Progress/training log part 2:getting beary serious

If quatersquat seems like an ok guy might try to work squats in with him and talk about depth a little bit. @Seven Dog thats not a serious video is it? Dudes got to be joking.

Eh i know i should, but you never know how people are going to react to that sort of thing. Plus, he is pretty big and has a tribal tattoo so there is a chance he could be supplementing and i dont wanna get all roid raged on hahaha
Eh i know i should, but you never know how people are going to react to that sort of thing. Plus, he is pretty big and has a tribal tattoo so there is a chance he could be supplementing and i dont wanna get all roid raged on hahaha
Roid rage LMAO! Whenever I see bad form it makes me super self conscious about my own.
If quatersquat seems like an ok guy might try to work squats in with him and talk about depth a little bit. @Seven Dog thats not a serious video is it? Dudes got to be joking.

He is 100% serious. He does 1/4 reps on bench, incline, and OHP. I've ask him about it and he does want any help. Strange.
Might be part of training. I did DLs up to the knee and people thought I sucked. Didnt realize it was part of the program I was on.

Trust me he is not doing any training program. As a matter of fact this is the dude that starting carry his hand gun in the gym after he and I had a disagreement on some stupid shit. Still carries it in. He's the dude with the Charlie Sheen face tattoo on his calf.
Trust me he is not doing any training program. As a matter of fact this is the dude that starting carry his hand gun in the gym after he and I had a disagreement on some stupid shit. Still carries it in. He's the dude with the Charlie Sheen face tattoo on his calf.

LMAO. I forgot about him. That's classic Meso.
Trust me he is not doing any training program. As a matter of fact this is the dude that starting carry his hand gun in the gym after he and I had a disagreement on some stupid shit. Still carries it in. He's the dude with the Charlie Sheen face tattoo on his calf.

Lol charlie sheen tattoo....he may actually be a little cooler than i thiught hahahah
Thursdizzle workout

1.flat bench 8x3 205lb
2.incline bench 3x8 115lb
3.cable low to high 4x12 25lb
4.tri pushdown 4x6 95lb
5.front skwat 2x12 95lb
6.single leg ext 4x8 70lb
7.hamstring curls 3x8 135lb

Everything went well today, bench was definitely more challenging gettin over the 200lb mark but i just took a little longer between sets, managed to hit all reps paused so thats good.
Oh shit quartersquat guy was there again, turns out he's not great at deadlifts either :( straps starting at 275, bouncing the weight like a basketball, and worked his way up to a heavy hitching belted triple at 335lb. I may have to step in next time and offer up some pointers.
Also, got tons of sweet looks from rocking my Harambe shirt to the gym. Its a real panty dropper, and even though i have a woman i like the attention. Plusim paying tribute to.the greatest Gorilla to ever do it.View attachment 50437
I mean harambe is a true selective hero but he's no koko. Like koko has created new words in sign language that were never thought of before and has mastered over 3000 words to sign. Only gorilla fluent in sign language and badassiem


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