PurplePandaLabs Raw source

This is why I stick to 300mg/ml test-e in gso. I can do a full 3ml shot twice a week and completely forget where the next day. Easy peasy!
500mg test e and 200mg Tren e. First teen cycle so my boy told me to ease into it
Thats a good cycle. i ran a similar cycle with tren e at 200. you'll avoid most of the sides of the tren but you will get results. everything will start really shinning around week three or so.
500mg test e and 200mg Tren e. First teen cycle so my boy told me to ease into it

200mgs tren-e/week is a good start. Back when I was new to gear it was minimal doses and maximum effort just like the golden era guys and it was amazing. 300 test-e/week, 300 deca/week and mass gains like crazy :)