Pristine Anabolics Intro

Two different batches too. Test E is fucking garbage. It's too hit or miss with cripple PIP. i wouldn't even offer that shit if i ran an UGL. Cyp is king.

Stinkfinger said test C. But I hear ya. E can cause pip. I posted about this a while back. Another well respected lab here said it can be caused by the manufacturer of the raws not “washing the Enanthate Ester enough”. Said there can be particulates on it and the particulates are what cause the pip. Like the body is treating the particulates like a foreign body. Hence the swelling and inflammation. Take it for what it’s worth. But I got horrible PIP from this other well respected lab. My buddy did too. He went to the ER.
I jumped to cyp after test e from a couple different sources fucked me up. One of them gave me like softball pip.
I’ve said it in numerous threads - I hate E! I’ve only gotten minimal PIP from this last batch and I chalk that up to MCT being used in place of his regular coconut oil (another source, not this one). But E gives me different sides. Cyp is my go to and it seems to be the most reliable across the board.
I’ve said it in numerous threads - I hate E! I’ve only gotten minimal PIP from this last batch and I chalk that up to MCT being used in place of his regular coconut oil (another source, not this one). But E gives me different sides. Cyp is my go to and it seems to be the most reliable across the board.
I still don't think its test e, I've ran several big sources test e with no problem, and 2 small sources that I had to throw the gear away. When I go with a small source,,I usually get the cyp
I still don't think its test e, I've ran several big sources test e with no problem, and 2 small sources that I had to throw the gear away. When I go with a small source,,I usually get the cyp
Idk bro, all I know is I’ve seen more complaints from E than I ever have from Cyp.
crazy ive never had pip from test e. Or any test. Only time i really get pip is when i inject 2ml mast prop daily. I always massage injection site for like 5 minutes though
Cyp is typically dosed a lot lower, so it's more forgiving, but I'll admit that I'm guesing
Most UGL’s keep Cyp and E at 250 and I’ve seen the complaints from only E. On top of that, dudes over at BoP buying E raws from PPL were complaining about PIP from their own finished product. The rep said it was on them and said it had to be their brewing or pinning, but more people came forward and reported the same.
I’ve said it in numerous threads - I hate E! I’ve only gotten minimal PIP from this last batch and I chalk that up to MCT being used in place of his regular coconut oil (another source, not this one). But E gives me different sides. Cyp is my go to and it seems to be the most reliable across the board.

I switched to C after being a long time E user because of the pip. I just always thought the pip e caused was part of the process. Never had any pip from cyp though.

Supposedly, the carbolic acid issue with test e can be rectified by heating it slowly over a long period time while brewing, which I always do. Not sure if that's broscience or legit yet.

That said, I've moved about 400 vials of E here and 2 guys having a rough time with pip isn't a terrible percentage. Including @Stinkfinger1112 I've had 2 guys mention pip issues with C in the same amount of time. I've also had 1 guy talk to me about issues with pip from my tren a. There are so many variables when it comes to pip, it's hard to pinpoint what the cause is all the time.
I switched to C after being a long time E user because of the pip. I just always thought the pip e caused was part of the process. Never had any pip from cyp though.

Supposedly, the carbolic acid issue with test e can be rectified by heating it slowly over a long period time while brewing, which I always do. Not sure if that's broscience or legit yet.

That said, I've moved about 400 vials of E here and 2 guys having a rough time with pip isn't a terrible percentage. Including @Stinkfinger1112 I've had 2 guys mention pip issues with C in the same amount of time. I've also had 1 guy talk to me about issues with pip from my tren a. There are so many variables when it comes to pip, it's hard to pinpoint what the cause is all the time.
Then out of those few take out the ones who have bad technique.
Can we discuss real issues like when BTC rebounds $3k after I place an order do I get double the fucking scared to let $ go right now.
Can we discuss real issues like when BTC rebounds $3k after I place an order do I get double the fucking scared to let $ go right now.
I fucking bought $225 in btc, and by the time it was released 3 days later, it was $180. I also purchased an additional $250 in hopes of btc skyrocketing or it's being held for 14 days, and btc is steadily dropping. I'm so fucked lol
...and in regards to all of this Test E PIP...I've got 3 different sources test E right now, and actually tried 5 different ones over the past 8 months...absolutely no PIP...ever. Also on some of Trenitys TrenA right PIP. Honestly, the ONLY thing that has given me any kind of PIP was Geneza TestP. That shit bites hard at first, but then it stopped about 4 weeks in. Idk. I'm just fuckin rambling so just smile and nod
You guys need to keep money in your USD wallet and buy the BTC as soon as you’re ready to send it. No loss of clue that way.
I have a separate wallet. I use MyCellenium. Its fucking Coinbase that fucks me. They're the ones that out of no where decide to hold funds for "security purposes" or whatever other bullshit they say