PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I dont even remember writing this i had took an ambien

LOL. Good thing that's all you did was write a shitty post and not go on a drive. Seen many funny/horror stories from that drug.

Just own it and move on.

I hate that I dont recall cuz of intoxication defense. It's so common.

While I would generally agree with your statement... it's ambien and that's how it works. It's known to cause blackouts and retrograde amnesia at normal doses. Very similar to blacking out on benzos, except it can happen with normal dosage and not abused dosages. It's just the nature of the drug itself...
Remind me to never take Ambien
Back in the day I was taking Ambien and chantix (which was the absolute worst shit ever. Terrible dreams.) I used to go to sleep in my bed and wake up in my car in my driveway with half eaten pb&J's and a bunch of books on my lap with no recollection of anything.
Back in the day I was taking Ambien and chantix (which was the absolute worst shit ever. Terrible dreams.) I used to go to sleep in my bed and wake up in my car in my driveway with half eaten pb&J's and a bunch of books on my lap with no recollection of anything.

Medications that give autopilot blackouts prescribed all over the nation, but marijuana is still a criminal drug in some states....
Damn.... We are still infants as a whole, within the cultural/social construct we have designed......
Good thing we've still got ISARMS.COM the no.1 place to go for all things sarms....
And gear too, one day I foresee testosterone use being accepted legally as a user-at-risk cosmetic option. So long as you're healthy enough to use it safely when used *slightly* ;-) above TRT/HRT levels.
I don't think it's out of "control" or an epidemic in countries where they are legal...o_O
Medications that give autopilot blackouts prescribed all over the nation, but marijuana is still a criminal drug in some states....
Damn.... We are still infants as a whole, within the cultural/social construct we have designed......
Good thing we've still got ISARMS.COM the no.1 place to go for all things sarms....
Ain’t this the fucking truth. The marijuana part anyways...don’t know shit about about isarms :/
And gear too, one day I foresee testosterone use being accepted legally as a user-at-risk cosmetic option. So long as you're healthy enough to use it safely when used *slightly* ;-) above TRT/HRT levels.
I don't think it's out of "control" or an epidemic in countries where they are legal...o_O

You would think with all the anti aging clinics there would be a movement. It should start with test, and end with all things PED related.
The main idea is "so long as you are not hurting anyone else or their property, do as you will".

Outlawing anything IMO is about money. Govt greed, etc.
Sorry bud, Icky Vicky gets passed around like hot potato.

She told me we had something special .That I got her . That we connected on a level... Then she pulled that "who's pussy is this" crap . That fucking whore . I thought her pussy tasted a little off....
She told me we had something special .That I got her . That we connected on a level... Then she pulled that "who's pussy is this" crap . That fucking whore . I thought her pussy tasted a little off....

You weren’t the only egg roll dipping into that sweet and sour