Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Same, I swore it off until last summer I gave it one more chance and ran ace at 10mg day for 8 weeks along side 200mg test and 400mg primo, was a game changer even at that dose and I got no sides
Ya, I’m not sure if I will run it again. I ran 400 test p, 400 mast p, and 400 tren ace a couple of times, but could barely finish the 2nd round of 8 weeks. After that I dropped down to 200 ace and it was more manageable. I swear I have permanent heartburn from it though.
Ya, I’m not sure if I will run it again. I ran 400 test p, 400 mast p, and 400 tren ace a couple of times, but could barely finish the 2nd round of 8 weeks. After that I dropped down to 200 ace and it was more manageable. I swear I have permanent heartburn from it though.
How often were you pinning the 400 ace?
Is the boldenone cypionate brewed at 250mg/ml?

Also does anyone have experience with the previous batch in terms of pip? Trying to decide with which one to go.
The pip for me has been gnarly. From everything I’ve read it’s almost always pippy and that’s why everyone sticks to EQ. I’ve been waiting for it to be back in stock so finally can order some EQ :D
Be kind! I've been a member since the original Meso plus I'm an older guy. Am I remembering properly that your the one clearing out all orals? Tried searches and scanned through many pages with no luck. If so what do you have left and at what prices?
Thank you very much,
Be kind! I've been a member since the original Meso plus I'm an older guy. Am I remembering properly that your the one clearing out all orals? Tried searches and scanned through many pages with no luck. If so what do you have left and at what prices?
Thank you very much,
Yes very few ones available such as epistane, prami, raloxifene, hyaluronic acid, clomid, LGD, Ostarine, S4.
$20/ bottle
Be kind! I've been a member since the original Meso plus I'm an older guy. Am I remembering properly that your the one clearing out all orals? Tried searches and scanned through many pages with no luck. If so what do you have left and at what prices?
Thank you very much,
Primo acetate75mg
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid50 mg
Letrozole1 mg
Pramipexole1 mg
Dapoxetine HCL25 mg
MK2866 Ostarine10 mg
LGD4033 Ligandrol10 mg
S410 mg
Hyaluronic acid200 mg
Fladrafinil200 mg