, not doubting any of you guys, I'm curious as hell as well, but never in all my years here, have I heard of testing gear by making it crash. Guess if you guys have any gear from any other sources, stick it in the freezer and see what happens. you could also ask it as a question is lab testing forum

Back in the day it was said that if you put an amp of Omnadren 250 in the freezer and it didn't freeze, then they were legit. Mine never froze, but i don't think that meant shit.
Back in the day it was said that if you put an amp of Omnadren 250 in the freezer and it didn't freeze, then they were legit. Mine never froze, but i don't think that meant shit.
until this situation, the only thing I ever heard was prone to crashing in the cold was test cyp
when i get home later, i will put different bottles of different compounds from different sources (homegrown and big box brands) and see if i can get anything to crash. tall, short, fat, and skinny bottles.
my luck shit will crash and i will never get it back in solution, lol
when i get home later, i will put different bottles of different compounds from different sources (homegrown and big box brands) and see if i can get anything to crash. tall, short, fat, and skinny bottles.
my luck shit will crash and i will never get it back in solution, lol
thanks Bud:)
btw, not doubting any of you guys, I'm curious as hell as well, but never in all my years here, have I heard of testing gear by making it crash. Guess if you guys have any gear from any other sources, stick it in the freezer and see what happens. you could also ask it as a question is lab testing forum

I know this is not a very definitive test. However, when all the experience and literature states DHB and NPP are hard to hold in cold temperatures without other solvents, it is questionable why this is occurring. However, I’ve been on NPP 450mg week, Mast 600wk, and 250mg Test on top of my 300mg TRT for 4 weeks with little to no strength or weight gain. And prior to that I was on the same dosages from another lab here for 4 weeks so it’s been long enough to see some gains. Although I did take a 12 day break in between so my levels probably dropped.

Could it be my diet? Yes. Could it be my training? Sure? Do I suspect those are the causes of my lack of progress, no.

It’s all speculation however. I’m not accusing anyone of anything. Until BW or testing of the oil is done, nothing definitely can be proven. I don’t go by feelz. Feelz do not prove shit.
DHB is known for crashing and the fact I bought some from another source using the same carrier and same concentration which came all crashed, makes me skeptical there is anything in those vials.
DHB is known for crashing and the fact I bought some from another source using the same carrier and same concentration which came all crashed, makes me skeptical there is anything in those vials.
with mine, 2 came crashed, and 4 didn't. But I'm neither skeptical nor optimistic, just don't have enough info. not to mention, lot's of other variables like carrier oils, brewing techniques, solvents, concentrations etc. Like I said, we need testing
Yeah, you are a dipshit. Lurked for over a year and just made an account to praise @Trenity in regards to how your gear came crashed, but “pinned smooth like Test E in virgin muscle”? All around the time bros are concerned that their gear doesn’t have hormone in it because it hasn’t crashed? And it just so happens that it’s DHB that you bought?

You are so full of shit and I wouldn’t be surprised if Trenity asked you to post this. Why don’t you go over to the new member section and introduce yourself you shill?

And for the fucking record, for those that are interested, I put an unopened bottle of NPP 150mg/ml in the fridge all night. Didn’t crash at all and at such a high concentration I would expect it to. I’ve been told and read over 125mg NPP is hard to hold.

@Trenity how so you explain these concerns? How do you plan on resolving them? Some (me included) are doubtful there is hormone in your gear (not speaking for @Cityofgrit )

If I send this bottle of NPP in for testing, are you going to recompensate me for the cost of testing if it does not come back favorable? Or are you going to kick rocks?

For the record, I have not asked anybody to post anything on my behalf, I have no idea who that guy is.

Yes, please send it in for testing and I will pay the testing fee. Lots of guys have run my npp with favorable results. All of the npp has come from the same batch of raws, the 100 and the 150. I know everybody says it's hard to get npp to hold at 150, but in my experience it's not all that difficult. Some extra BB and a very gradual brewing process has always worked for me.

It doesn't make any sense to send out vials with no hormone in them unless I want to have a very short stay here, which is not the case. Please, by all means, send it in to help alleviate your fears.
DHB is known for crashing and the fact I bought some from another source using the same carrier and same concentration which came all crashed, makes me skeptical there is anything in those vials.
btw, was that the stuff the source said kicked like a mule and is giving away
For the record, I have not asked anybody to post anything on my behalf, I have no idea who that guy is.

Yes, please send it in for testing and I will pay the testing fee. Lots of guys have run my npp with favorable results. All of the npp has come from the same batch of raws, the 100 and the 150. I know everybody says it's hard to get npp to hold at 150, but in my experience it's not all that difficult. Some extra BB and a very gradual brewing process has always worked for me.

It doesn't make any sense to send out vials with no hormone in them unless I want to have a very short stay here, which is not the case. Please, by all means, send it in to help alleviate your fears.

Thank you sir. I will send it in and post the results.