Pristine Anabolics Intro

But… He doesn’t give reimbursement for lab Max testing… He gives it for professional testing. Just thought I would clarify that. Lab max would be for your own peace of mind, no matter how small of an assurance it might give.
But… He doesn’t give reimbursement for lab Max testing… He gives it for professional testing. Just thought I would clarify that. Lab max would be for your own peace of mind, no matter how small of an assurance it might give.

Aw, that’s a buzz kill. The orals would be nolva, Aromasin, and Proviron. The test was really just extra.
Aw, that’s a buzz kill. The orals would be nolva, Aromasin, and Proviron. The test was really just extra.
Labmax is nothing great. It only tells you if hormone is present, not concentration or anything like that. But again, it’s at least something so you know you aren’t just getting oil or caps full of flour.
My friend ordered some orals from here just the other day.. with test p thrown in as a promo :/ wondering if this was a good move now.

Your friend has nothing to worry about. Everything I sell is legit. We have mast p, tren e, tren a, and dhb out for testing right now. Should have results within a week or so. I've gotten nothing but good feedback up until a couple days ago and now everybody is freaking out because their gear isn't crashing. Testing will show it's all legit hormone.

He probably has straight GSO.

I use safflower, not gso.
Your friend has nothing to worry about. Everything I sell is legit. We have mast p, tren e, tren a, and dhb out for testing right now. Should have results within a week or so. I've gotten nothing but good feedback up until a couple days ago and now everybody is freaking out because their gear isn't crashing. Testing will show it's all legit hormone.

I use safflower, not gso.

That’s not a bad time frame. I look forward to the results!
I saw someone posted their bloods in another meso thread while running your gear and that looked reassuring.
That’s not a bad time frame. I look forward to the results!
I saw someone posted their bloods in another meso thread while running your gear and that looked reassuring.

All testing done so far has been favorable. That's because there is no reason to try to scam. Raws are cheap and there is good money to be made for legit product. Everything that goes out the door has the potential to be tested and it would be beyond stupid sending out bunk product with that in mind.
All testing done so far has been favorable. That's because there is no reason to try to scam. Raws are cheap and there is good money to be made for legit product. Everything that goes out the door has the potential to be tested and it would be beyond stupid sending out bunk product with that in mind.

I have faith in that mindset! Also I’m patient enough to wait for your new results.

I just don’t want tits ya know ;)
I'll say that PA tren a gave me tren cough, other source didn't. Dbol made my nipples puffy and itchy fast. Test e over 750 had my face super oily. Other people have said I'm bigger and my body fat% is Def lower. I've got no complaints. Oh and I had a freebie adrol pack and during running that my nose bled unexpectedly at work, around nice food lol. I don't know when people started gauging gear by it crashing. What "litterateur" are people referring to about hormones crashing. I believe that term is supposed to refer to medical studies and published medical litterateur. Not anything posted on steroid sites and
I'll say that PA tren a gave me tren cough, other source didn't. Dbol made my nipples puffy and itchy fast. Test e over 750 had my face super oily. Other people have said I'm bigger and my body fat% is Def lower. I've got no complaints. Oh and I had a freebie adrol pack and during running that my nose bled unexpectedly at work, around nice food lol. I don't know when people started gauging gear by it crashing. What "litterateur" are people referring to about hormones crashing. I believe that term is supposed to refer to medical studies and published medical litterateur. Not anything posted on steroid sites and

Not sure when people started judging drol by bloody noses
I can't speak to the current debacle, but I will say I'm on week 10 of running Tren's gear & I have made some crazy gains. Went from 170-190. Strength has jumped 60/50/70 lbs in s/b/d which is insane considering the plateau I hit pre cycle. Skin on my lower abs is paper thin. Veins on quads & everywhere else. I responded well and I believe in the gear. I hope this all gets cleared up. In my opinion, he is trying to do a good job.

what are you running? and is it PA?
I use safflower, not gso.

I know you do bro. It wasn’t a jab at you. It was a joke. I’m not gonna sit here in your thread and say you are scamming anyone. I would never do that, unless I had evidence. That’s tacky as fuck. I see how people have concerns. Maybe some are overreacting. I probably am too. I’ll be the first to admit I am too anxious about shit and make mountains out of mole hills. I’m still apprehensive cause a new lab named RR came here and burned a bunch of us 2 months ago. Cost me a lot of money to replace some friends gear. And of course, this last gear purchase with you was for the same friends!

There isn’t any conclusive evidence you have intentionally scammed anyone. Could the vials be full of hormone and not crash? I believe it’s possible. Could the fact that I hurt my back and was given some corticosteroids (that are known to be catabolic) be the reason why I am not making better gains. Absolutely. And I didn’t think about this earlier today. Sorry if I contributed to the apprehension in this thread. I apologize if I did. I’ll be the first to admit when I am wrong. When I get results on the NPP testing I am sending out Friday, I will post the results. And if the testing is good, I won’t even ask you to re-imburse me even though you said you would.

However, I will take you up on your $375 store credit for testing.;)

Hope there isn’t any hard feelings bro.
I know you do bro. It wasn’t a jab at you. It was a joke. I’m not gonna sit here in your thread and say you are scamming anyone. I would never do that, unless I had evidence. That’s tacky as fuck. I see how people have concerns. Maybe some are overreacting. I probably am too. I’ll be the first to admit I am too anxious about shit and make mountains out of mole hills. I’m still apprehensive cause a new lab named RR came here and burned a bunch of us 2 months ago. Cost me a lot of money to replace some friends gear. And of course, this last gear purchase with you was for the same friends!

There isn’t any conclusive evidence you have intentionally scammed anyone. Could the vials be full of hormone and not crash? I believe it’s possible. Could the fact that I hurt my back and was given some corticosteroids (that are known to be catabolic) be the reason why I am not making better gains. Absolutely. And I didn’t think about this earlier today. Sorry if I contributed to the apprehension in this thread. I apologize if I did. I’ll be the first to admit when I am wrong. When I get results on the NPP testing I am sending out Friday, I will post the results. And if the testing is good, I won’t even ask you to re-imburse me even though you said you would.

However, I will take you up on your $375 store credit for testing.;)

Hope there isn’t any hard feelings bro.

No hard feelings at all man. I get the apprehension and I understand that being scammed can lead to some distrust. I was scammed out of 12k several years ago and it still runs me hot every time I think about it.

That said, shit snowballs pretty quickly around here. I just want a fair shake. If a test comes back bad, I understand that I have to answer to that. I just don't want to be buried by accusations about a product and have what little reputation I've built ruined before testing is ever performed on said product.


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