Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Man it's one week only. Need more time.
It's not something magic and it's not I pop a pill and I will get bigger and stronger by default
There are a lot of variables.
Don't know your stats and what are you taking but 50mg general speaking is not something huge also
And once again it's only one week

Bro you sound like a freaking reddit steroid sub junkie. Anadrol doesn't take that long to work. It usually kicks in on the first day. You seem to think you're talking to some kind of newbie. Stop your nonsense.
Bro you sound like a freaking reddit steroid sub junkie. Anadrol doesn't take that long to work. It usually kicks in on the first day. You seem to think you're talking to some kind of newbie. Stop your nonsense.
If that's what you believe then it's ok. Some people believe the earth is flat. Not all people are the same
Also there is something called placebo if you "feel " from day one
I don't think that I talk to some newbie. I am talking with a newbie. You showed your level by what are you saying. But it's ok you can learn if are open to listen if not live in your world. No problem with that
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With anadrol I really start seeing results towards the 6 week mark and beyond.
I’ve only used it twice. Last time was probably 7-8 years ago. But both times I would get a legit pump from just tying my shoes or walking up stairs by day 5-6. Anadrol gets to work fast. If a normal dude is taking 50mg + of legit anadrol he should have put some pounds on the scale within a couple weeks.

And 6 weeks or more of it is overkill IMO. That’s a long time to hold that much water and fight high BP.

On a separate note, bulky orals like anadrol and dbol are just not my thing. It’s just a temporary swelling that you get from them. Sure, the strength increase is fun and if you are small the instant size increase may feel cool, but it’s all going to be gone a month after stopping for me. As opposed to injectable compounds that tend to leave solid gains for 1+ years. The only orals I care for are Anavar and Halo.
I sent an email and didnt get a reply.

Do you carry these US domestic currently?
TB500 5mg
BPC-157 5mg
PT141 10mg
I can confirm qsc's pt141 works. 3mg and have been walking around with a hard on for 2 days! Way better then a "mainstream" canadian produced pruduct I tried. Just sayin.
Abso-fucking-lutely. Went from 25-30% bodyfat to 5,9% (dexa scan tested for what its worth). No cravings, very very little hunger.
Wait....what....WOW!!! Great job man! Am i reading this correctly;
25-30% bodyfat dropped to 5.9% bodyfat? (I'm American hence the decimal).
What was the time frame & your dosing?
Did you run a log because that'd be an interesting read!!!

Any of you lads used mk677 10mg tablets by Quindao sigma chemical.

I get on very well with mk677 and have gone as high as 30mg with test cyp and got some great strength gains on it.

Any feedback on it let me know thanks
I’ve only used it twice. Last time was probably 7-8 years ago. But both times I would get a legit pump from just tying my shoes or walking up stairs by day 5-6. Anadrol gets to work fast. If a normal dude is taking 50mg + of legit anadrol he should have put some pounds on the scale within a couple weeks.

And 6 weeks or more of it is overkill IMO. That’s a long time to hold that much water and fight high BP.

On a separate note, bulky orals like anadrol and dbol are just not my thing. It’s just a temporary swelling that you get from them. Sure, the strength increase is fun and if you are small the instant size increase may feel cool, but it’s all going to be gone a month after stopping for me. As opposed to injectable compounds that tend to leave solid gains for 1+ years. The only orals I care for are Anavar and Halo.
I do get the pumps from washing my hair and stuff like that in the first week. I'm saying I see legit changes in my physique after 6 weeks. If I eat clean and keep my estrogen low I don't really get excessive water weight. Im losing fat on it by being in a slight caloric deficit and I look bigger. BP does go up some but not too much, around 130/74 last time I checked and I'm 6 weeks in on 100mg a day so mildly elevated. I agree that a lot of the size gains are lost but if I train hard and recover adequately I will keep a few pounds of muscle. I will admit the lethargy makes it hard to keep taking it for me after 6 weeks.

I've tried Anavar and got very little from it. It was, in my experience, like a very very low dose of anadrol. Maybe I had a bad source but I don't see what all the fuss is about with anavar. What benefits do you get from it personally?
I just heard from a supplier in China that they are being told they can no longer ship out orders.

"Now China customs restrict exporting from China. It is no chance for us to delivery now."

Is this true and if so can you explain what is going on?


@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Any comment on this? Seems like bullshit to me, (no offense OP), just don't see how restricting exports are going to help a flagging Chinese economy right now.

Fuck I really question if China and the USA would even stop doing business if China invaded Taiwan and the US got involved on the other side.

