PurplePandaLabs Raw source

PPL said they have nothing on him, we are all g2g then.

The issue is PPL is advertising on a board who obviously doesn't give 2 cents about it's members security and if this is the case, what does it say about PPL? If PPL is ok being on a board who shares personal info to LE, who's morals, values and character are the ones who really are messed up? I would have to say PPL. PPL didn't research enough to make sure it was a safe environment to be in. JMO
PPL said they have nothing on him, we are all g2g then.

The issue is PPL is advertising on a board who obviously doesn't give 2 cents about it's members security and if this is the case, what does it say about PPL? If PPL is ok being on a board who shares personal info to LE, who's morals, values and character are the ones who really are messed up? I would have to say PPL. PPL didn't research enough to make sure it was a safe environment to be in. JMO
I can definitely agree on that. Sure source can have great product and CS but who cares when shit hits the fan and the ups guy come knocking in blue?
SWIM is an acronym that the Blue Light junkies used thinking it would help them avoid self incrimination.

Eventually they were told to knock it off 'cause it wasn't protecting them from shit.

That and it's gay.
Never been to bluelight or whatever tf it's called lol. Same as this but a forum from junkies damn near. Learned how to bake fresh Molly pills back in HS:D
Baking fresh Molly pills huh? Didn't know you could or had to bake to make Molly. Very interesting.
Now, I think it's one thing if PPL didn't know about them willing to share info but the moment he found out should have left. That being said, let's look on the other side of the spectrum. If you were making 10k a month on that board but YOU were safe and members were up a shit creek would you leave? I wouldn't. Cause it's all about that money.

What's concerning me is did PPL have anything in PM that was sensitive material? Of course he'd deny it to end of the earth even if there was. Plus did any of those members use an email like Google who would give LE access to see what was said between a member and PPL? Was there sensitive material there?
Baking fresh Molly pills huh? Didn't know you could or had to bake to make Molly. Very interesting.
Now, I think it's one thing if PPL didn't know about them willing to share info but the moment he found out should have left. That being said, let's look on the other side of the spectrum. If you were making 10k a month on that board but YOU were safe and members were up a shit creek would you leave? I wouldn't. Cause it's all about that money.

What's concerning me is did PPL have anything in PM that was sensitive material? Of course he'd deny it to end of the earth even if there was. Plus did any of those members use an email like Google who would give LE access to see what was said between a member and PPL? Was there sensitive material there?
It's chemistry so yes I would say cooking
What's next? His lab testing?
I'm actually getting off track. Must be my ADD and no coffee.
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It's be nice, if someone can read the raw data, and interpret it. At the very least verify the validity of it.
Well if they get posted then we'll find someone who can. Fist thing first is its gotta get done. So whos tested raws in the past? Whos PS's 3rd party?
Still patiently waiting for bloods....

Idk about you but until a wkm or someone whose been around a while posts blood I don't trust shit. Even if he posts something that shows great results. That being said I'm willing to gamble a few bucks to see for myself
Idk about you but until a wkm or someone whose been around a while posts blood I don't trust shit. Even if he posts something that shows great results. That being said I'm willing to gamble a few bucks to see for myself
I've been using PPL for about 3 months now. My bloods have been drawn and will be posted at some point soon. I've never vouched for a source other than PDs greys and I rarely talk about what source I'm using and when I do it's almost always a generalized statement. I know I have a few fellow members out there thinking shill, and I'm OK with that. I don't hang my hat on what any one knucklehead thinks, it doesn't matter.

This is my first blood test ever and without a doubt my only real contribution to the community since I joined. Over the past year I think I've been a good member and done nothing to put my credibility in jeopardy. Like I stated early in the thread, I have no allegiance to PPL and if the bloods suck let the ass kicking begin.
I've been using PPL for about 3 months now. My bloods have been drawn and will be posted at some point soon. I've never vouched for a source other than PDs greys and I rarely talk about what source I'm using and when I do it's almost always a generalized statement. I know I have a few fellow members out there thinking shill, and I'm OK with that. I don't hang my hat on what any one knucklehead thinks, it doesn't matter.

This is my first blood test ever and without a doubt my only real contribution to the community since I joined. Over the past year I think I've been a good member and done nothing to put my credibility in jeopardy. Like I stated early in the thread, I have no allegiance to PPL and if the bloods suck let the ass kicking begin.

Raws or finished product?
raws. I have no clue about oils, unfinished or finished. I gave a decent little description of what my experience is on pg 1 of the thread. I have also purchased raws for orals as well. I start their dbol in about a week.
raws. I have no clue about oils, unfinished or finished. I gave a decent little description of what my experience is on pg 1 of the thread. I have also purchased raws for orals as well. I start their dbol in about a week.

Did you labmax anything? Not that that's a definitive plus or not but it's a start