Pristine Anabolics Intro

until this situation, the only thing I ever heard was prone to crashing in the cold was test cyp

This is the thing. Test C, Bold C, and DHB are prone to crashing due to temperature. NPP, test base, and primo crash because of a lack of solvents IME.

The DHB not crashing concerns me, it seems really odd that it won't crash in the taller vials, but crashes pretty easily in the shorties. It's literally the exact same oil, so it's very odd to me. The npp not crashing doesn't worry me, I've made lots of npp 150 that holds just fine. I look forward to seeing the testing results. I know my powder guy posted verifiable testing results of his DHB publicly on another forum and it came back at 96%. The feedback on his finished product has been pretty mild PIP, nothing crazy. I have a feeling that most of the dhb that cripples people may actually be bold prop, but that's just a theory.
This is the thing. Test C, Bold C, and DHB are prone to crashing due to temperature. NPP, test base, and primo crash because of a lack of solvents IME.

The DHB not crashing concerns me, it seems really odd that it won't crash in the taller vials, but crashes pretty easily in the shorties. It's literally the exact same oil, so it's very odd to me. The npp not crashing doesn't worry me, I've made lots of npp 150 that holds just fine. I look forward to seeing the testing results. I know my powder guy posted verifiable testing results of his DHB publicly on another forum and it came back at 96%. The feedback on his finished product has been pretty mild PIP, nothing crazy. I have a feeling that most of the dhb that cripples people may actually be bold prop, but that's just a theory.
what's really weird is that I have vials where some crashed and some didn't, that's why I'm glad you're going after testing
Payment sent for testing. At the gym slinging iron. Going home to shower, eat a chicken and run to post office. Will have results in 10 days or so.
Just for clarification, the only reason I asked for a "tall" vial of dhb to be sent for testing is because I know one of the shorties has already been sent. The only difference between the two is the oil in the tall vials sat for six days in a media bottle. I can't imagine that is enough time for degradation to occur, but that is the only variable distinguishing the two. I would like to see if there is any difference between the two.
Just for clarification, the only reason I asked for a "tall" vial of dhb to be sent for testing is because I know one of the shorties has already been sent. The only difference between the two is the oil in the tall vials sat for six days in a media bottle. I can't imagine that is enough time for degradation to occur, but that is the only variable distinguishing the two. I would like to see if there is any difference between the two.
What’s your ratio recipe for dhb. I had some tested awhile back that I brewed. My recipe was 1.5ba/21.5bb. Mct oil. Mine tested at 107mg per ml by analyzer long ago
What’s your ratio recipe for dhb. I had some tested awhile back that I brewed. My recipe was 1.5ba/21.5bb. Mct oil. Mine tested at 107mg per ml by analyzer long ago
did it crash, was there lot's of pip
Great minds think a like.

No sir it held well. The pip was noticeable but very tolerable. For ex; a pin in the quad you’d feel for 2 maybe 3 days then go away. Glute/delt maybe 1 day of nuisance sore but not crippling at all.
I can’t imagine what my quad would do. I get 2-3 days of pip from just npp haha
I can't speak to the current debacle, but I will say I'm on week 10 of running Tren's gear & I have made some crazy gains. Went from 170-190. Strength has jumped 60/50/70 lbs in s/b/d which is insane considering the plateau I hit pre cycle. Skin on my lower abs is paper thin. Veins on quads & everywhere else. I responded well and I believe in the gear. I hope this all gets cleared up. In my opinion, he is trying to do a good job.
Yeah, you are a dipshit. Lurked for over a year and just made an account to praise @Trenity in regards to how your gear came crashed, but “pinned smooth like Test E in virgin muscle”? All around the time bros are concerned that their gear doesn’t have hormone in it because it hasn’t crashed? And it just so happens that it’s DHB that you bought?

You are so full of shit and I wouldn’t be surprised if Trenity asked you to post this. Why don’t you go over to the new member section and introduce yourself you shill?

And for the fucking record, for those that are interested, I put an unopened bottle of NPP 150mg/ml in the fridge all night. Didn’t crash at all and at such a high concentration I would expect it to. I’ve been told and read over 125mg NPP is hard to hold.

Ah, the exact reason I've done nothing but lurk on meso. Full of autist fuckheads like yourself. Anyways, for anyone interested the dhb I ordered was from 6 weeks ago. Just now got around to pinning it. All 8 vials came crashed. I only heated up two of them. If you'd like I can upload a pic. Is it dhb? Who knows. But there is hormone in there.

Definitely not giving Pristine the gtg. Shit i pinned it once. But it legit is painless right now and I have no reason to believe I didn't get what I paid for.

And as to the shill comment, I woke up, ate breakfast and was surprised at how minimal the pip in my quad was so I figured I'd inform people. In no way shilling for any source. I don't even use Pristine except for this first run with DHB (hopefully its DHB).

I'll probably go back to lurking now, and @Horimono enjoy trying to repress those childhood memories of Chad coming over to fuck your trailer trash mother after he ate all your Doritos.
Ah, the exact reason I've done nothing but lurk on meso. Full of autist fuckheads like yourself. Anyways, for anyone interested the dhb I ordered was from 6 weeks ago. Just now got around to pinning it. All 8 vials came crashed. I only heated up two of them. If you'd like I can upload a pic. Is it dhb? Who knows. But there is hormone in there.

Definitely not giving Pristine the gtg. Shit i pinned it once. But it legit is painless right now and I have no reason to believe I didn't get what I paid for.

And as to the shill comment, I woke up, ate breakfast and was surprised at how minimal the pip in my quad was so I figured I'd inform people. In no way shilling for any source. I don't even use Pristine except for this first run with DHB (hopefully its DHB).

I'll probably go back to lurking now, and @Horimono enjoy trying to repress those childhood memories of Chad coming over to fuck your trailer trash mother after he ate all your Doritos.
LOL, who the eff is Chad?
Yeah, you are a dipshit. Lurked for over a year and just made an account to praise @Trenity in regards to how your gear came crashed, but “pinned smooth like Test E in virgin muscle”? All around the time bros are concerned that their gear doesn’t have hormone in it because it hasn’t crashed? And it just so happens that it’s DHB that you bought?

You are so full of shit and I wouldn’t be surprised if Trenity asked you to post this. Why don’t you go over to the new member section and introduce yourself you shill?

And for the fucking record, for those that are interested, I put an unopened bottle of NPP 150mg/ml in the fridge all night. Didn’t crash at all and at such a high concentration I would expect it to. I’ve been told and read over 125mg NPP is hard to hold.

Not to fuel the fire but I also put NPP and Test C in the freezer. froze solid, didnt crash.
My friend ordered some orals from here just the other day.. with test p thrown in as a promo :/ wondering if this was a good move now.