PurplePandaLabs Raw source

You got me excited, Scabby. Prob gonna make my order tomorrow. BTC had a good day today so better make the purchase before that shit goes back down.
Im letting my coins cook for a bit. Apparently market trends are pointing toward BTC having a very good next few days.
So from your experience with other labs. Has any of them gone this far as to sending pics? And meeting all demands?

Pics, references ,security practice,brewing experience, customers service and T/A will always be requested day 1. Sure not all the requests will be met most of the time. But the one thing I look for is how a lab deals with the initial shit storm. Legit labs have nothing to hide so they tend to keep calm and take it on the chin. The frauds get defensive and most tell a whack story to provide them street cred.
Will say I did grind on PPL pretty hard. But he handle things well and stayed professional. So props to PPL but this doesn't mean shit can't change tmrw o_O :D

Edit- Also for the guys who scoff and think the "Vetting" process is useless I say 15!!!!!!!! The number of labs/resellers that either never got off the ground. Went bad or got banned over the last 365 days now. Lol
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Astro put up pics I remember, but they were all bullshit. He just got access to some lab and took some pics with a piece of paper with his name and meso on it.
Pics, references ,security practice,brewing experience, customers service and T/A will always be requested day 1. Sure not all the requests will be met most of the time. But the one thing I look for is how a lab deals with the initial shit storm. Legit labs have nothing to hide so they tend to keep calm and take it on the chin. The frauds get defensive and most tell a whack story to provide them street cred.
Will say I did grind on PPL pretty hard. But he handle things well and stayed professional. So props to PPL but this doesn't mean shit can't change tmrw o_O :D
And you are very good at bringing the shit storm. A lot of guys on here don't appreciate what you do and yeah sometimes you get carried away but at the end of the day its always for the greater good.
Pics, references ,security practice,brewing experience, customers service and T/A will always be requested day 1. Sure not all the requests will be met most of the time. But the one thing I look for is how a lab deals with the initial shit storm. Legit labs have nothing to hide so they tend to keep calm and take it on the chin. The frauds get defensive and most tell a whack story to provide them street cred.
Will say I did grind on PPL pretty hard. But he handle things well and stayed professional. So props to PPL but this doesn't mean shit can't change tmrw o_O :D

Edit- Also for the guys who scoff and think the "Vetting" process is useless I say 15!!!!!!!! The number of labs/resellers that either never got off the ground. Went bad or got banned over the last 365 days now. Lol

Haha you grind everyone hard. I've seen you in action. You put that spot light on them and throw hard evidence in their faces. Yea PPL looks promising. I would be up to try their gear. Maybe next few cycles down the road. I'll let it sizzle for awhile and see what changes.