Pristine Anabolics Intro

Thanks. I know that.
Dude a is a fuckn lame man. Your concern means somethings to me @Dipshitdave
Man, you just let these motherfuckers know, that your dipshitdave, and you do have a say, whether your concern is Defcom 1 status, or simply just your concern. You have a voice a most certainly slowed to voice it just as that puss bag does in every single fuckn thread in the UG. Even vendors he's had absolutely no experience with. Even tho I stand by what @Trenity represents, whether it's his product or just his word that he will make the members of meso whole if said products do not meet requirements, I still feel as if you have a voice and you are still entitled to voice your concern
Could you please send me an email bro? I don't want to go into many details, but we changed shippers this week and there were some other issues over the weekend. As far as I know all packs are on the way, but if you email me I can check on yours specifically.

I'll hit you an email tomorrow. No worries on my end and it's the holidays I understand shit can get a little chaotic for everyone.
I'll hit you an email tomorrow. No worries on my end and it's the holidays I understand shit can get a little chaotic for everyone.
I know it's insignificant, but in the time it took me to read your post, I could have had an email sent. I could be mistaken, but to me it sounded as if their may be a little concern regarding the matter at hand. I could be way off and I apologize if I am. Just wanted to put that out there
“whether your concern is Defcom 1status”

It’s DEFCON. Short for Defense Readiness Condition. Watch War Games or try reading a book
parapharma NPP 150- no crash
parapharma TEST c 250- no crash

dragon pharma TEST c 250- no crash

pristine NPP 150(short vial) no crash
pristine NPP 100(short vial) no crash
pristine TEST c 250(tall bottle) no crash
parapharma NPP 150- no crash
parapharma TEST c 250- no crash

dragon pharma TEST c 250- no crash

pristine NPP 150(short vial) no crash
pristine NPP 100(short vial) no crash
pristine TEST c 250(tall bottle) no crash
Thanks, now we can stop using the "if it doesn't crash, it must be bad" logic
when is bold cyp coming @Trenity and do you use low solvent or will you be making a "low solvent" line up for things that don't need as much ba bb like eq? what if current ratio for eq?
I feel compelled to add in a little of my experience with gear and cooler temps. In 25 years of using anabolics, I don’t feel that I was ever sold any gear that was bunk. Also none of the gear I received ever crashed. I personally don’t believe that crashing and quality have much to do with each other. I’ve seen people try the fridge and freezer test in the past and it has never been an accurate way to judge the quality
Touchdown. T/A was one week with the holiday . Everything came as expected. My test c was a little crashed but NPP was not!! Overall comm and experience was on point!!
I feel compelled to add in a little of my experience with gear and cooler temps. In 25 years of using anabolics, I don’t feel that I was ever sold any gear that was bunk. Also none of the gear I received ever crashed. I personally don’t believe that crashing and quality have much to do with each other. I’ve seen people try the fridge and freezer test in the past and it has never been an accurate way to judge the quality
Well said.