Progress/training log part 2:getting beary serious

It was pretty hard at first, honestly though at this point it's pretty much just second nature haha.

Thanks you man, yeah definitely feel tons healthier haha.
Pretty good workout tonight.

1.skwaats 3x3 315lb 3x3 275lb

2.bench supposed to be 4x6 205lb 1x12 135lb but it wasnt happenin i did one set of 205 and got 3 probably would have failed on 4 do i decided to just try and go for 8x3 205 but i just barely got that 3rd rep so i dropped to 185 and did 2 sets of six which were pretty damn hard and then my 1x12 at 135

3.deadlifts 1x3 405lb 3x3 385lb these all moved pretty smoothly even though i was tuckered out from squats

4.btn press 3x8 95lb 1x15 75lb burnout

5.shrugs 4x12 225lb 1x20 135lb

6.side laterals 3x12 20lb

7.cardio did 20 minutes on the bike. Wasnt feeling the hiit tonight, dont think i had a big enough meal pre workout and by the time i got finished with deads i was freaking starving and getting all lightheaded n shit haha.

Still happy with the workout all in all, 3x3 315lb squat is a rep pr for me at this bodyweight and not too far off from when i was heavier and on da juice. I think the best i ever got was 7 or 8 with 315.

So really my squat and deadlift are pretty fuckin close to where to they were at the peak of the cycle i ran. Guess that really says something about proper programming/diet being alot more important than drugs.
Hey thanks guys!

Just finished todays workout

1.clenas 6x3 3 sets 155lb then my form was getting pretty sloppy so i did the last 3 with 135lb

2.bent over row 6x6 185lb
3.asstd pullups 4x5 70lb counter 1x4 70lb counter
4.tri push down 4x16 150lb
5.cable low to high 3x12 50lb
6.rear delt flys 3x12 20lb
7.cardio did 4 rounds kbell swing box jumps jumping jacks and plank hold.
I might have already said this, but have you ever tried the pull ups with bands? Like in the power rack (if it has a pull up bar) set the safeties at the desired height and run the band across them and then stand on the band for your counter weight. It's more like the real movement than with the counter weighted machine.
I might have already said this, but have you ever tried the pull ups with bands? Like in the power rack (if it has a pull up bar) set the safeties at the desired height and run the band across them and then stand on the band for your counter weight. It's more like the real movement than with the counter weighted machine.

Oh ya know you did mention that before awhile ago but at the time we didnt have a power rack with a pullup bar but now we do. Maybe i will give those a shot next time if it's not too busy
Holy john g dickenballs that workout was nuckin futs! Whoever came up with that one, i wont say any names *cough cough* @RodgerThat, is clearly a top notch sadist :p

I finished it, but i feel....violated hahahahhaa

1.skwaats 4x3 315lb
2.front skwaats 6x4 185lb
3.banded deadlifts 4x3 275lb
4.stiff leg deada 3x8 205lb 1x10 135lb
5.single leg extensions 4x12 70lb
6.HiIT cardio only made it through 3 rounds of kbell swings box jumps jumpin jacks and plank hold. Then my legs pretty much told me i could go fuck myself cuz they were done holding my big ass up for the day lmao!

All joking aside though, that really was a pretty brutal workout, thats the first time ive gone that heavy on front squats since i was 300+ and crikey were those killer especially after the heavy back squats, still felt great though it was one of those workouts that on paper i wasnt super confident about going into so that made it extremely rewarding to finish.
Holy john g dickenballs that workout was nuckin futs! Whoever came up with that one, i wont say any names *cough cough* @RodgerThat, is clearly a top notch sadist [emoji14]

I finished it, but i feel....violated hahahahhaa

1.skwaats 4x3 315lb
2.front skwaats 6x4 185lb
3.banded deadlifts 4x3 275lb
4.stiff leg deada 3x8 205lb 1x10 135lb
5.single leg extensions 4x12 70lb
6.HiIT cardio only made it through 3 rounds of kbell swings box jumps jumpin jacks and plank hold. Then my legs pretty much told me i could go fuck myself cuz they were done holding my big ass up for the day lmao!

All joking aside though, that really was a pretty brutal workout, thats the first time ive gone that heavy on front squats since i was 300+ and crikey were those killer especially after the heavy back squats, still felt great though it was one of those workouts that on paper i wasnt super confident about going into so that made it extremely rewarding to finish.
Awesome workout.

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That's scary-looking, check the 3rd "squat" - that is so wobbly. He's painfully not ready for that weight. At least he's smart enough to do that in a rack.
Someone should correct him. It's a quarter squat at best and it breaks forward at the knees. Guy is going seriously hurt himself. And looks like he has a tampon pad on the bar. He needs to ditch that.
Someone should correct him. It's a quarter squat at best and it breaks forward at the knees. Guy is going seriously hurt himself. And looks like he has a tampon pad on the bar. He needs to ditch that.

I've asked him once why he does quarter reps on everything, he said he doesn't want the muscle to relax. He's just one of those dudes that knows everything. I can't nor do I wanna deal with him. I mean c'mon man he has a Charlie Sheen face tattoo. Lol