PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Has anybody noticed a difference in quality of his products between his U.S. domestic and international. I thought i remembered somebody saying something about it a while back but i couldn't ever find it.

My 2 cents: I feel like there has def. been more issues with domestic. Not to mention, whatever kind of lab operation he has set up here in States is going to pale in comparison to what he's got over in China. Not to mention, I feel like there is not going nearly as much oversight over here due to the simple fact that he's in China along with most of his employees. I think I recall that when this shit first got going he had his "brother" running the domestic portion over here. I believe not too long after, they took everything off of the domestic site due to multiple issues they were having specifically quality of the gear(oils/tabs) that were being produced. Personally, I would rather order internationally and wait a little longer, pay less, and feel that the quality of gear was better. Now, I guess this wouldn't really apply if you were ordering raws domestically except for the fact that that you are paying more - but who knows.
My 2 cents: I feel like there has def. been more issues with domestic. Not to mention, whatever kind of lab operation he has set up here in States is going to pale in comparison to what he's got over in China. Not to mention, I feel like there is not going nearly as much oversight over here due to the simple fact that he's in China along with most of his employees. I think I recall that when this shit first got going he had his "brother" running the domestic portion over here. I believe not too long after, they took everything off of the domestic site due to multiple issues they were having specifically quality of the gear(oils/tabs) that were being produced. Personally, I would rather order internationally and wait a little longer, pay less, and feel that the quality of gear was better. Now, I guess this wouldn't really apply if you were ordering raws domestically except for the fact that that you are paying more - but who knows.

It’s what he needs to go back to...

His roots. That is where this lab shines.
My 2 cents: I feel like there has def. been more issues with domestic. Not to mention, whatever kind of lab operation he has set up here in States is going to pale in comparison to what he's got over in China. Not to mention, I feel like there is not going nearly as much oversight over here due to the simple fact that he's in China along with most of his employees. I think I recall that when this shit first got going he had his "brother" running the domestic portion over here. I believe not too long after, they took everything off of the domestic site due to multiple issues they were having specifically quality of the gear(oils/tabs) that were being produced. Personally, I would rather order internationally and wait a little longer, pay less, and feel that the quality of gear was better. Now, I guess this wouldn't really apply if you were ordering raws domestically except for the fact that that you are paying more - but who knows.
Is international really cheaper when you’re paying higher shipping? Seems to me like it balances out to be the same.
@PurplePandaLabs Rep.
So at what point does this lab get it's shit together? It's always something. I honestly don't understand it. You have the business to afford the systems.

There are several labs that have operated for years without issue. What do they have they you don't? They've never had hair in the gear, underdosed gear,

Remember the goal of Meso, it's not a source page, harm reduction. Most of the "good boy" towards labs are from new guys, younger guys and the obvious dick riders. Just because there's not a stream of vets slamming a lab, doesn't mean they're not in agreement. It's honestly draining to see these labs go, almost unchecked. It amazes me that after the hair and Omega incident, or whatever shit bag they used as a brewer, when that brewer was called out for shitty practices.... It's like eating at a place that has a D health Dept rating and telling everyone how great it is .
@PurplePandaLabs Rep.
So at what point does this lab get it's shit together? It's always something. I honestly don't understand it. You have the business to afford the systems.

There are several labs that have operated for years without issue. What do they have they you don't? They've never had hair in the gear, underdosed gear,

Remember the goal of Meso, it's not a source page, harm reduction. Most of the "good boy" towards labs are from new guys, younger guys and the obvious dick riders. Just because there's not a stream of vets slamming a lab, doesn't mean they're not in agreement. It's honestly draining to see these labs go, almost unchecked. It amazes me that after the hair and Omega incident, or whatever shit bag they used as a brewer, when that brewer was called out for shitty practices.... It's like eating at a place that has a D health Dept rating and telling everyone how great it is .

But by the same token, there a probably a bunch of vets who use ugl and dont broadcast it either.
I had an order, international, come in recently. Smooth transaction with the new method....timely shipping....BUT one expensive item was missing from the package.

I’ve sent numerous emails to the service department, and have spoken by PM with @PurplePandaLabs Rep. I’ve received zero replies back from the service department. It’s been nearly a week since my first email to them, so I’ve gave them plenty of time to respond to the error.

I’d like either the item they shorted me sent via domestic or international, whichever they prefer. Doesn’t matter to me.... OR an in store credit for the cost of the item. Both ways are fair for all of us involved.

The Rep is trying to see what he can do about to rectify the situation, but I’ve yet to hear anything back from him.

All I want is either what I’ve paid for.... or let me place another order, and at that time send what is owed. @purplepandalabs
Is international really cheaper when you’re paying higher shipping? Seems to me like it balances out to be the same.[/QUOTE

I guess it would kind of depend on how much you are ordering. For myself, I order a decent of raws at a time, so it's definitely cheaper. The international shipping is $50 whereas the domestic is $10 (I think). I easily cover that $40 difference.
I had an order, international, come in recently. Smooth transaction with the new method....timely shipping....BUT one expensive item was missing from the package.

I’ve sent numerous emails to the service department, and have spoken by PM with @PurplePandaLabs Rep. I’ve received zero replies back from the service department. It’s been nearly a week since my first email to them, so I’ve gave them plenty of time to respond to the error.

I’d like either the item they shorted me sent via domestic or international, whichever they prefer. Doesn’t matter to me.... OR an in store credit for the cost of the item. Both ways are fair for all of us involved.

The Rep is trying to see what he can do about to rectify the situation, but I’ve yet to hear anything back from him.

All I want is either what I’ve paid for.... or let me place another order, and at that time send what is owed. @purplepandalabs

@PurplePandaLabs Rep. - Are you planning on taking care of this situation?
I’ll be brewing up domestic raws this week. Will let y’all know about quality of raws.

Honestly bro, I think it's hard to to get clear idea unless you are sending raws or gear to a lab for testing. You would think that it would be same exact raws as what he sells on international which supposedly have been all tested.
If they ever come back with international finished.

It is odd that they have finished gear domestic and not international. I guess they don't see it profitable to brew over there anymore? Perhaps they make enough $$ selling raws that they don't see the point.
It is odd that they have finished gear domestic and not international. I guess they don't see it profitable to brew over there anymore? Perhaps they make enough $$ selling raws that they don't see the point.
May have to do with the liquid being more visible to customs over powders.
May have to do with the liquid being more visible to customs over powders.

Honestly, I believe that customs is more concerned with powders these days due to drug epidemics such as fentanyl, heroin, etc. In any case, PPL shipping methodology is the same regardless rather it be raws or other - at least from when I've ordered international in past & is definitely discreet as fuck. I've got to give them props for that at least.