Pristine Anabolics Intro

I switched to C after being a long time E user because of the pip. I just always thought the pip e caused was part of the process. Never had any pip from cyp though.

Supposedly, the carbolic acid issue with test e can be rectified by heating it slowly over a long period time while brewing, which I always do. Not sure if that's broscience or legit yet.

That said, I've moved about 400 vials of E here and 2 guys having a rough time with pip isn't a terrible percentage. Including @Stinkfinger1112 I've had 2 guys mention pip issues with C in the same amount of time. I've also had 1 guy talk to me about issues with pip from my tren a. There are so many variables when it comes to pip, it's hard to pinpoint what the cause is all the time.

3rd pin was yesterday, Monday. Here we are tuesday and no pip. the previous two pins were bad as far as pain. im not saying anything at all or creating mass hysteria. Probably user error im sure. I just had a couple knots the first time is all and hurt to bend over to get the work boots on. Maybe im just old as fuck and need to stretch lol
90% of the time I can buy btc instantly, without any issues. But every once in a while, like I said, coinbase bends me over

I’m done with Coinbase. Those dickholes held my bank transfer for 15 days with no logical explanation. The SEC is gonna rape them sooner or later
Hey guys, quick review here.
November 4th made the order, got here in a few days. Customer service was excellent, shipping was awesome- 3 vials of test E and 1 vial of inj. drol.
However the product has been giving me PIP like ive never had before. Ive used products from a few different suppliers here, I think I know what normal PIP from test E feels like but this has been on a different level. Ill give you guys a run down, in the morning I pin 250 mg of test E, all good, no problems. That night the injection site starts to swell and is sensitive and sore, nothing super abnormal. Go to sleep, wake up the next day and there a swollen golf ball at the injection site and its red and hot to the touch. Extremely sensitive, hurts to sit down or stand up at this point and you can actually see the swelling thru my basketball shorts. Ive been using his Test E for about a month and it does this every time, the Inj. drol does the same thing except its a little worse tbh. Im not happy about writing a bad review, this guy was cool as hell to me the whole time however Ive decided to stop pinning this stuff because of the brutal PIP im getting from it. Another note, this may be completely unrelated so take this part with a grain of salt but ive also been noticing the morning after an injection I wake up feeling sick, like im having chills but im hot and my injection site is throbbing, ive wondered if its my body fighting off an infection, but again I have no idea about that. This is just my personal experience, everything else in terms of customer service was excellent.

Been running Test E from Trenity for 8 weeks now. No Pip whatsoever. Smooth as can be... not sure what batch I’ve got but I can check if need be.

Sounds like your body is trying to fight a foreign substance that’s not agreeing with you. This happened to me last year with some test cyp from Panda... it sucked. They used a different chemical than normal... maybe Mygol?? or something? Tons of complaints and problems and they changed protocol after that. Thought it was my imagination at first... feverish, flu-like symptoms, just wanting to crash out. Long story short I threw away 4 vials and never looked back...
if it’s not agreeing with you just dump it and move on. It happens

Thank you for testing brother! Another $500 in store credit is coming your way. Just email me when you want to use it.

Tren e gets a 10% overdose, guess I can chill with that now, I would expect it to come back at 215 or so. 231 is a little too high for sure.

Once again, really appreciate you making the effort to test the gear. Thanks again.
Yea but if you deposite the funds in your Coinbase wallet there’s no harm no foul. They will put a hold on it but it’s in the wallet not in btc. If you buy btc direct then yes you will probably get fuked.
Exactly I buy my bit from Coinbase as soon as I am ready to send funds and transfer to my blockchain wallet. Then it goes right to my sponsor. The sponsor has it I. His wallet before it is even confined in my blockchain... I have never used cash app or any other app. The two I mentioned I use I have never had a problem with. My only complaint is they both have a high fee so if I want to buy 600$ worth by the time I buy it and send it to my blockchain. And send to sponsor it cost me like a extra 30$. I have been using bitcoin for over a year. I only ever used western union. I will never go back to it
Looks like the tren is overdosed. Is that within the margin of error does anyone know?

I believe the margin for error in the pharma industry is 10%, but I could be pulling that out of my ass. If somebody knows for sure, please advise.
I fucking bought $225 in btc, and by the time it was released 3 days later, it was $180. I also purchased an additional $250 in hopes of btc skyrocketing or it's being held for 14 days, and btc is steadily dropping. I'm so fucked lol
That happened to me ,bought 700 and when it cleared could only place order of 590 I sent some nasty emails lmao sure it did no good .
I have a separate wallet. I use MyCellenium. Its fucking Coinbase that fucks me. They're the ones that out of no where decide to hold funds for "security purposes" or whatever other bullshit they say
Same bought it right before ordering then they held it when I transferred it.
That happened to me ,bought 700 and when it cleared could only place order of 590 I sent some nasty emails lmao sure it did no good .
Same bought it right before ordering then they held it when I transferred it.
I think I'm gonna start doing what T-Bag said, and use a USD wallet. I may try using another btc source too. It's just that I went through all of the trouble to link all my shit to CB and now I kinda just default to that. But like I said, it's not all of the time that they fuck me...but when they do, they go in elbow deep.


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