Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Be patient, it will come. I once worried too after weeks of no tracking but it came in the end. Have faith, QSC delivers.

Just started semaglutide that I received from QSC. Shit works. Took .3mg today and already I am not craving food which is insane since my stomach is an endless pit where I can eat 10k cal for dinner and still be hungry. Shits legit.
Enjoy it while it lasts my friend. It never does…
Im very suprised there isnt hgh sources popping everywhere these prices. 60 a kit is ridicolous. Wish I was getting that price back in the day. Serious coin to be made. Slap labels with these bad boys and your money
Is the boldenone cypionate brewed at 250mg/ml?

Also does anyone have experience with the previous batch in terms of pip? Trying to decide with which one to go.
I have only used ace at 200mg/wk for 10 weeks, alongside test prop and mast prop. I always feel super unwell on it, constantly out of breath, heartburn, going hypo at times, poor sleep, so the shorter the cycle the better.
Same, I swore it off until last summer I gave it one more chance and ran ace at 10mg day for 8 weeks along side 200mg test and 400mg primo, was a game changer even at that dose and I got no sides
Same, I swore it off until last summer I gave it one more chance and ran ace at 10mg day for 8 weeks along side 200mg test and 400mg primo, was a game changer even at that dose and I got no sides
Nice that wa sort of my game plan either 10mg tren ace a day or 50mg tren enanthate 2x a week.
Same, I swore it off until last summer I gave it one more chance and ran ace at 10mg day for 8 weeks along side 200mg test and 400mg primo, was a game changer even at that dose and I got no sides
Hear me out, I swore it off until this cycle and decided to hit ace again not enth. 100mg Ed and 500 test/mast a week and I only have mild insomnia, really I just wake up hungry. Bloodwork just came back great numbers, surprisingly clear for kidney and liver, and prolactin was well under control and I'm only taking 100mg p5p 2x a day and NAC 2x a day.
Enjoy it while it lasts my friend. It never does…
I started with low levels of semaglutide had great results. (0.5/wk) I did have to ramp it up quickly and now I’m taking 1 mg every three days. been at that level for several months. It’s about the same as the finishing level in the studies; 2.4 mg a week. That still seems to do the trick long term for me,obviously not quite as effective as it once was but I’m definitely not overeating.
Test U 350mg/ml $105/kit
Bold U 250mg/ml $90/kit
Bold C 250mg/ml $85/kit waiting for Jano lab test, it can test a bit lower because raw purity is 92%

No DHT esters available
Superdrol finished oil available when? Price? New price sheet with this? BA/BB %?

Huge huge thanks for all your service. This shit fucking rocks. Currently going through all your ancillaries and peptides and taking notes on each to decide what to get for large order.
Superdrol finished oil available when? Price? New price sheet with this? BA/BB %?

Huge huge thanks for all your service. This shit fucking rocks. Currently going through all your ancillaries and peptides and taking notes on each to decide what to get for large order.
Superdrol finished available
Tested 40mg/ml. It should be 50mg/ml but Jano margin error 20%
2% BA, 21% BB, 25% EO