Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Hello sir I recently order from your shop and my package has been sent in return by the norwigian post office

But I'm having some issues with your support with getting a reship to a different address stating that there is no reship to Norway?

"There is no refund or reship policy to Norway, if the buyer orders to this country, he is responsible for the parcel if it's lost or seized, it was clear in our thread. Thank you for understanding"

According to your security and reship policy this should be possible? And I can't find anything specificity that Norway Is a exception


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Hello sir I recently order from your shop and my package has been sent in return by the norwigian post office

But I'm having some issues with your support with getting a reship to a different address stating that there is no reship to Norway?

"There is no refund or reship policy to Norway, if the buyer orders to this country, he is responsible for the parcel if it's lost or seized, it was clear in our thread. Thank you for understanding"

According to your security and reship policy this should be possible? And I can't find anything specificity that Norway Is a exception
Post 19307

This is how much my muscles have atrophied waiting on the US warehouse to be restocked


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List of supplements and specific products

17α-Methyl-1-testosteroneMOQ 10g $80 , 100g $285
5-AMINO 1MQMOQ 1g $100 , 5g $330 , 25g $998
5-HTPMOQ 100g $78
Acetic AcidMOQ 2.5L $150
Acetyl Hexapeptide-8MOQ $109/g
AciclovirMOQ $165/kg
Adrenaline HCLMOQ 10g $88 , 100g $240
Agmantine sulfateMOQ 250g $50
AgomelatineMOQ 10g $58
AminophyllineMOQ $68/kg
Amlodipine MOQ 10g $68
Amoxicilline MOQ 500g $75
AnamorelinMOQ 5mg $140
ApigeninMOQ 100g $135
Arachidonic acidMOQ 100g $60 , $85/kg
Ashwagandha 3%MOQ 500g $50
AspirinMOQ 500g $50
AstragalosideMOQ 10g $95
Atropine SulfateMOQ 10g $45 , 100g $98
AzithromycinMOQ 100g $45 , $260/kg
Bee Propolis extractMOQ $90/kg
BenzocaineMOQ $80/kg
Benzyl AlcoholMOQ $29/kg
Benzyl BenzoateMOQ $29/kg
BetaineMOQ $55/kg
BHB-Ca AcidMOQ $60/kg
Black pepper extractMOQ $70/kg
CBD IsolateMOQ 10g $55
Chromium PicolinateMOQ $80/kg
Ciclopirox ethanolamineMOQ $45/g
CiprofloxacinMOQ $80/kg
CiprofloxacinMOQ $88/kg
Cissus Quandrangularis extractMOQ $70/kg
CiticolineMOQ 100g $68 , $465/kg
Clonidine HCLMOQ 10g $65
Collagen hydrolysateMOQ $66/kg
Creatine HCLMOQ $86/kg
CycloastragenolMOQ $100/g , 10g $850
Cytidine MOQ $178/kg
Dandelion root extractMOQ $75/kg
DapagliflozinMOQ $520/g
DHEAMOQ $300/kg
DiclofenacMOQ $150/kg
DienoloneMOQ 50mg $40 ; $138/g
Dihydro Ergotamine MesylateMOQ 100mg $300
DIM 1968-05-04MOQ 100g $75 , $100/kg
DiosminMOQ 100g $115
DMSOMOQ $50/kg
DonepezilMOQ 10g $55
DulaglutideMOQ $1650/g
EcdysteroneMOQ 10g $160
Epicatechin MOQ 100g $140
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)MOQ 100g $70
Eurycoma Iongifolia extractMOQ $65/kg
EzetimibeMOQ $840/g
FamotidineMOQ 10g $90
FenbendazoleMOQ 100g $60
FlurbiprofenMOQ 50g $128
FluconazoleMOQ 10g $25 , $275/kg
FulvestrantMOQ $72/g, $45400/kg
GeniposideMOQ 100g $350
Glycolic acidMOQ 500g $45
GlucosamineMOQ $70/kg
HesperidinMOQ $95/kg
IbuprofenMOQ $80/kg
IrbesartanMOQ 5g $45 , 25g $70
IvermectineMOQ 500g $185 , $350/kg
KetoconazoleMOQ $210/kg
LaxogeninMOQ $870/kg
L-Carnitine L-fumarateMOQ 100g $80
L-CitrulineMOQ $70/kg
L-Methylfolate CalciumMOQ 10g $210 , 100g $845
L-TaurineMOQ $65/kg
L-TyrosineMOQ $75/kg
LidocaineMOQ $88/kg
Lions Mane Mushroom extractMOQ $85/kg
KisinoprilMOQ 5g $47 , 25g $100 , 100g $300
Magnesium BisglycinateMOQ $79/kg
Melatonine MOQ $47/kg
Memantine HCLMOQ $600/kg
MestanoloneMOQ $835/kg
MethocarbamolMOQ 25g $90 , 100g $215
MethotrexateMOQ $1100/kg
MetoprololMOQ $155/kg
MetronidazoleMOQ $79/kg
Mibolerone (Cheque drops)MOQ $178/g , 10g $1510
Microcrystalline celluloseMOQ $56/kg
MildronateMOQ $290/kg
Milk Thistle (Silibinin)MOQ 100g $120
Montelukast SodiumMOQ $1380/kg
N-acetyl-l-cysteine ethyl ester (NACET)MOQ $510/kg
NAD+ MOQ 100g $175
NaltrexoneMOQ $55/g , 10g $335
Nattokinase 20000FU/gMOQ 100g $88
NiacineMOQ $90/kg
Nicotinamide Riboside ChlorideMOQ 100g $80
Oleate EthylMOQ $30/kg
OndansetronMOQ 5g $55
OrlistatMOQ 10g $40 , 100g $65, $415/kg
Ox Bile extractMOQ $100/kg
ParacetamolMOQ $69/kg
ParoxetineMOQ 100g $140
Phentolamine MesilateMOQ 100g $200
Phenylephrine HCLMOQ $670/kg
Piperine MOQ 100g $120
Piperonyl alcoholMOQ $665/kg
PPARγ Antagonist IIIMOQ 10mg $60
PraziquantelMOQ 100g $55
PrednisoneMOQ 10g $39 , 100g $88
PregnenoloneMOQ 25g $55 , 100g $120
PropranololMOQ 25g $55
Prostaglandine (PGE1)MOQ 5mg $65
Pygeum Africanum extractMOQ $68/kg
QuercetinMOQ $280/kg
RapamycinMOQ $135/g
Red Yeast rice extractMOQ $65/kg
ResveratrolMOQ 100g $75 , $390/kg
Retinoic AcidMOQ 100g $95 , $774/kg
RifaximineMOQ 100g $120 , 200g $200
S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM)MOQ 100g $70
SafinamideMOQ 10mg $80 , 50mg $185 , $535/g
SarcosineMOQ $90/kg
Salicyclic acidMOQ $40/kg
Sertraline HCLMOQ 100g $245
Snap-8MOQ $210/g
Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4)MOQ $80/kg
Sodium Octadecyl FumarateMOQ $80/kg
Sodium PhytateMOQ $40/g
SpirulinaMOQ $65/kg
Sucralose MOQ $78/kg
SynephrineMOQ 500g $110 , $200/kg
TemsirolimusMOQ 5mg $100
TerbutalineMOQ $133/g , 5g $450
TeriflunomideMOQ 5mg $65 , $420/g
TetrahydrocurcuminMOQ 100g $118
ThaumatinMOQ $255/kg
Topiramate MOQ $230/kg
TrendioneMOQ 100g $655
TryptophaneMOQ $78/kg
Tylosin DoxycyclineMOQ 100g $96
Vitamin A 50%MOQ 100g $55
Vitamin B5MOQ $75/kg
Vitamin C MOQ 500g $70
Vitamin D3 MOQ $85/kg
Vitamine B12MOQ 10g $65
Vitamine B17MOQ $470/kg
Vitamine B6MOQ $105/kg
Vitamine E 50%MOQ $60/kg
Vitamine K2MOQ 10g $60
USA Domestic price list

Peptides / HGH / HCG
dosageprice ($)
BPC157 10x5mg55
HGH frag10x5mg88
IGF-1 LR310x1mg145
Raw powder
QuantityPrice ($)

EU domestic price list

dosageprice ($)
BPC157 10x5mg75
IGF-1 LR310x1mg165
dosageprice ($)
Nolvadex + Clomid600x20mg + 600x50mg120

Australia domestic price list

dosageprice ($)

vouching for QSC semaglutide. Want to give a warning so anyone who tries this shit doesn’t make the mistake I did. Don’t take it before a big holiday. I was stupid and took my first dose 2 days before thanksgiving because I thought .25 couldn’t be “that big” of a deal. Ya even with weed I couldn’t get the munchies. Puked up dinner when I barely ate close to what I’d normally eat. But hey. It’s legit senaglutide lol
I want to give a review of the new Canada Line.

I Ordered 4 raws (700g) and a kit of semiglutide around Oct 14. Received 3 tracking numbers quickly. Early Nov I inquired about the tracking not updating after 3 weeks and was told that it was shipped via the Canada Line. That's kind of cool since CL wasn't even announced yet when I ordered, and I paid for the cheaper China Post shipment.

What happens now is basically the original tracking numbers become the QSC internal tracking, and you gotta wait for the 50kg bulk shipment to arrive in Canada and for your order to be repackaged, before getting a new tracking number for UPS.

Earlier this week Tracy sent me the UPS tracking and today it was delivered.

Total process took about 6 weeks from order to door, but that could be for any number of reasons
- working out kinks in new Canada Line
- had to wait for 50kg cumulative orders to fill a shipping container for Canada Line
- who the fuck knows what else

I really like having the customs risk offloaded from me to QSC.

It's also noteworthy that I placed my order right in the middle of pretty major logistical changes, and they were able to get the order right, they didn't lose track of it while making big changes behind the scenes.

This is my second order, I have one more pack coming (partial reship of my first order) as well, probably that will be here in another month or so. I'll compare that experience to this one, but so far I do like the Canada Line.
What about out of the light, or in a fridge?
Also how do you vaccum seal your stuff?
Mylar bags are those silver bags. They block out all the light.
As for fridge, I’ve heard mixed results and the heat and temperature swings are the real enemy. So I just keep mine at a consistent room temp.

To vacuum seal, I use a food sealer. So I use the clear plastic bags my raws come in, poke some holes at the top of the bag for air flow but to contain most the powder. Then I make a channel to the top of the Mylar bag (they are way too smooth and collapse on themselves without a channel). I use the tops of a ziplock bag to make my channel for the air. Then I vacuum seal it, cut the top of the channel, and double seal the top.