Pristine Anabolics Intro

This is like the fourth time today that someone quoted a post and didn't add any text. Is Meso broken for you guys or something? Using Crapatalk to post?
was there a black friday promo, or a t-day weekend sale?? did i miss it?? im cross-eyed reading back thru the thread and looking at vials and waiting on a hormone apocalypse to occur.
i got a security certificate error when i loaded the site earlier. Not sure if it's related, or if this stupid browser i use is acting up? 'Cause it says the same thing on my banks website sometimes too.
The one that makes you do the test to be sure you're not a robot? I get that one every now and then.
The one that makes you do the test to be sure you're not a robot? I get that one every now and then.

No. This is something to do with the browser checking the sites security status. i think something causes a false positive with this browser.

The not a robot thing pisses me off. Sometimes it'll pop up once or twice a day. Normal, no big deal. Then sometimes that fucker will pop up with every click i make, 4 or 5 times in a row. At which point, i close the browser, wait a minute, reopen Meso, and it doesn't pop back up for a long while.
i got a security certificate error when i loaded the site earlier. Not sure if it's related, or if this stupid browser i use is acting up? 'Cause it says the same thing on my banks website sometimes too.
Na I think millard forgot to pay the light bill...were running on a generator.
On another note, and I know this is not the crypto thread, but everyone I fuck with is in this thread.
So with the crypto crash, do you guys think it would be stupid?...Or smart? buy up a lot of crypto and hope for a skyrocket. I've got a pretty good size chunk of btc purchased that will clear soon, and just realized, "damn, if crypto double led back up I will have a fuck ton of btc".
What are yalls thoughts on that?

@Trenity, sorry for this random post in your thread