PurplePandaLabs Raw source

It's just ribbing man. Nobody means any harm when they say stuff like that. It's quite the opposite.
Imagine if a guy tells you "yeah it's all been good and this lab is on top of their game".......then you order some anavar for your girl......then 2 weeks later she is bald bc it was winstrol or something else shipped instead (happened with another lab to a guy here).
You'd be super pissed at the guy who told you they were good, right?

Seriously, I found out some cool stuff from posts back in 2013 just today. You just gotta read a bunch and make that jump on your own free will. In all honesty, you will learn stuff that you never knew you were interested in when you start digging in here.
I have blood work from last years MK-677 run I did.
Just thought I'd share.
Baseline and around 8weeks in and at end of run

Dosing- 20mg/ed before bed for 6 months.


You did see the notice about sending payment transactions ID right if you haven't done that it won't ship?
Yes I did in the very same day I paid and everything was good to go. 3 days later when I asked why it hasn’t shipped yet I got a reply stating aromasin tabs were out of stock until early next week (this was last week) i got an email Tuesday saying the aromasin was back in stock. Come yesterday still not shipped. Emailed again. Said that the cialis and test e I ordered was now out of stock after I waited a week for the aromasin to stock back up. Damn. I’m not impatient pushy but All of these items said they were in stock when I ordered and paid. Here I am over a week later and nothing. So I’ve decided to take the whole first order I placed, cancel it, and use the funds for that to order int. Raws bc it would probably still be faster than domestic. I needed that cialis asap now I’m out. Sort of my fault too I guess being naive.
I've posted bw unless my pics aren't showing up again. Idk why (maybe cause I'm using phone) have a lot of trouble with pics??!!

20mg/ed before bed

Baseline-217 igf
8ish weeks -387 igf
6ish months-336igf

I'm not sure but I can say it's headed that way wu and mg will be a thing of the past soon.
I will see if it's permanent tho.

Do you realize that to use an coin ATM that the flat transaction rate is anywhere from 7-15% ?

The use of an ATM is to avoid tying a bank account to the transaction. Right?

I guess that's great for the dark web savvy and those who have screwed around with the coins before.

What about the customers who haven't or those whom do not wish to?

To wash crypto currency (tumble) is a hassle. Not to mention the chance of losing coins.

Ordering with WU took no time at all, it was straight forward and simple.

I'm not covering a 10% mark up on an order.

I had no complaints with PPL until now.

But that's the way the cookie crumbles I suppose.

Thank you for responding I appreciate that much.

Take care.

Edit: I guess using the coin ATM wouldn't be so bad if part of those fees were offset by a ppl discount and I'm not talking that simple 5% code that floats around.

Anyways thanks again.
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You’re an asshole if you are still using those methods. It does not cost 10%. You put you, the source, and everyone else at risk using a outdated riskier way of payment. Unless you are sourcing/selling you are over thinking it
Ok uhhhh what wallet should I choose if using a bitcoin atm. And do I need to move It through multiple wallets before purchase. Just asking noob to bitcoin sense the topic was up.
What would cause a transaction to be flagged?
Could be alot of reasons , but It used to be mainly if a sender or reciever was sending or receiving too much money in a certain amount of time (usually to "hot" areas like china , russia , Ukraine, ect. ) ... but now who fucking knows , they installed a new matrix (mg&wu) for checking transactions and it seems like its completely random , atleast when you're sending overseas.
Yes I did in the very same day I paid and everything was good to go. 3 days later when I asked why it hasn’t shipped yet I got a reply stating aromasin tabs were out of stock until early next week (this was last week) i got an email Tuesday saying the aromasin was back in stock. Come yesterday still not shipped. Emailed again. Said that the cialis and test e I ordered was now out of stock after I waited a week for the aromasin to stock back up. Damn. I’m not impatient pushy but All of these items said they were in stock when I ordered and paid. Here I am over a week later and nothing. So I’ve decided to take the whole first order I placed, cancel it, and use the funds for that to order int. Raws bc it would probably still be faster than domestic. I needed that cialis asap now I’m out. Sort of my fault too I guess being naive.

And here i was last night saying that PPL seems to have gotten over their latest hurdle and were back on track. Clearly, i spoke too soon.

i think you have absolute, 100% right to be pissed at this point. That's just ridiculous on their part.
Yes I did in the very same day I paid and everything was good to go. 3 days later when I asked why it hasn’t shipped yet I got a reply stating aromasin tabs were out of stock until early next week (this was last week) i got an email Tuesday saying the aromasin was back in stock. Come yesterday still not shipped. Emailed again. Said that the cialis and test e I ordered was now out of stock after I waited a week for the aromasin to stock back up. Damn. I’m not impatient pushy but All of these items said they were in stock when I ordered and paid. Here I am over a week later and nothing. So I’ve decided to take the whole first order I placed, cancel it, and use the funds for that to order int. Raws bc it would probably still be faster than domestic. I needed that cialis asap now I’m out. Sort of my fault too I guess being naive.

So in the end with all their mess ups they still got your money.

I would have moved on for this order on not give them a dime for the royal screw up.

Sure hope they toss in 100-200$ worth of product for wasting your time and you still choosing them. A BIG thank you should be offered by them in product.
Yes I did in the very same day I paid and everything was good to go. 3 days later when I asked why it hasn’t shipped yet I got a reply stating aromasin tabs were out of stock until early next week (this was last week) i got an email Tuesday saying the aromasin was back in stock. Come yesterday still not shipped. Emailed again. Said that the cialis and test e I ordered was now out of stock after I waited a week for the aromasin to stock back up. Damn. I’m not impatient pushy but All of these items said they were in stock when I ordered and paid. Here I am over a week later and nothing. So I’ve decided to take the whole first order I placed, cancel it, and use the funds for that to order int. Raws bc it would probably still be faster than domestic. I needed that cialis asap now I’m out. Sort of my fault too I guess being naive.
If you don't mind pm me I would like to know who you're conversations were with so I can explain how your order should have been handled.
I wasn't saying that was your issue I just had to mention it because of all the customers who missed the notice.
You’re an asshole if you are still using those methods. It does not cost 10%. You put you, the source, and everyone else at risk using a outdated riskier way of payment. Unless you are sourcing/selling you are over thinking it

I'm not at risk using WU
Not even a little bit.
& you "asshole" it's actually 12% to use the nearest bitcoin ATM so you were right it wasn't 10%!

If the src refuses to use any other method of payment aside from bitcoin and I don't like the fees it will cost me to keep me safe on my end then I do have the choice to find a different source.

I didn't make 32 posts about one thing I said how I felt to the individual I was speaking to and moved on.
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Not so simple when you or you're sources money recievers are getting flagged every other transaction because of how hard they have cracked down on these type of money changing companies. ...

I guess I understand that.

I wasn't aware of changes being made to these type of institutions.

Have used them many times over the years and have never had any problems on either end during any of the transactions.

If using the crypto coins were a little more straight forward for me. I probably would have shrugged it off and just used them.

Honestly back in the day I preferred CIM over WU or mg. I thought using those options at the time were a hassle.

I looked into and attempted the bitcoin thing before but it became off putting to me. Trying to figure out how to transfer the money, not lose the wallet nor the money, tumble the crypto and then hope it held exchange rates.

Just a hassle. To me at least.
The crypto ATMs don't seem so bad but like I mentioned to the knucklehead they tax a 12% fee on using the thing.

Like I said I wasn't aware of the situation going on with WU, I was oblivious to those changes as well as the frequent flagging of receivers.

Frankly I'm not sure what I will do if these are how things shall end up going forward.

Thanks for not being a dickhead in your rebuttal!