PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Sorry, I would first like to address the issue which you guys may have thought I disregarded yesterday:
I did not want to reply without actual information. Looks like whoever was hacked were using the same usernames and passwords on BoP and on here. This has nothing to do with any orders done on our website, as our website was not hacked. Not to mention we are not the only source targeted.
Just wanted to keep you guys updatedupdated with the correct information. Contrary to what the hacker has said, our website and it's data has not been touched.
We do not pay up to extortionists.


Never have I ever been on, or joined, BOP and I was compromised. My password on the PPL site and wallet were the same (shame on me for being complacent). I was cleaned out (thankfully for only $30).

I feel like I deserve, at the least, an explanation for my $30.

Never have I ever been on, or joined, BOP and I was compromised. My password on the PPL site and wallet were the same (shame on me for being complacent). I was cleaned out (thankfully for only $30).

I feel like I deserve, at the least, an explanation for my $30.
I saw the pastebin about 10 mins it was posted, had 2 different email addresses exposed.Hard time believing I had 2 bop account when I dont remember ever making one.
Anyone try the super porn star tablets from ppl? The one with viagra/cialis/dapoxetine together. Is it safe to take both viagra and cialis like that?
Anyone try the super porn star tablets from ppl? The one with viagra/cialis/dapoxetine together. Is it safe to take both viagra and cialis like that?
Yes, it’s safe. The Viagra is fast acting and Cialis is long lasting. The Dapox makes you last longer, but gives me massive acid reflux and makes my head feel funny.
Sorry man Im not really aware of what you mean. I just got back on how about a brief summary? That would be good.

I hacked them, they told everyone they weren't hacked, I spent a few days hacking all their customers and stealing their crypto, after I didn't have more crypto left to steal I came back to tell the truth.

Basically they lied to their customers and instead of notifying them about the breach they left them in the open to be hacked by me. They could pay 0.25BTC, which is peanuts taking into account it's DragonOrdnance/PurplePanda/MonkeyKing, but they'd rather continue this.

The joke is that I can send an email to all their customers. Probably only 5% of their customers visit this forum, I haven't even started. Have many ideas about how to fuck their business and I will be doing it in the following months. It's the principle. I get paid or you get a pain in the ass for as long as it entertains me.

