Is/has Panda done anything about this? Has he offered to help the guys that purchased these test E raws? I’m sure if a timeline was needed for proof of purchase it shouldn’t be a problem proving a purchase? It’s not like it’s been an isolated incident...Never ever used to be - prop yes, that's known, but never heard of painful enanthate injections in 20+ years. Manufacturer made a bad batch and it's still being sold. Never once heard of enanthate being painful until the last 12 months. Buddy ordered a while before that and enanthate was 100% painless but his Tren A was bullshit sludge that ruined beekers. That crap still seems to be around too.
Maybe I’ve missed it?
Plus it’s been a long time since Panda has even posted here. What’s up with that anyway?
I’ve been following this thread from day 1. There’s just a lot of shit that’s went down, and monkey king, and blah blah blah... lol.