PurplePandaLabs Raw source

That doesn't always work when some exchanges take a week to deliver to your wallet. Coinbase was instant for me, but that got scrapped a long time ago unfortunately. Now I use glidera and it takes a week to get it usually.

I use Coinbase with immediate purchase and pay. 2 transactions in past 2 months.
36hr post pin update. 1ml npp in each delt. Pip is almost completely gone. 1.5ml test cyp in right glute. Still a bit painful but more than bearable.
I believe you will be one of the people that like migyol there's actually more that do only a few that can't handle it .
But to my knowledge we had nobody having issues with gso but it's a thick oil .
36hr post pin update. 1ml npp in each delt. Pip is almost completely gone. 1.5ml test cyp in right glute. Still a bit painful but more than bearable.
I’m like 3 weeks in pinning 1.5 ml in glute. Still noticeable pip for couple days after but not as bad as the first 1-2 pins. Running 750 mg/wk test cyp. Need that gso back ASAP
Man I hate to be a dead horse.. but man why the hell are you doing more hormones when your pecs are leaking from gyno? Obviously your hormones are way the fuck off. Npp and test will not help gyno.. why don’t you just get some nolva and clomid and come off for 6 months. You’re probably shortening your life span for muscles.

Ive been on 120mg test for almost 3 months now. My tren that i was running is bunk. Im taking raloxifene for the mild gyno. Gonna start caber next week for the npp blast.
Yea for prolactin to be safe
What's wrong with it? Im only running 150mg test with the npp. My e2 was 20 when i got gyno. A month later i checkd prolactin and it was in range so i have no idea how i got the gyno.
I'm not going to give you a hard time bro calm down all I hope to get you to realize is that caber can do irreparable damage to your heart valves so using just in case is a very bad idea that's spread on alot of steroid forums .
More than likely estrogen was the cause of the issues .
I'm not going to give you a hard time bro calm down all I hope to get you to realize is that caber can do irreparable damage to your heart valves so using just in case is a very bad idea that's spread on alot of steroid forums .
More than likely estrogen was the cause of the issues .

I was running test/deca at the time. I think the deca was or had test in it. Cus i was running 150test/400deca no ai and i got the gyno 3 weeks in.
Pinned my quad this morning with 1.5cc of npp and 10 hours later, holy shit does it hurt. Walking with a peg leg now. I have bad luck with everytime i buy gear. I always get the most painful shit. The masteron is smooth as hell tho. No pip from that. This is gonna be one painful blast.

Did you heat your oil?
You going in slowly?
Are depressing slowly?
I was running test/deca at the time. I think the deca was or had test in it. Cus i was running 150test/400deca no ai and i got the gyno 3 weeks in.
That sucks if you keep your estrogen levels in check you will not need caber you can study sides of estrogen and try to judge by feeling but the best method is blood work .
Yup caber is VERY bad for your health same with prami. Clomid and nolva always worked for 19nors and anadrol since the 80's, but now everyone is starting off with mega high doses and turning to harsher ancillaries!
I was running test/deca at the time. I think the deca was or had test in it. Cus i was running 150test/400deca no ai and i got the gyno 3 weeks in.
Dude you’re going to permanently damage your body... I hope you make the right decision. Take 6 months off caber isn’t the answer. I promise. You’re not making money off bodybuilding but I think your Narcissism will kill you. Putting more chemicals in you is not the answer. Wait till you have thyroid issues.. you’ll regret it
That sucks if you keep your estrogen levels in check you will not need caber you can study sides of estrogen and try to judge by feeling but the best method is blood work .

Im pretty sure it was estro related bcuz i started getting all the negative high e2 sides thats when i started takin some ai but not much and after 2 weeks my e2 came in at 20. So i dunno
Im pretty sure it was estro related bcuz i started getting all the negative high e2 sides thats when i started takin some ai but not much and after 2 weeks my e2 came in at 20. So i dunno
Please post the pic of towel of this uzing from your nipple