PurplePandaLabs Raw source


1 The chart is made from WATERS CORPORATION the same company that made the UPLC machine PPL claims to own, PPL even posted pics of it. FACT

2 Waters, the afore mentioned company is a very large and serious one. FACT
Waters Corporation - Wikipedia

3 They are worth 12.52 Billion $
WAT : Summary for Waters Corporation Common Stock - Yahoo Finance

4 Being such a large and serious company, Waters has no interest in illegal steroid sources, and they won't alter any UPLC chart in any way. FACT

5 Waters is not affiliated with @purplepandalabs in any way. FACT

6 The charts from Waters and from PPL look completely different. FACT
Just to recap the Waters Testosterone Enanthate chart can be found here: see page 2, peak 4
PPL posted his UPLC report here
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
PPL posted pics of his WATERS UPLC machine here:
PurplePandaLabs Raw source
He claims to have more pics of the same UPLC machine in his website

7 Since Waters has absolutely no interest in altering charts (FACT), and Ppl MIGHT be interested in altering them (CONDITIONAL CONJECTURE) and the charts look completely different (FACT), then @purplepandalabs faked the report LOGICAL CONCLUSION

Sorry for the caps, of course I'm not yelling at you @Ickyrica but they are crucial to separate facts from conjectures.

@purplepandalabs at this point, being exposed as badly as you are now, if you still want to continue selling gear:
1 Be honest and apologize
2 Get a money back guarantee from your powder suppliers
(ALL sources are resellers, absolutely nothing wrong with that)
3 Send Chemtox AT LEAST one product every month and post results.
4 If results come bad, get money back from supplier as explained in #2
5 Don't even try to forge Chemtox results: we'll find out.
I'm not being harsh despite all the lying, my advice is just common sense.

This is still conjecture. You haven't proven anything in my eyes. I'm looking at two different charts, yes. I will agree with that but in no way have you demonstrated to me that it is falsified.

Reply below in red...
Point proven @Ickyrica , believe what you want to believe I don't care

@purplepandalabs can you please post a pic of "your" UPLC equipment?
We need a general view pic, AND another one a closeup of the model plate?
Remember to place Meso Rx + date tags on both.
If I'm not mistaken other members already asked you for the Meso tags on UPLC machine pics again, you said you own the equipment so I don't see what's the delay.

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Point proven @Ickyrica , believe what you want to believe I don't care

@purplepandalabs can you please post a pic of "your" UPLC equipment?
We need a general view pic, AND another one a closeup of the model plate?
Remember to place Meso Rx + date tags on both.
If I'm not mistaken other members already asked you for the Meso tags on UPLC machine pics again, you said you own the equipment so I don't see what's the delay.

Two things. 1.) no members asked me for more pics of my testing equipment. 2.) I don't own the equipment and I never said I did, the lab we use owns it. But besides that I have no problem getting you the pics you've requested, but it's going to have to be in the morning(my time) because the labs closed right now
Point proven @Ickyrica , believe what you want to believe I don't care

@purplepandalabs can you please post a pic of "your" UPLC equipment?
We need a general view pic, AND another one a closeup of the model plate?
Remember to place Meso Rx + date tags on both.
If I'm not mistaken other members already asked you for the Meso tags on UPLC machine pics again, you said you own the equipment so I don't see what's the delay.


Two things. 1.) no members asked me for more pics of my testing equipment. 2.) I don't own the equipment and I never said I did, the lab we use owns it. But besides that I have no problem getting you the pics you've requested, but it's going to have to be in the morning(my time) because the labs closed right now

alchem biotech, you gotta keep up
And what do you need the model plate pic for? thats fucking stupid.

why not go to chemtox or one of those guys and see if they'll look at one of those reports and give an opinion? that would actually be useful

Point proven @Ickyrica , believe what you want to believe I don't care

@purplepandalabs can you please post a pic of "your" UPLC equipment?
We need a general view pic, AND another one a closeup of the model plate?
Remember to place Meso Rx + date tags on both.
If I'm not mistaken other members already asked you for the Meso tags on UPLC machine pics again, you said you own the equipment so I don't see what's the delay.


hey @master.on how come your giving these guys so much harder time than LMC. Did LMC buy you off or something? When LMC didnt jump through hoops for you,you just quietly went away. Are you working for LMC to discredit or runoff other raw suppliers?
alchem biotech, you gotta keep up
Yes PPL keep up

And what do you need the model plate pic for? thats fucking stupid.

why not go to chemtox or one of those guys and see if they'll look at one of those reports and give an opinion? that would actually be useful

hey @master.on how come your giving these guys so much harder time than LMC. Did LMC buy you off or something? When LMC didnt jump through hoops for you,you just quietly went away. Are you working for LMC to discredit or runoff other raw suppliers?
I'm not favoring or against any source. I swear
PPL was so easy to expose

Do you have some links of purported LMC HPLC results and any other relevant BS so I can take a look at them? If they are bogus I'll expose them as well, nobody's safe with me
Sorry to bother you but I'm usually very busy and haven't been following LMC threads.
This is still conjecture. You haven't proven anything in my eyes. I'm looking at two different charts, yes. I will agree with that but in no way have you demonstrated to me that it is falsified.

Reply below in red...
Any update when you expect your bloods back I must have missed it if you said.

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Hey @CdnGuy I'm surprised you didn't comment on the UPLC report being fake as exposed by the manufacturer of the UPLC machine pics PPL posted

And don't forget that it looks like a photoshopped forge of a 2016 report for a different substance

And the company where the report is supposed to come from
Alchem Biotechnology Co Ltd
Makes natural extracts, not steroids
So the report was photoshopped from a natural substance, probably herbal, oh and a 2016 report as I just mentioned.That won't be enough we need SWIMWILIACWGIL
Someone Who Isn't Me Who Is Located In a County Where Gear Is Legal
Master On have not commented because I am unfamiliar with testing results.Its outta my league but apparently not yours! IF you are right this will be a great contribution to Meso. About time Master On cuz all your other threads have been.....well you know. Lol Good work so far!

@Dr JIM is there any justification to Master On claims regarding the false reports? You are very fimilar in this dept sir.
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About time Master On cuz all your other threads have been.....well you know. Lol Good work so far!
He was due!

All his other content and how he gets trashed on other threads is what has me hesitant to believe what hes saying. But I wouldn't know.
One thing that is mind boggling over and over again(not directed at PPL...yet) lol Is why the shady labs who are successfully runnin their game eleswhere come to Meso lol The dumbest business decision they all make....86'ed !
Fact: master.on loves to hear himself speak
Fact: he is also a long winded fucker
Fact: water wet
Conditional Conjecture: Master.on has a small penis
Logical Conclusion: Your just repeating yourself with a bunch of nonsense added in. Who gives a fuck about waters net worth. Whats that got to do with anything? Oh wait, it helps prove its "large" and "serious" And also some of your facts are actually conjecture. You cant say 100% that waters wont assist in the analysis of hormones, or however unlikely help prepare a skewed analysis report.
Fact: Volkswagon is a $67 billion large and serious company
Fact: volkeswagon fined $14.7 billion for deliberately cheating on emission test.

and yeah Im going to fuck with you every chance I get. unless Im told otherwise

Plus keep in mind @master.on has been caught lying and deliberately spreading false information with his other numb nut threads.

I would doubt everything he says.
you mean the guy that recommended soaking glassware in alcohol and using an open flame to sterilize it? Now why would you doubt that mastermind?
I thought that was the recipe for Fire Gear? Damn it, back to the drawing board...o_O
Point proven @Ickyrica , believe what you want to believe I don't care

@purplepandalabs can you please post a pic of "your" UPLC equipment?
We need a general view pic, AND another one a closeup of the model plate?
Remember to place Meso Rx + date tags on both.
If I'm not mistaken other members already asked you for the Meso tags on UPLC machine pics again, you said you own the equipment so I don't see what's the delay.

Hey it's going to be Monday before I can post the pics. They aren't open on the weekend apparently


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