PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Ok guys first time stacking. test e gram a week (i no its high but what ever) dhb 300 a week, and tren a 250 a week..? Please no shit talking i can never get a straight answer here
Ok guys first time stacking. test e gram a week (i no its high but what ever) dhb 300 a week, and tren a 250 a week..? Please no shit talking i can never get a straight answer here
This is your first time running more than 1 compound and you’re running a gram of test a week?
Ok guys first time stacking. test e gram a week (i no its high but what ever) dhb 300 a week, and tren a 250 a week..? Please no shit talking i can never get a straight answer here
Maybe, before you stack 3, try stacking 2 so you know what is doing what when it happens. Tren and DHB can have some similar effects. Mentally, tren can just not work at all for more than a few. DHB, I've discovered, makes you hot AF all day, dry mouth and thirsty also. You're stacking 2 powerful hormones that are already good enough on their own with test. Why not stack 2 and get 2 cycles out of it? Tren can be harsh, in many ways. I leave that shit for the bulls and beasts that can handle it.
Is your Instagram account: purplepanda_labs legit ? “Vicky” seems to moderate it ?
My first post was kinda fucked up too. I didn’t really know much about this place and the people in it. Turns out there are some pretty good guys around here so take some advice from a fellow first post bed shitter. Apologize for the stupid post. Especially asking about ppls retarded Instagram account. Go do a new member intro. Then come back and say what’s up.
PS. Don’t you dare ask if this source is G2G.
i actually didn't start it if thats what y'all are implying -_-.... im just a greedy dude wanting that 10% off they were claiming. It looked sketchy.... thats why i asked? I just didnt want to be scammed... so i asked.
Hello guys newby here!

Just been reading through the whole thing (yes all the 27219 posts took me a couple months reading 20-30 min à day) regardless of the fact that I will order from this source or not I'm glad I did because between all the drama thanks to people like @Roger rabbit @ickyrica @XmadXscientist @LordSamuilo @Eman @Ripped and all the other that I can't think of now I really learned a huge bunch of things about Aas world.
Sorry if my 4th post is already in a source thread but I really wanted to say thanks keep up with the good work guys you're really doing a service for the community.

P. S. Here my intro thread Introducion and first cycle