Pristine Anabolics Intro

No hard feelings at all man. I get the apprehension and I understand that being scammed can lead to some distrust. I was scammed out of 12k several years ago and it still runs me hot every time I think about it.

That said, shit snowballs pretty quickly around here. I just want a fair shake. If a test comes back bad, I understand that I have to answer to that. I just don't want to be buried by accusations about a product and have what little reputation I've built ruined before testing is ever performed on said product.

Damn that’s a lot of jack, bro.

I couldn’t agree more. You deserve a fair shake, until proven otherwise. You have great prices. Great communication. Great customer service. No question. The testing will come shortly and everyone will see. No worries.
I don’t think I would conclude gear not crashing as being bunk or not.
My short research of this matter concluded absolutely nothing.:rolleyes: Lol.

This is what I do know though....

@Trenity openly says he will reimburse for testing of his products.
I know it’s easier to put a vial in the freezer than sending it out to be tested but which of the two methods would you guys truly trust more?
Orrr,,, just pin that shit and see what happens ;)
There’s several choices here but only one option, imo.
So now I’m tuned in to see how this goes :)
Damn that’s a lot of jack, bro.

I couldn’t agree more. You deserve a fair shake, until proven otherwise. You have great prices. Great communication. Great customer service. No question. The testing will come shortly and everyone will see. No worries.
A story is just that, dont catch feelings for a supplier. Dude may be just like us, or he could be like Rowdy. He has to prove himself. Never know, we all may want to do a meet and greet. Bloods and hp/lc are the pudding
A story is just that, dont catch feelings for a supplier. Dude may be just like us, or he could be like Rowdy. He has to prove himself. Never know, we all may want to do a meet and greet. Bloods and hp/lc are the pudding
I’m new here, is rowdy R&R? I don’t know much about R&R, can someone inform me??? I know he scammed members here, can someone tag me his post!
I’m new here, is rowdy R&R? I don’t know much about R&R, can someone inform me??? I know he scammed members here, can someone tag me his post!
Rowdy was r&r he came in all friendly and caring with great customer service, t/a time, and I think even good product. one vet even vouched for him as being a solid source. Then sent a customer books and took a lot of customers money. Nobody saw it coming.

IIRC, he literally sent someone science books. It’s truly not funny because that was people’s hard earned money and most of all members of our meso family.
I’m new here, is rowdy R&R? I don’t know much about R&R, can someone inform me??? I know he scammed members here, can someone tag me his post!
Yes, Rowdy was R&R. Who seemed great at first,even had bloods that were great on his test and good results on his other compounds. He eventually went scammer after his biz picked up. Took quite a few of us for good sums of money and was never found, despite " diligent efforts" by the folks that brought him around these parts.
Rowdy was r&r he came in all friendly and caring with great customer service, t/a time, and I think even good product. one vet even vouched for him as being a solid source. Then sent a customer books and took a lot of customers money. Nobody saw it coming.

IIRC, he literally sent someone science books. It’s truly not funny because that was people’s hard earned money and most of all members of our meso family.
Same member that said their "contacts" received science books was also the same member that recommended him here. Don't know the whole story there so take it for what it's worth but it sounded a little fishy.
I don’t think I would conclude gear not crashing as being bunk or not.
My short research of this matter concluded absolutely nothing.:rolleyes: Lol.

This is what I do know though....

@Trenity openly says he will reimburse for testing of his products.
I know it’s easier to put a vial in the freezer than sending it out to be tested but which of the two methods would you guys truly trust more?
Orrr,,, just pin that shit and see what happens ;)
There’s several choices here but only one option, imo.
So now I’m tuned in to see how this goes :)
I agree with this. I understand everyone's concern, so don't get me wrong, but I like the old fashioned quality checklist where I pin the gear...wait 5 or 6 weeks and go down the list...libido up "check", muscles bigger "check", bf% lower "check", getting stronger "check, dick 2 inches bigger "check"...well that last one never happens but whatever
Rowdy was r&r he came in all friendly and caring with great customer service, t/a time, and I think even good product. one vet even vouched for him as being a solid source. Then sent a customer books and took a lot of customers money. Nobody saw it coming.

IIRC, he literally sent someone science books. It’s truly not funny because that was people’s hard earned money and most of all members of our meso family.
Yeah and that "vet" has not even logged in since then. Figures
Is that the guy some of the members were hunting down? I got tf outta that thread when all that started going on.
I think they were trying to hunt down rowdy and he was supposedly “heading up” that man hunt.

Before r&r showed up on the scene daylight driller seemed like a solid member, goes to show we really don’t know people on here. Maybe he did help rowdy, maybe he didn’t who knows.
I think they were trying to hunt down rowdy and he was supposedly “heading up” that man hunt.

Before r&r showed up on the scene daylight driller seemed like a solid member, goes to show we really don’t know people on here. Maybe he did help rowdy, maybe he didn’t who knows.

Or maybe he is Rowdy, or maybe he just ditched the handle, perhaps created a new one. I defended DD, or I said people shouldn’t assume he was involved but now that he vanished idk. If he was involved I think he was rowdy cause I doubt he would of gotten much to help if they were two different people. He most likely just ditched the handle.
Or maybe he is Rowdy, or maybe he just ditched the handle, perhaps created a new one. I defended DD, or I said people shouldn’t assume he was involved but now that he vanished idk. If he was involved I think he was rowdy cause I doubt he would of gotten much to help if they were two different people. He most likely just ditched the handle.
Man if that were true, it just goes to show how fucked up people truly can be. That kind of shit...the fact that there are people like that...makes my fuckin jaw drop. People do some grimy shit to make a buck.
Man if that were true, it just goes to show how fucked up people truly can be. That kind of shit...the fact that there are people like that...makes my fuckin jaw drop. People do some grimy shit to make a buck.

I mean yeah it’s fucked up but honestly it’s a clever way to get yourself some credibility if deciding to source.
So as I'm tracking my order, it was sent from England, isn't Pristine a US domestic or am I wrong here? He did get back to me telling me my pack will be getting here Friday (although Monday was the date originally thought) but while tracking my order it says my pack has to go through customs because it's coming internationally. Was I wrong in thinking he's US domestic? What the heck is going on @2envy same.


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