PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I had an order, international, come in recently. Smooth transaction with the new method....timely shipping....BUT one expensive item was missing from the package.

I’ve sent numerous emails to the service department, and have spoken by PM with @PurplePandaLabs Rep. I’ve received zero replies back from the service department. It’s been nearly a week since my first email to them, so I’ve gave them plenty of time to respond to the error.

I’d like either the item they shorted me sent via domestic or international, whichever they prefer. Doesn’t matter to me.... OR an in store credit for the cost of the item. Both ways are fair for all of us involved.

The Rep is trying to see what he can do about to rectify the situation, but I’ve yet to hear anything back from him.

All I want is either what I’ve paid for.... or let me place another order, and at that time send what is owed. @purplepandalabs


I’m currently in the process of making up some NPP that was in my shipment and the “missing” compound was packaged in with my NPP. Everything else was in its own package so when I didn’t see it, I assumed that it was not shipped.

I️ COMPLETELY APOLOGIZE to PPL for accusing them of not sending what I had ordered.
Ive used the mk677 and it works great. I suspend it in everclear or just swallow the powder. tastes gnarly though

Did you have to heat up the ever clear at all? or did it dissolve by just stirring it in? I was looking into if I needed to buy a beaker to mix and heat it up.
I’ve really liked this source for awhile and places several orders. I’ve had a couple issues and got them corrected with the reps help. He’s definitely gone and made sure things were set right. But.... what is this board for if we can’t call out the source? This ain’t about me making a source rich. This is about harm reduction including preventing scams. You never know when the other shoe is gonna drop and if we let it slide too far people get screwed. I’ve only been here a little while but what I’ve seen go down proves they need to be held accountable. They don’t listen to bullshit pussy footing comments. It had to be a big deal to get their attention. You can have your opinion just like I have in the past but the vets have kept this shit in check for awhile now and if you stick around long enough you’ll see it all go down in front of you.
This won't be a popular comment with some but I don't care everyone who knows me knows I'm all about keeping sources honest this one included I never have tried to hide or cover anything to save face but rather own it and get it fixed and even though I'm repping I still feel 100% responsible to looking out for members and friends and yes I have friends around here whether it bothers anyone or not.

I’m currently in the process of making up some NPP that was in my shipment and the “missing” compound was packaged in with my NPP. Everything else was in its own package so when I didn’t see it, I assumed that it was not shipped.
And sometimes I have missed one because they were together .

I️ COMPLETELY APOLOGIZE to PPL for accusing them of not sending what I had ordered.
Understandable with the stealth bro I have freaked out a couple times myself. Lol
Have missed them because they were double packed.
Appreciate your post shows your character for being honest which I'm sure most around here already know your a good guy.
This won't be a popular comment with some but I don't care everyone who knows me knows I'm all about keeping sources honest this one included I never have tried to hide or cover anything to save face but rather own it and get it fixed and even though I'm repping I still feel 100% responsible to looking out for members and friends and yes I have friends around here whether it bothers anyone or not.

You are solid, probably third best rep I’ve seen..... I still give you hell though [emoji51]
Understandable with the stealth bro I have freaked out a couple times myself. Lol
Have missed them because they were double packed.
Appreciate your post shows your character for being honest which I'm sure most around here already know your a good guy.

I appreciate everything brother! Yeah it was double packed with the NPP. And the product code wasn’t visible on it... I would’ve never knew it was there until later. I just happened to pick the right pack of NPP and there was the product code... it was one of those holy shit! moments for sure.

I absolutely HATE making a mistake, especially to this extent.

This was my first order and everything couldn’t have went smoother... (except on my end).
If they ever come back with international finished.
It shouldn't be that hard.
It's actually pretty easy to do.

It is odd that they have finished gear domestic and not international. I guess they don't see it profitable to brew over there anymore? Perhaps they make enough $$ selling raws that they don't see the point.
IMO it has to do with poor management in China (not meant to offend, but that's just the way it is)
It is profitable
and easier at customs.
Again, it can't be that hard.

May have to do with the liquid being more visible to customs over powders.
Actually it's the opposite
Have you ever heard about being hidden in plain sight?

The contest will be for 25 grams of primo e
Will try to come up with a contest everyone can be involved in.
Excuse me
Can you please provide a link to the contest
I got lost trying to look for it.

Yeah, I had a solid Mexican connect in the late 90's - guy owned a vet clinic and my girl at time was Spanish so it worked out perfect. Then 911 happened, and it was the end of that. :(
Actually, mexico busts happened in the late 90s
before 911

I believe they quit, not much because of fear of getting caught
but because vials were much more difficult to smuggle. And yes, 911 added to it.

Wait....did Vicky get fired too? She was hot, I could tell by her emails

Tell her to hit me up since she’s not doing anything now
Please don't tell me that you're one of those bodybuilders who lifts just to TRY to get some pussy.
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