PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Please be aware that tabs are harder at customs
than liquids are.
1 What about some (finished) liquid Dbol/Adrol and other orals?

2 What about some liquid Nolva, AIs and other pct drugs?

3 What about the third country remailing?
Not pushing for semi-finished anymore?
Please be aware that tabs fare much harder at customs
than liquids are.

1 What about some (finished) liquid Dbol/Adrol and other orals?

2 What about some liquid Nolva, AIs and other pct drugs?

3 What about the third country remailing?

We have new methods. But thank you for your concern. Maybe you can order something or hopefully win one of our contest to see the new method for yourself.

Thank you.
Not sure about Dbol/Cialis, but Cialis/Dapox/Viagra tab sounds good.
I'd personally prefer just Cialis/Dapox:
- Dapox takes about 2 hours to kick in, which is half of Viagra's active window
- No need to stack PDE5is, or at least no evidence that this would be more efficacious than simply taking a higher dose of just one
I'd personally prefer just Cialis/Dapox:
- Dapox takes about 2 hours to kick in, which is half of Viagra's active window
- No need to stack PDE5is, or at least no evidence that this would be more efficacious than simply taking a higher dose of just one
Good point, home jive
How do you guys feel about International finished product Blends...

Talking injectable and Oral blends.

We want to make Oral tablet blends like Adrol/Dbol, Dbol/Sdrol, Dbol/Var, Dbol/Cialis, tbol/var, winny/var, Dbol/winny... etc etc

Stuff like that.

Personally I'd have little interest. If compounds are separate you can control and customize the dosage for each. Everyone has their own preferences. Not sure there's enough market (outside of a test/tren/mast blend and even then I have no interest) but honestly you guys would know better than I.
Personally I'd have little interest. If compounds are separate you can control and customize the dosage for each. Everyone has their own preferences. Not sure there's enough market (outside of a test/tren/mast blend and even then I have no interest) but honestly you guys would know better than I.

Lessens up on the volume of oil brother. Sometimes guys don’t like to pin 3cc’s. It’s more solvents but that’s the price you pay for a higher milligram product.
AAS Blends don't make a lot of sense in my personal schema of use so I tend not to buy them. I could see at some point using a testp/mastp blend but I could also just draw both compounds into the same pin...
AAS Blends don't make a lot of sense in my personal schema of use so I tend not to buy them. I could see at some point using a testp/mastp blend but I could also just draw both compounds into the same pin...

Definitely. I see the points everyone’s making. I personally don’t like blends either. Perhaps pre-workout blends but other than that.

Glad I’m getting feedback. Gives me an idea of what everyone’s interested in.

Some guys are interested in blends. But those preworkout blends are sick lol.

I also liked That Trestolone Ester blend and Tren/Trestolone. Crazy blends like that.