Pureburndnp, the ONLY current U.S. domestic dnp, now open (domestic sales ONLY)


Greetings all meso members and lurkers. We are pureburndnp, a new us domestic source and as of currently, the ONLY source I've personally seen selling it. We carry a selection of other anabolics as well but our main point is dnp. This stuff is getting harder, and harder to find, and I'm taking a risk as this is THE most commonly busted drug, as the danger for the average person taking it is high. No purity tests at the moment, but we will offer 100$ refunds to the first 5 who get blood work.

Dnp 200mg 3$
Dnp 400mg 5$
Test e 250mg 40$
Test c 250mg 40$
Tren a 100mg 50$
Deca 200mg 45$
Shipping 10$ mandatory
100$ minimum
BTC only

Q: is dnp crystal or powder?
A: powder
Q: when can I expect my package to ship?
A: all packages ship on each 1rst, each 16th, or the closest possible date assuming the post office should be closed those days. I do this as it lets me know how many USPS boxes and shipments I'll need that period.
Q: will you be adding other anabolics later?
A: possibly, but unlikely. The main purpose of the anabolics is to help people get to the minimum if needed

To order, email pureburndnp@protonmail.com

blood work for DNP?
what marker do you want to see?
HPLC is the only thing that counts here and a bag of curcuma doesnt fix it
View attachment 176556pureburndnp
Greetings all meso members and lurkers. We are pureburndnp, a new us domestic source and as of currently, the ONLY source I've personally seen selling it. We carry a selection of other anabolics as well but our main point is dnp. This stuff is getting harder, and harder to find, and I'm taking a risk as this is THE most commonly busted drug, as the danger for the average person taking it is high. No purity tests at the moment, but we will offer 100$ refunds to the first 5 who get blood work.

Dnp 200mg 3$
Dnp 400mg 5$
Test e 250mg 40$
Test c 250mg 40$
Tren a 100mg 50$
Deca 200mg 45$
Shipping 10$ mandatory
100$ minimum
BTC only

Q: is dnp crystal or powder?
A: powder
Q: when can I expect my package to ship?
A: all packages ship on each 1rst, each 16th, or the closest possible date assuming the post office should be closed those days. I do this as it lets me know how many USPS boxes and shipments I'll need that period.
Q: will you be adding other anabolics later?
A: possibly, but unlikely. The main purpose of the anabolics is to help people get to the minimum if needed

To order, email pureburndnp@protonmail.com

$3 per 200mg cap. You're out of your mind. Guess you've never heard of nutraburn who sells for half that and has a good rep. I won't even bother addressing the anabolics You're selling with zero testing and other information.

And bloodwork on dnp, wth. What are you expecting to see with that, lmao.
blood work for DNP?
what marker do you want to see?
HPLC is the only thing that counts here and a bag of curcuma doesnt fix it
Blood work for other anabolics for proof to later customers. I'm obviously not worried about your hormone levels increasing significantly on just dnp
$3 per 200mg cap. You're out of your mind. Guess you've never heard of nutraburn who sells for half that and has a good rep. I won't even bother addressing the anabolics You're selling with zero testing and other information.

And bloodwork on dnp, wth. What are you expecting to see with that, lmao.
Nutraburn isn't around anymore. Dnp is getting harder, and harder to find. To my knowledge I'm the only current source in the US. If you can't afford 60 dollars for a dnp cut I don't know what to tell you.

Hey fuckstick

Dnp 200mg 3$
Dnp 400mg 5$
Test e 250mg 40$
Test c 250mg 40$
Tren a 100mg 50$
Deca 200mg 45$

Where's your testing for all these products?

Where's the proof that you even have any inventory?
I don't see a crumpled piece of paper with todays date written on it in front of that big bag of turmeric.

Let's see pictures of your stock, oils and all.

Thought you were just going to drop by and collect some last minute Sunday meth money?

Fuck off RETARD
Nutraburn isn't around anymore. Dnp is getting harder, and harder to find. To my knowledge I'm the only current source in the US. If you can't afford 60 dollars for a dnp cut I don't know what to tell you.
Liar, yes he is. Zero reason why anyone would choose you over him since he's established and has multiple customers here. I received an order a week ago. Gtfo.

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Q: is dnp crystal or powder?
A: powder
Q: when can I expect my package to ship?
A: all packages ship on each 1rst, each 16th, or the closest possible date assuming the post office should be closed those days. I do this as it lets me know how many USPS boxes and shipments I'll need that period.
Q: will you be adding other anabolics later?
A: possibly, but unlikely.

How about you answer the questions that fucking matter dipshit

Do you brew the injectables yourself or are you reselling?

If so, what is your brewing process and what are your sanitation protocols?

If reselling, are you an authorized reseller, and of what brands?

How many other forums are you on trying to scam people out of their hard earned money?

Don't be shy retard
Lol Nutraburn is still here and very active. He’s also a lot cheaper. Nice sales pitch tho.
honestly this intro isn’t worth even asking questions….. and no your not the only local source with dnp. there are a few with tested TABS of dnp.

so the only question i feel that needs to be asked is.

do you have slanted eyes and do you sit to pee

i know that was two ….. fuck you anyways

