Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Wait....what....WOW!!! Great job man! Am i reading this correctly;
25-30% bodyfat dropped to 5.9% bodyfat? (I'm American hence the decimal).
What was the time frame & your dosing?
Did you run a log because that'd be an interesting read!!!

Took me around 6 months.
3 Months on just TRT, 3 months on Tirzepatide (4weeks on 5mg, 4 weeks on 10mg and 4 weeks on 15mg), 200 tren ace added last 8 weeks.
Logbook would be boring as fuck, 24/7 caloric deficit, add cardio, workouts stay the same. Heavy & good form.-> get shredded
What kind of metformin do I have from QSC long or short? It did lower my bg a little but 400mg a day gave me the shits pretty bad and I felt a little fatigue so I stopped after a week.
How long did you take it exactly? Metformin will often give you diarrhea when you begin. Some generics seem to cause worse diarrhea and some generics cause no diarrhea. I don't know why that is. I don't think the diarrhea is related to the dose, so if you take 400mg or 3g, you will still have diarrhea. A week may not be enough time. You probably needed another week. Eventually the diarrhea goes away, but if you stop taking metformin and then begin taking it again, you will likely have diarrhea again. Sometimes it is diet related also, and you have to cut something down or remove it entirely.
Metformin is a drug that has a duration of effectiveness that is different from its half life. It is somewhat effective for all of those hours, but it's real power is when you take it with food.
depends, for some people the "carbohydrate blocking" effect is not a positive effect (for me it is but some people struggle with food intake and in those cases it is counterproductive i would say^^)
I think you can find a lot of different information on internet, and it is not worth it to call others info BS

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If one to take Metformin to decrease insulin resistance and decrease BG it should understand how it works and what the studies have discovered on the best way to take it. Metformin extended release is best taken at least twice a day and the IR should be taken at LEAST 3 TIMES A DAY.

If one wanna take it randomly just for sake of saying: I'm taking metforming then you can do as you please.

What I'm talking about are medical studies and not my opinion, anyone can go on PubMed or any similar website and read about it.
Anadrol is one of the few where you actually have a feel. Taking it for a full week already now. Weight didn't go really up. Don't notice much strength gains. Don't have any appetite or fatigue issues either.

I don't know if you've tried it prior to your current experience, but if not you could just be a weak responder to Anadrol. When I first tried it I had digestion issues and insomnia even at 50mgs so I never ran it longer than a week. It did make me fuller quickly, but I didn't notice much change in my strength during the time I was on it. Dbol increases my strength around a week in at lower dosages with virtually no side effects, but other people may experience estrogenic side effects, appetite suppression, acne, etc.

While listening to other people's subjective experiences is helpful to give you a general idea of what to possibly expect from any given compound, the same benefits and side effects that anyone else experiences are never guaranteed to hold true for anyone else.
Is the 200mg primo extremely hard to tolerate pip-wise? Don't like to shoot large quantities of oil so i would prefer the higher concentration but not sure about how hard the pip will be to tolerate.
I mix it 1:1 with test and had mild pip a few times initially. Pinning in glutes
I have the script of metformin hcl XR 500mg that I take twice a day. 1 am 1 pm. Il just continue with this dosaging. Usually take my hgh fasted when I wake up in the am at 5:45 hit the gym by 6:45 and first meal by 8:30. I take my first metformin dose with meal at 8:30ish
I don't know if you've tried it prior to your current experience, but if not you could just be a weak responder to Anadrol. When I first tried it I had digestion issues and insomnia even at 50mgs so I never ran it longer than a week. It did make me fuller quickly, but I didn't notice much change in my strength during the time I was on it. Dbol increases my strength around a week in at lower dosages with virtually no side effects, but other people may experience estrogenic side effects, appetite suppression, acne, etc.

While listening to other people's subjective experiences is helpful to give you a general idea of what to possibly expect from any given compound, the same benefits and side effects that anyone else experiences are never guaranteed to hold true for anyone else.
This is a good point. Before I've tried the various compounds that I've ran, I read and read on forums about others people's experiences to get a feel for what I wanted to try. However, my actual experience was almost always a little different than what I expected from reading. I must be a weak responder to anadrol and anavar (the only orals I've ran so far) because I tried pretty high doses of both without major side effects. I've held off on trying dbol because of stories about it making you into a watery mess, but I am going to give it a run in a few months and see how it goes.
I here what your saying completely because it’s totally true everyone responds differently to compounds. But also factor in nutrition as well. People forget alll to often how much diet effects compounds as well. Perfect example : bro I’m running 1g test/600eq/50mg adrol and only gained a few pounds this month, it must be bunk. Response: well what are your calories over maintence? What’s your macro profile? What’s your sleeping schedule look like? Lots of factors is all I’m saying.
I’ve been the person above when I started so that’s why I’m pointing it out. You think certain compound just isn’t for you? Well are you outtin the work in food wise? You can’t just put in weight from thin air! You need to feed the machine
I here what your saying completely because it’s totally true everyone responds differently to compounds. But also factor in nutrition as well. People forget alll to often how much diet effects compounds as well. Perfect example : bro I’m running 1g test/600eq/50mg adrol and only gained a few pounds this month, it must be bunk. Response: well what are your calories over maintence? What’s your macro profile? What’s your sleeping schedule look like? Lots of factors is all I’m saying.
I’ve been the person above when I started so that’s why I’m pointing it out. You think certain compound just isn’t for you? Well are you outtin the work in food wise? You can’t just put in weight from thin air! You need to feed the machine
agree 100 percent you can be running the best gear on earth and if the calories arnt there there’s fuck all gunna happen some people just can’t comprehend this gear is not magic