Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Can you tell me which vendors said that?

Both Steroidify and Pharmaqo claim to remove heavy metals.

Any product purchased on Steroidify can be sent for free testing, as well, including for heavy metals.

Janoshik says they charge $120 for a heavy metals test; Steroidify already said they would cover this test for me for whatever products I want tested.

Now, I want to be clear, that I do not work for either company.

According to an article I have read, only 20% of UGL steroids actually contain heavy metals. In other words, most vendors have enough sense to remove them. I want to be clear here that I am not saying Steroidify/Pharmaqo are the only company to remove them... but so far they are the only companies to come out and talk about them... Nobody else seems to know what are in their products.
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Answer the question, lady.

Are you trying to poison us or not?!

At least 2 other vendors on here claim to remove heavy metals.

I'm not buying jack**** from you unless you take out the heavy metals.
1. Don't buy then
2. The heavy metals is more likely to be in dnp because what is around is more industrial version. On raws if they had heavy metals me and many other would be in hospital or in the ground since we use those raws for years
Both Steroidify and Pharmaqo claim to remove heavy metals.

Any product purchased on Steroidify can be sent for free testing, as well, including for heavy metals.

Janoshik says they charge $120 for a heavy metals test; Steroidify already said they would cover this test for me for whatever products I want tested.

Now, I want to be clear, that I do not work for either company.

According to an article I have read, only 20% of UGL steroids actually contain heavy metals. In other words, most vendors have enough sense to remove them. I want to be clear here that I am not saying Steroidify/Pharmaqo are the only company to remove them... but so far they are the only companies to come out and talk about them... Nobody else seems to know what are in their products.
How would you determine that without testing? Wouldnt it be painful asf?
never seen or experienced that heavy metals are present in raw materials. that would be permanent poisoning and most of the raw materials here at QSC are 98% pure. maybe @janoshik can say more about heavy metals in raw materials
What do you do to ensure that heavy metals like lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic are not in your raws?

Do you have any tests to prove that heavy metals have been removed?
You got your answer in another thread where @janoshik said its just not something that ever happens.

@janoshik has stated in other places that he’s stopped listing a price for heavy metal testing because no sample has ever shown any detectable heavy metals.

I think it has to do with how the raws are synthesized. Protein powder and supplements are ground up in machinery, thus the heavy metals. Steroids are not.

Tbh we offer the testing for heavy metals due to considerable interest, but still, no AAS sample tested "positive"
The dude is not smart as fuck. He reads books and offers his interpretation. ANYONE can do that. It doesn’t make you smart.

What gets me is doctors talking about the same things in an evidence based context get a fraction of the views but people will blindly follow these clowns advice because they take pictures with hot girls and curse a lot. Then you get these weird trends mistaken for conventional wisdom all based in anecdotes.

People listen to them because there are not clinical trials for everything they talk about. They extract as much information from what we do have studies on and their own anecdotal evidence and create a theory. There is nothing wrong with theorizing.

Yes anyone can look at the studies that are available but it does not mean they have the willingness to. What these people do is provide a service for people that don’t want to look at those studies or don’t have the time for it.

Lastly, these dudes are the very ones that influence most people that look at studies to begin with.

Give credit where it’s due.

Edit: Yo momma
People listen to them because there are not clinical trials for everything they talk about. They extract as much information from what we do have studies on and their own anecdotal evidence and create a theory. There is nothing wrong with theorizing.

Yes anyone can look at the studies that are available but it does not mean they have the willingness to. What these people do is provide a service for people that don’t want to look at those studies or don’t have the time for it.

Lastly, these dudes are the very ones that influence most people that look at studies to begin with.

Give credit where it’s due.

Edit: Yo momma
Reading from random studies and say fancy words for 1 hour with confidence to give the impression that you know what are you talking about is not something to be very proud of.
A random study doesn't mean much. There are studies and studies out there. Not all have validity. Look at this video 15 minutes and she explains better what is all about with all the studies

View: https://youtu.be/xvR8nXlELUc
Ok. What is your suggestion then?
Small snippet from online: "The reason for the use of “Sterile alcohol” is because IPA is not Sporicidal or Fungicidal. In fact, the practice of using non-sterile alcohol for injectable applications is condemned by most Microbiological and Sterilization experts"

If you want sterile bac water you should run it through a .22 micron filter after mixing your solution.
Might be a silly question but how is everyone reconstituting the 2mg vials of semaglutide ? 1ml BAC water in to the vial would mean 0.1ml = 0.2mg - how are people getting 0.25mg doses ?
Brother, I put 3ml of water in my peptides because that is moderately full. Sometimes I will add 2ml for ease of math. In your case add 2 ml BAC water and .25mg=.25ml. Or .25 mg's is the intended dose, 2mg/.25mg's=8 doses in the bottle. If you used 3ml BAC water is 300 units/8 doses= 37.5 units=.25mg
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Have been taking the Semaglutide for 2 weeks now and it's solid AF.
Will be buying again.

Also do you guys sell Modafinil? and can I get an updated catalog?
You guys are a bunch of queers...Heavy metals and shit...Quit being fucking pussies. You think fragments of metal aren't entering your body as they break off of that needle that your jamming into yourself? There's probably more metal entering you from the needle during one pin than is in any entire vial.