PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Gmail? No shit. 24k was head of the class when I came here.

I was SMH when I saw you post that pcom is on YouTube.
Ok so you are correct in the fact meso its easily found and public BUT meso never been asked nor volunteered any info to law enforcement and I know @Millard Baker had already stated this and I'm sure many long time vets would place their trust in him as a man of his word as one them bluntly told me via pm in of our conversation that in his opinion and experience here nobody would see the underside of a bus due to Millard.

Anyway Eman explained what I mean more well compiled. In any case I am not a fan of sourcing on r/ for any reason...
It's kind of dramatic... 24k was on Reddit and is almost a legend around here to this day... Pharmacom advertises on fucking YouTube...

I don't really plan on using this source but I don't see the connection on how they'll pull LE in here.
Bro, not to be a dick but why does it seem you keep downplaying the importance of security particularly in this thread? Or is it something personal with the members you're quoting when doing so?
It's kind of dramatic... 24k was on Reddit and is almost a legend around here to this day... Pharmacom advertises on fucking YouTube...

I don't really plan on using this source but I don't see the connection on how they'll pull LE in here.
I don't think 24K's time here was recent. I think this is something recently going on. As far as PCOM, we both know what i think about them. Just because one source does it, doesn't mean we should be ok with it. Finally, you are correct, I won't use this source.

So, tell me what we should be looking for from a source in the VET process? @Eman you know i have no issues with you, just a fair question. Security risks, testing, fair prices, no affiliations with past known bathtub brewers like hammer, or atlas, or am I off track here? I know i missed titties, but what else is important? Before any respect meso member pins gear, I hope they look at some of these factors first.
Gmail? No shit. 24k was head of the class when I came here.

I was SMH when I saw you post that pcom is on YouTube.

Yeah, go type pharmacom labs into the YouTube search lol...

I never liked that 24k had Gmail but he did use protonmail also... Gmail was a security risk he got away with.
Bro, not to be a dick but why does it seem you keep downplaying the importance of security particularly in this thread? Or is it something personal with the members you're quoting when doing so?
@Eman and I are good. He has helped me out more than a few times...
Bro, not to be a dick but why does it seem you keep downplaying the importance of security particularly in this thread? Or is it something personal with the members you're quoting when doing so?

I'm not downplaying security... I am just pointing out items that I disagree with. I'm not sure where the threat lies with security with this source. He's on Reddit, what does that have to do with making YOU vulnerable here?

Even being here, you don't necessarily order from HERE either, just like Reddit members HOPEFULLY aren't ordering directly from Reddit. The source even indicated he doesn't take PM orders, I don't know whether that's true or not but if it's not, I hope no one is stupid enough to not order via encrypted email... Not to mention a VPN and Tor.

The security issue has more to do with our own personal policies to keep ourselves safe than this source being on Reddit IMO.
The big ticket items for me when it comes to the source and their ability to protect me would be what is happening to my info once the order is complete and how are communications handled. I want secure email used and I want no records of anything to do with me on the sources electronics, anywhere. We can argue finer details until we are blue in the face but those are the big ones for me.
Ok so you are correct in the fact meso its easily found and public BUT meso never been asked nor volunteered any info to law enforcement and I know @Millard Baker had already stated this and I'm sure many long time vets would place their trust in him as a man of his word as one them bluntly told me via pm in of our conversation that in his opinion and experience here nobody would see the underside of a bus due to Millard.
BIngo!!!!!!! One last thing gents make sure this guy renew's soon! ;)

2017-03-21 07.34.07.png
I'm not downplaying security... I am just pointing out items that I disagree with. I'm not sure where the threat lies with security with this source. He's on Reddit, what does that have to do with making YOU vulnerable here?

Even being here, you don't necessarily order from HERE either, just like Reddit members HOPEFULLY aren't ordering directly from Reddit. The source even indicated he doesn't take PM orders, I don't know whether that's true or not but if it's not, I hope no one is stupid enough to not order via encrypted email... Not to mention a VPN and Tor.

The security issue has more to do with our own personal policies to keep ourselves safe than this source being on Reddit IMO.
I couldn't agree more. Therefore, if a source is ok with saying they have nothing on me to get me, that's a very arrogant statement to make. Does PPL think they would call him and tell him they have evidence and are watching him? He now knows what is going on with Reddit, lets see what he does.
I'm not downplaying security... I am just pointing out items that I disagree with. I'm not sure where the threat lies with security with this source. He's on Reddit, what does that have to do with making YOU vulnerable here?

Even being here, you don't necessarily order from HERE either, just like Reddit members HOPEFULLY aren't ordering directly from Reddit. The source even indicated he doesn't take PM orders, I don't know whether that's true or not but if it's not, I hope no one is stupid enough to not order via encrypted email... Not to mention a VPN and Tor.

The security issue has more to do with our own personal policies to keep ourselves safe than this source being on Reddit IMO.
Fair enough. I'd agree with that. Only thing is the unknown like you said we dont know if he actually never took orders via pm on reddit and like trt said its about the money so if someone sent him an order asked for payment info you think he said email me or gave him the payment info? Also if he did say email me whos to say it wasnt le requesting just to get the email? At least hes using proton though
@Ickyrica I'm not arguing brudda. I wish some of the true vets could "sit down" and hash out a different SCOC to be followed. If a source doesn't do it, they get the meso goodbye.