PurplePandaLabs Raw source

ass contest has been done.... heaviest lift on the big 3 would be cool!!!
although hard to verify.. i guess a concentric photo and a eccentric.. maybe with a date stamp somewhere on u.. like a sticker or something..
bench/deadlift/squat who's coming with me man???
ass contest has been done.... heaviest lift on the big 3 would be cool!!!
although hard to verify.. i guess a concentric photo and a eccentric.. maybe with a date stamp somewhere on u.. like a sticker or something..
bench/deadlift/squat who's coming with me man???

Too much effort. I went to the gym once but I realized everything was so heavy so I left and drank a beer.
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So here were the recipes I used in my first attempt at brewing a few months ago. As I’ve stated before the first 20ml brew came out great, no pip. The second time brewing the 60ml was quite the opposite, brutal pip, probably the worst I’ve ever experienced.
(FYI, domestic order of 25g Test E and weird overdose % was because I was trying to use every bit of the raws, broken down into two separate brews. Made sense to me anyway lol)
But I just couldn’t understand what happened.
Anyway, I recently received an order of 150g Test E (international) and decided to brew it all up at once.
I was getting all my supplies together and also wanted to make sure I had enough BA, BB, and MCT oil to be able to brew the entire 150g Test E.
Then I noticed that my 100ml vial of BA had way less in it then my 100ml BB vial did. DING,DING,DING!!!
Well fuck, now I know why the 60ml brew had such brutal pip to it lol! I had mixed up my BA and BB dosages. I would have swore under oath that I did the exact same steps with each brew, smh!! Lol.
I was actually relieved though. I had found the answer to my previous problem. :)

Needless to say, while brewing the 150g of Test E this time around I paid super close attention to everything. I mean everything!! Lol
It’s been around 36 hrs after brewing and as of now everything looks good. Once again I wanted to use all the raws I had (that weighed out at 149.22) so this is the recipe I went with:
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I’m going to filter it into a few sterile vials in the next day or two, then pin a cc, and see if there’s any pip.
I’ll be storing the remaining unfiltered gear in a mason jar, (thanks @rutman for the storage suggestion) and just filter into sterile vials as needed.
If all goes well that is. :cool:
View attachment 96848 View attachment 96849
So here were the recipes I used in my first attempt at brewing a few months ago. As I’ve stated before the first 20ml brew came out great, no pip. The second time brewing the 60ml was quite the opposite, brutal pip, probably the worst I’ve ever experienced.
(FYI, domestic order of 25g Test E and weird overdose % was because I was trying to use every bit of the raws, broken down into two separate brews. Made sense to me anyway lol)
But I just couldn’t understand what happened.
Anyway, I recently received an order of 150g Test E (international) and decided to brew it all up at once.
I was getting all my supplies together and also wanted to make sure I had enough BA, BB, and MCT oil to be able to brew the entire 150g Test E.
Then I noticed that my 100ml vial of BA had way less in it then my 100ml BB vial did. DING,DING,DING!!!
Well fuck, now I know why the 60ml brew had such brutal pip to it lol! I had mixed up my BA and BB dosages. I would have swore under oath that I did the exact same steps with each brew, smh!! Lol.
I was actually relieved though. I had found the answer to my previous problem. :)

Needless to say, while brewing the 150g of Test E this time around I paid super close attention to everything. I mean everything!! Lol
It’s been around 36 hrs after brewing and as of now everything looks good. Once again I wanted to use all the raws I had (that weighed out at 149.22) so this is the recipe I went with:
View attachment 96853 View attachment 96854 View attachment 96855
I’m going to filter it into a few sterile vials in the next day or two, then pin a cc, and see if there’s any pip.
I’ll be storing the remaining unfiltered gear in a mason jar, (thanks @rutman for the storage suggestion) and just filter into sterile vials as needed.
If all goes well that is. :cool:
Yeah mixing them up will make for some really bad pip 20% BA would bite like hell.
Looks like hopefully you will be good now.
Test e is notorious for pip at times and melting that's why I usually stick to test c but I do love some sust in the mix also but it's bad about melting.
Yeah mixing them up will make for some really bad pip 20% BA would bite like hell.
Looks like hopefully you will be good now.
Test e is notorious for pip at times and melting that's why I usually stick to test c but I do love some sust in the mix also but it's bad about melting.
Yeah man, at 15% BA it was pretty brutal lol. Lasted a full week. Don’t wish to relive that again lol.
The international raws did come in melted and in like a hard solid form but I assumed that they would, being summer and all. I actually didn’t mind it though. It seemed easier to work with than powder. As far as weighing and transferring and things like that. But I could see the issue if someone was wanting to only brew small amounts at a time. It would be hard to break apart to adjust weight on the scale. Shit was hard as a rock lol.
But in my case, by brewing all of it at once, and it being melted and solid wasn’t an issue.
View attachment 96848 View attachment 96849
So here were the recipes I used in my first attempt at brewing a few months ago. As I’ve stated before the first 20ml brew came out great, no pip. The second time brewing the 60ml was quite the opposite, brutal pip, probably the worst I’ve ever experienced.
(FYI, domestic order of 25g Test E and weird overdose % was because I was trying to use every bit of the raws, broken down into two separate brews. Made sense to me anyway lol)
But I just couldn’t understand what happened.
Anyway, I recently received an order of 150g Test E (international) and decided to brew it all up at once.
I was getting all my supplies together and also wanted to make sure I had enough BA, BB, and MCT oil to be able to brew the entire 150g Test E.
Then I noticed that my 100ml vial of BA had way less in it then my 100ml BB vial did. DING,DING,DING!!!
Well fuck, now I know why the 60ml brew had such brutal pip to it lol! I had mixed up my BA and BB dosages. I would have swore under oath that I did the exact same steps with each brew, smh!! Lol.
I was actually relieved though. I had found the answer to my previous problem. :)

Needless to say, while brewing the 150g of Test E this time around I paid super close attention to everything. I mean everything!! Lol
It’s been around 36 hrs after brewing and as of now everything looks good. Once again I wanted to use all the raws I had (that weighed out at 149.22) so this is the recipe I went with:
View attachment 96853 View attachment 96854 View attachment 96855
I’m going to filter it into a few sterile vials in the next day or two, then pin a cc, and see if there’s any pip.
I’ll be storing the remaining unfiltered gear in a mason jar, (thanks @rutman for the storage suggestion) and just filter into sterile vials as needed.
If all goes well that is. :cool:
Did that one time with npp but cought right when i did it had to pore out 100 ml of npp
Did that one time with npp but cought right when i did it had to pore out 100 ml of npp
Shit sucks! I still have the test. I didn’t wanna throw it out because I didn’t know what was exactly wrong with it lol. 15% BA, :eek:, smh.
Now I can gladly toss that shit!
I’ll just have to take it as a lesson learned experience.
Yeah man, at 15% BA it was pretty brutal lol. Lasted a full week. Don’t wish to relive that again lol.
The international raws did come in melted and in like a hard solid form but I assumed that they would, being summer and all. I actually didn’t mind it though. It seemed easier to work with than powder. As far as weighing and transferring and things like that. But I could see the issue if someone was wanting to only brew small amounts at a time. It would be hard to break apart to adjust weight on the scale. Shit was hard as a rock lol.
But in my case, by brewing all of it at once, and it being melted and solid wasn’t an issue.

I've got 10g of primo brewed that I can't touch and now I'm wondering if I did the samething. Shit hurts so bad like 24hrs later and just doesn't stop.
I've got 10g of primo brewed that I can't touch and now I'm wondering if I did the samething. Shit hurts so bad like 24hrs later and just doesn't stop.
I hear guys say that primo has some bite to it anyway. The BA and BB bottles I have look identical. Even the labels are the same. Only difference between the two are the actual name of the product on the label. Could easily mix the two up if you’re not paying close attention to what you’re doing like I did lol. So yes it’s a possibility that may have happened to you as well. Sucks...
Shit sucks! I still have the test. I didn’t wanna throw it out because I didn’t know what was exactly wrong with it lol. 15% BA, :eek:, smh.
Now I can gladly toss that shit!
I’ll just have to take it as a lesson learned experience.
Shit, I wouldn't toss it! Keep it around. Nxt time your brew calls for 3ml BA, just add about 20ml of that fucked up mix, it will have 3ml of BA in it and will not be pouring money down the drain...
Domestic pack came in. Everything was fast and effective. Haven’t got the Tren or test out of the bag to weigh it yet. Will keep updated. About to brew some test P. Raws look good and clean so far though.
Prob going to catch some flack for asking this but how did the metal contaminate issues work out? I'm crazy busy recently and don't have a lot of time to read up anymore. I need to place an order for estrogen, these twins of mine are looking pretty shabby! Thanks gents.
Prob going to catch some flack for asking this but how did the metal contaminate issues work out? I'm crazy busy recently and don't have a lot of time to read up anymore. I need to place an order for estrogen, these twins of mine are looking pretty shabby! Thanks gents.

I thought it was posted, in Chinese o_O
DHB DHB!! Dying to put my order in but waiting for the injectable DHB to go up first. Clients driving me crazy...