Protein - Sources? How much & when?


New Member
Talk to me fellow muscle heads. Could one theoretically consume 5 protein shakes a day and still get benefits assuming other nutrients and supplements are met? If not why? Kidney, digestive issues, etc... I'm not asking for advice of why not to do it. I mean I do want to know why but I don't need the advice of "you really should be eating food". Yes I know. I have my reasons. I'm asking if it can be done. Let's use a timeframe of 6 months of 4 times a week. Would the benefits still occur? Or is there a point of diminishing returns?

The other question is how much protein can one consume in a given meal without the protein not being used on anything other than synthesis. Using a 250g protein intake a day is it theoretically possible to get gains consuming 125g twice a day? using the above question also is it possible to get gains consuming 5 shakes of 50g a day spaced out over 5 hours?

Any guidance or conversation is appreciated.
The best guidance i can give is to do what has worked for most every one else. And not try to rethink it.
I thinks it can be done on lower kcals and macros in general but for how many days before y become sick.
Or start peeing out of ur ass or make ur self lactose intolerant.
I think its retarded to drink more than 2 a day isn't that what the container says?

I mainly have just 1 whey protien shake first thing in the am upon waking, that is when ur body abolulty needs the fastest acting protien you can get because uve had no aminos all night, basically fasted. Besides that I might have 1 more shake during the day to replace a meal, if I'm busy or really.

If you want a better idea than 5 fucking shakes a day. Get the big protien shaker add 2 scoops protien of choice , add 1 small carton of egg whites "50g protien worth" and fill the rest of the shaker with milk preferably fairlife milk its lactose free. That's about 110 to 130 grams protien. You can call it half shake half real food.
That's equal to ur 5 scoops of protien.
If someone can tolerate more or less protein shakes it’s individual I usually am on 2-3 a day also but have done more no problems.

It’s whatever y can tolerate I tolerate egg whites well also so I also do egg whites especially on cutting cycles only egg whites not shakes.
Or start peeing out of ur ass or make ur self lactose intolerant.
I think its retarded to drink more than 2 a day isn't that what the container says?

I mainly have just 1 whey protien shake first thing in the am upon waking, that is when ur body abolulty needs the fastest acting protien you can get because uve had no aminos all night, basically fasted. Besides that I might have 1 more shake during the day to replace a meal, if I'm busy or really.

If you want a better idea than 5 fucking shakes a day. Get the big protien shaker add 2 scoops protien of choice , add 1 small carton of egg whites "50g protien worth" and fill the rest of the shaker with milk preferably fairlife milk its lactose free. That's about 110 to 130 grams protien. You can call it half shake half real food.
That's equal to ur 5 scoops of protien.
That's a great idea actually. This is for only 3 days of each week for about 6 months.
If someone can tolerate more or less protein shakes it’s individual I usually am on 2-3 a day also but have done more no problems.

It’s whatever y can tolerate I tolerate egg whites well also so I also do egg whites especially on cutting cycles only egg whites not shakes.
True but I think that's far from optimum for anyone I dont care what kinda genetic outlier you are. Not that i optimize everything.

honestly I know its grose and have never done it but I would if I had too. Blend ground beef chicken or Turkey and slam it. If I was to busy or lazy to meal prep.

I've heard jay Cutler and other body builders say basically u are what u eat, u wana pack on good quality size eat mostly beef, if u want to get lean and thin ur skin out eat fish. Makes sence to me
You will be farting your brains out. Your girl will leave. Your boss will fire you. Your friends will disown you. You'll fart at the wrong place and time and some mma dude will put you in the hospital.
I see, I've had the same problem on the past. Can u keep a ice chest? I have a ice chest backpack I take to work or any time I'm gana be away from home for a few hours. It sucks but u can eat chicken an rice cold boiled eggs turkey or pb an j sandwich, shit like that. If u cant keep a lunch box u can take cans of tuna/chicken, turkey jerky, protien bars, peanuts, peanut butter an rice cakes shit like that to snack on, on top of that 1 or 2 shakes u can get plenty of protien in like that.
No ice chest allowed. My plan is to keep protein packs in my suit pocket and goto the bathroom and use water w my water jug. It’s a series of conferences and a formal event. I’ve thought of many scenarios and the one that makes the easiest sense is protein powder which is why I presented the question the way I did. Maybe I wont need as much protein since during that time since I’m looking to maintain and not bulk up. I will be running 500mg a week of test cyp most likely also. Still working on that plan though
Theoretically you could, but practically you would be sick of it like mentioned above. Too much of everything leads to bad habits, so in the end you would near eliminate one of the protein staples from your diet by overconsuming it now.
Apprarently some people are so lazy, check out this thread I and others post what we eat, damn it take ideas and it's so easy and doesn't take much time once you develop enough skill. You can enjoy food and make it fitness friendly. Instead of chewing plain and dry protein powder and then being sick of even looking at it for half a year...

No ice chest allowed. My plan is to keep protein packs in my suit pocket and goto the bathroom and use water w my water jug. It’s a series of conferences and a formal event. I’ve thought of many scenarios and the one that makes the easiest sense is protein powder which is why I presented the question the way I did. Maybe I wont need as much protein since during that time since I’m looking to maintain and not bulk up. I will be running 500mg a week of test cyp most likely also. Still working on that plan though
MetRX protein bars, they are like a meal in a bar and amazing. Actually have a good macro ratio too
Not all protein is created equal and absorbed the same due to differing levels of essential and non essential amino acids. The unique amino acid composition affects how the body is able to utilize them for growth and recovery.

Egg whites and animal proteins are the best absorbed by the body.

Protein powder is the worst. I may use a scoop here and there but never would I base my diet off it.

In my younger years I was getting 100grams of protein from powder and my gains were nowhere near as pronounced as when I replaced it with chicken, eggs, and tilapia.

If you really must as one of the members said drink 2 cartons of kirkland egg whites and you will get 100 grams there.
Not all protein is created equal and absorbed the same due to differing levels of essential and non essential amino acids. The unique amino acid composition affects how the body is able to utilize them for growth and recovery.

Egg whites and animal proteins are the best absorbed by the body.

Protein powder is the worst. I may use a scoop here and there but never would I base my diet off it.

In my younger years I was getting 100grams of protein from powder and my gains were nowhere near as pronounced as when I replaced it with chicken, eggs, and tilapia.

If you really must as one of the members said drink 2 cartons of kirkland egg whites and you will get 100 grams there.
Excellent advice. Just have to figure out how to transport it ready made. Thanks