PurplePandaLabs Raw source

MESO has never received a request for any type of user information from a law enforcement agency in over 20 years. MESO would only share information specified by a legally-valid court order in the appropriate jurisdiction (after consultation with its own legal counsel).

That's why meso is home
I think at this point it's up to the people's own discretion on whether or not they wanna buy. Price wise for raws it's a lot less costlier than finished products. $200 of raws can give you many cycles.

Just note that while the stealth is good, the success rate with their raws isn't 100%. I've heard of a number of seizures. They have a reship policy but you would never hear of any busts since anyone busted would avoid further posting on the Internet due to risk of self incrimination.
BL have never endorsed swim. Swim originated elsewhere if you need I can find which forum.

i remember reading it there.
i could be mistaken, we're talking 10ish years ago, when i was seeking answers to topics found on such sites.

It's funny, back before i realized what the acronym meant, i was like, "Who ever this SWIM dude is, he sure does a lot of drugs!!!"
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i remember reading it there.
i could be mistaken, we're talking 10ish years ago, when i was seeking answers to topics found on such sites.

It's funny, back before i realized what the acronym meant, i was like, "Who ever this SWIM dude is, he sure does a lot of drugs!!!"

swim goes back to the hive (thehive.ws) wikipedia says they invented the term. Strike, you dun goofed.
I've always hated when people say "my pet rat is running 750mg test" blah blah blah
I saw someone say this on here which was pointless. I don't know why but that shit rubs me the wrong way. For your rat or not your talking about possession of a controlled substance.
i remember reading it there.
i could be mistaken, we're talking 10ish years ago, when i was seeking answers to topics found on such sites.

It's funny, back before i realized what the acronym meant, i was like, "Who ever this SWIM dude is, he sure does a lot of drugs!!!"
I just learned what swim ment yesterday.
View attachment 64722

Lets play a game called "go fuck yourself " :)
Hey @CdnGuy I'm surprised you didn't comment on the UPLC report being fake as exposed by the manufacturer of the UPLC machine pics PPL posted

I was mistaken at first by believing the "report" BS
All peak data is completely different

Now look how a Testosterone Enanthate chart was supposed to look (look at peak 4)
according to WATERS the manufacturer of the same machine PPL claims to own, right from the official website
totally different

So we can safely conclude this is a MADE-UP TEST RESULT

Not enough?
Do you still want us to call Alchem Biotechnology to verify the results-report you posted?
We have several chinese-speaking friends who can help.

And don't forget that it looks like a photoshopped forge of a 2016 report for a different substance

Check the testing report
No RN20162090164A
Doesn't that look like a 2016 date?
I know the chinese type the year first, month and day
as evidenced by the date acquired and date processed fields

And the company where the report is supposed to come from
Alchem Biotechnology Co Ltd
Makes natural extracts, not steroids
So the report was photoshopped from a natural substance, probably herbal, oh and a 2016 report as I just mentioned.

I just learned what swim ment yesterday.
That won't be enough we need SWIMWILIACWGIL
Someone Who Isn't Me Who Is Located In a County Where Gear Is Legal
Hey @CdnGuy I'm surprised you didn't comment on the UPLC report being fake as exposed by the manufacturer of the UPLC machine pics PPL posted

And don't forget that it looks like a photoshopped forge of a 2016 report for a different substance

And the company where the report is supposed to come from
Alchem Biotechnology Co Ltd
Makes natural extracts, not steroids
So the report was photoshopped from a natural substance, probably herbal, oh and a 2016 report as I just mentioned.

That won't be enough we need SWIMWILIACWGIL
Someone Who Isn't Me Who Is Located In a County Where Gear Is Legal
Please post facts of falsified info, not conjecture. All I am reading is a pile of basic company info and editorials. I am 100% on board with exposing a liar but as stated above, this is an editorial up to this point.
Please post facts of falsified info, not conjecture. All I am reading is a pile of basic company info and editorials. I am 100% on board with exposing a liar but as stated above, this is an editorial up to this point.

1 The chart is made from WATERS CORPORATION the same company that made the UPLC machine PPL claims to own, PPL even posted pics of it. FACT

2 Waters, the afore mentioned company is a very large and serious one. FACT
Waters Corporation - Wikipedia

3 They are worth 12.52 Billion $
WAT : Summary for Waters Corporation Common Stock - Yahoo Finance

4 Being such a large and serious company, Waters has no interest in illegal steroid sources, and they won't alter any UPLC chart in any way. FACT

5 Waters is not affiliated with @purplepandalabs in any way. FACT

6 The charts from Waters and from PPL look completely different. FACT
Just to recap the Waters Testosterone Enanthate chart can be found here: see page 2, peak 4
PPL posted his UPLC report here
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
PPL posted pics of his WATERS UPLC machine here:
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
He claims to have more pics of the same UPLC machine in his website

7 Since Waters has absolutely no interest in altering charts (FACT), and Ppl MIGHT be interested in altering them (CONDITIONAL CONJECTURE) and the charts look completely different (FACT), then @purplepandalabs faked the report LOGICAL CONCLUSION

Sorry for the caps, of course I'm not yelling at you @Ickyrica but they are crucial to separate facts from conjectures.

@purplepandalabs at this point, being exposed as badly as you are now, if you still want to continue selling gear:
1 Be honest and apologize
2 Get a money back guarantee from your powder suppliers
(ALL sources are resellers, absolutely nothing wrong with that)
3 Send Chemtox AT LEAST one product every month and post results.
4 If results come bad, get money back from supplier as explained in #2
5 Don't even try to forge Chemtox results: we'll find out.
I'm not being harsh despite all the lying, my advice is just common sense.
This is still conjecture. You haven't proven anything in my eyes. I'm looking at two different charts, yes. I will agree with that but in no way have you demonstrated to me that it is falsified.

Reply below in red...

1 The chart is made from WATERS CORPORATION the same company that made the UPLC machine PPL claims to own, PPL even posted pics of it. FACT
Has no bearing on the discussion
2 Waters, the afore mentioned company is a very large and serious one. FACT
Waters Corporation - Wikipedia
Has no bearing on the discussion
3 They are worth 12.52 Billion $
WAT : Summary for Waters Corporation Common Stock - Yahoo Finance
Has no bearing on the discussion
4 Being such a large and serious company, Waters has no interest in illegal steroid sources, and they won't alter any UPLC chart in any way. FACT
Has no bearing on the discussion. Waters did not generate the testing report
5 Waters is not affiliated with @purplepandalabs in any way. FACT
Has no bearing on the discussion
6 The charts from Waters and from PPL look completely different. FACT
Just to recap the Waters Testosterone Enanthate chart can be found here: see page 2, peak 4
PPL posted his UPLC report here
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
PPL posted pics of his WATERS UPLC machine here:
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
He claims to have more pics of the same UPLC machine in his website
You are comparing a HLPC test to a UPLC test, I'm guessing that matters. You are also looking at a few pages from a Waters product brochure from 20 years ago. My guess would be that product testing has changed a bit since then. If PPLs results were to mimic the test that you have produced one would be inclined to think that the same standards would have to be used in order for the results to end up the same. Do you know the same standards have been used? Do you actually know how to read these charts and what would effect the outcome one way or another and why or are you just trying to pontificate your way to the top of the dirt pile?
7 Since Waters has absolutely no interest in altering charts (FACT), and Ppl MIGHT be interested in altering them (CONDITIONAL CONJECTURE) and the charts look completely different (FACT), then @purplepandalabs faked the report LOGICAL CONCLUSION

Sorry for the caps, of course I'm not yelling at you @Ickyrica but they are crucial to separate facts from conjectures. I appreciate the facts that you have illustrated but they just dance around obvious things that any one of us could have pointed out, capital letters or not.

@purplepandalabs at this point, being exposed as badly as you are now, if you still want to continue selling gear:
1 Be honest and apologize
2 Get a money back guarantee from your powder suppliers
(ALL sources are resellers, absolutely nothing wrong with that)
3 Send Chemtox AT LEAST one product every month and post results.
4 If results come bad, get money back from supplier as explained in #2
5 Don't even try to forge Chemtox results: we'll find out.
I'm not being harsh despite all the lying, my advice is just common sense.
swim goes back to the hive (thehive.ws) wikipedia says they invented the term. Strike, you dun goofed.

They (The Hive) may have invented the term but i'm still pretty damn certain they used that acronym over at BL back in the day.

It doesn't really matter, my initial point was that it does nothing to avoid self incrimination and just sounds gay af!

i think we can both agree on that. ;)

1 The chart is made from WATERS CORPORATION the same company that made the UPLC machine PPL claims to own, PPL even posted pics of it. FACT

2 Waters, the afore mentioned company is a very large and serious one. FACT
Waters Corporation - Wikipedia

3 They are worth 12.52 Billion $
WAT : Summary for Waters Corporation Common Stock - Yahoo Finance

4 Being such a large and serious company, Waters has no interest in illegal steroid sources, and they won't alter any UPLC chart in any way. FACT

5 Waters is not affiliated with @purplepandalabs in any way. FACT

6 The charts from Waters and from PPL look completely different. FACT
Just to recap the Waters Testosterone Enanthate chart can be found here: see page 2, peak 4
PPL posted his UPLC report here
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
PPL posted pics of his WATERS UPLC machine here:
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
He claims to have more pics of the same UPLC machine in his website

7 Since Waters has absolutely no interest in altering charts (FACT), and Ppl MIGHT be interested in altering them (CONDITIONAL CONJECTURE) and the charts look completely different (FACT), then @purplepandalabs faked the report LOGICAL CONCLUSION

Sorry for the caps, of course I'm not yelling at you @Ickyrica but they are crucial to separate facts from conjectures.

@purplepandalabs at this point, being exposed as badly as you are now, if you still want to continue selling gear:
1 Be honest and apologize
2 Get a money back guarantee from your powder suppliers
(ALL sources are resellers, absolutely nothing wrong with that)
3 Send Chemtox AT LEAST one product every month and post results.
4 If results come bad, get money back from supplier as explained in #2
5 Don't even try to forge Chemtox results: we'll find out.
I'm not being harsh despite all the lying, my advice is just common sense.

Fact: master.on loves to hear himself speak
Fact: he is also a long winded fucker
Fact: water wet
Conditional Conjecture: Master.on has a small penis
Logical Conclusion: Your just repeating yourself with a bunch of nonsense added in. Who gives a fuck about waters net worth. Whats that got to do with anything? Oh wait, it helps prove its "large" and "serious" And also some of your facts are actually conjecture. You cant say 100% that waters wont assist in the analysis of hormones, or however unlikely help prepare a skewed analysis report.
Fact: Volkswagon is a $67 billion large and serious company
Fact: volkeswagon fined $14.7 billion for deliberately cheating on emission test.

and yeah Im going to fuck with you every chance I get. unless Im told otherwise
They (The Hive) may have invented the term but i'm still pretty damn certain they used that acronym over at BL back in the day.

It doesn't really matter, my initial point was that it does nothing to avoid self incrimination and just sounds gay af!

i think we can both agree on that. ;)

nope, your right. Just about every forum that dealt with clandestine operations for awhile used. Until it was pointed out that it provided no real legal protections.
No need for me to continue on this lab or really any of them. Haha Meso has changed and I need to accept that fact. If members trust a source that sells on Reddit that's scary! Hard too gather factual information on this lab since hundreds of posted comments have BEEN DELETED. :rolleyes: ....GL fellas

Hope you have a whole box of clean tampons.