Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

The only available one is the 63% purity so I have removed it from my list and don't sell it except if customer insist and aware of the purity.
For the current 63% purity batch, what comprises the remaining 37% impurities? Any possible toxicity from those impurities. Assuming its safe to consume, do we just use more to get to required effective dose of active material?

Will there be higher purity batch available once your current 63% purity batch is gone?

Thank you.
For the current 63% purity batch, what comprises the remaining 37% impurities? Any possible toxicity from those impurities. Assuming its safe to consume, do we just use more to get to required effective dose of active material?

Will there be higher purity batch available once your current 63% purity batch is gone?

Thank you.
Maybe janoshik can tell you about the 37% from what I understand these impurities are often safe.

And tbh no plan on anymore testing for a such product that is not highly demanded, it's like trestolone enanthate, you receive many emails and questions about them, but once you stock it, you received very few orders of them, since people need minimum quantities of these, so not worth the time and the testing, I prefer to remove it from the list.
Just so you know.

I was planning on bombarding/spamming your thread with roughly 200 consecutive posts containing giant veiny transgender cocks if you didn't elaborate on your first bullshit reply.


If my 1000mg/week of Primo turns out to be 3000mg/week of Deca, I'm booking the first flight to jiangsu, hunting you down, and fucking you in all your holes with my limp dick.

I don't trust anyone.

But I do feel a little better knowing that you use some sort of fancy chinese drug dealer software.

Not !
Don’t do that, jiangsu is a dump.
See how I'm mentioned last, that means I'm FUCKING important, that's right fuckers I'm the brain and mastermind behind monster man's operation. Now you all know the horrible truth as I can no longer hide from my devious plot of aiding in production of numerous gigantic vials of test c and then a.

You simpletons will never succeed is destroying the legacy of Monsterman.
Long live MM, and may his fruits and labor forever live within the hearts and minds that all who come to pass here.
Side note:
Now if someone could remind me what I actually did to help this spazzed out lunatic, I could enjoy the contribution that I'm being thanked for.
Dear Meso rx I would first like to thank this entire forum and community for being here I would like to thank every member new and old past and present Intermediate and all the original vets that are still active and still here. I thank everyone for sharing their opinions and thoughts good and bad I would like to show my appreciation and gratitude to the following members for answering questions big and small and in depth and making sure I was always helped when I needed it. BIGBALDBEARDGUY,SHACKLEFORD,SILENTLEMON1011, MISTERSUPERGOD, MILLARD, MANDS, TRENNEDOUTLUNATIC, and last BULLDOG413 over on homebrew section. I would again like to thank this entire community and forum of great People to all the members and everyone involved that make this happen. Meso would not be Meso without everyone here involved To the members above thank you deeply for all your help and guidance thank you for your honest opinions and feedback most importantly thank you for always answering my questions. Thank you for helping me along the way to understand all the rules on this forum Thank you for teaching me how to do things the proper way thank you for telling me the proper steps to be able to contribute The free advice was beyond helpful in my decision to begin this journey. I have learned everything I know through and from Meso rx forum members and all the thousands of postings that are offered for free by some of the most experienced and only the most knowledgeable men in the game today. Being respectful showing someone that I'm wanting to learn from them showing appreciation for what they tell me I think goes along way on Meso not being a dick or being rude or A know it all. All the members here deserve nothing but respect for what they do and what they try to teach honest thoughts and rude thoughts the raw truth its an amazing feeling when someone wants to help you succeed here and do the best you possibly can. It has been great for me I know not everyone has the same experience but for me personally it has been a great opportunity to be here. Being respectful to someone more knowledgeable then myself treating them with appreciation that they deserve for the shared information that they are trying to pass on to want to teach me and answer all my questions again is amazing. I greatly appreciate this community I can not say it enough or say thank you enough I feel a lot of people cant accept that there are other people who exist that are smarter or know more things that are better in some areas of knowing things by years of trail and error. So it makes it really hard for people to learn from others I'm proud to say that I have learned from all the members here and Ill keep saying it. Being honest here is important being able to accept criticism is a good thing here on Meso I feel. I have Learned so much here over the years from the members reading all the postings I learned a long time ago this community the people you guys know what your talking about. Its as simple as that over the years and learning everything from everyone here it feels like a second family to me It always has. For the last 9 years I have browsed the forum very stealth always anonymous never had an account never posted anything or chimed in on anyone's business occasionally I would ask or private message someone for a more in depth question I had or if I couldn't understand the posting then I would get help. But for years I browsed every section and any new post I read I don't have a handle here my account says I'm very new I don't know anyone other then the few that I have spoken to privately. I don't have a degree in chemistry and pharmacology I'm not a filtering master I learned everything I know from reading MESO RX postings for years I learned from members here on this forum and I'm more then thankful everyday they exist and this forum existed for so long over the years. This is my first batch I have done ever in such a large volume I have always brewed for myself in small amounts again l learned everything I know from the homebrew section and asking questions and being respectful of others. I have always been stealth and quiet and kept to myself but learned as much as I could over the years browsing and reading Meso. I can Say I have a really good background in IT and security but I'm no amazing chemist with secret recipes and no PIP products and thousand dollar lab set up with the top of the line filtering systems in place. But I'm honest I don't burn bridges and I don't act like a know it all if I don't know how to do something ill ask the forum I'm not going to lie and be someone I'm not. I'm clean I follow good sterile guidelines many friends in the medical field my set up is very simple and efficient. I do good daily on the forum and off I like to please other people as much as I can in life. I have learned from this entire community of great people some of the smartest if not the smartest forum guys around on the internet today I will not ever quit saying it. The endless amount of things I have learned here is more then I have ever learned from the 9 coaches I've used over the years nothing has ever got me results like this forum did. I have never contributed to this community I asked questions and took information and left never showed the Appreciation that I should have shown back then especially to the members. This website the members there is not another place like it anywhere online today not one website compares to this community period. This is the last real website that anyone can share ideas thoughts share experiences its never ending. A very long past due thank you is owed to everyone here every single member everyone apart of the community past Present I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the things you accomplish here every single day. Thank you for teaching me everything I know Thank you for always answering my questions and thank you for making the most informative postings everyday for people like me to browse and see and learn. Thank you for all the free information I feel that labs or anyone moving product should thank the community a lot more then what they do now. To be successful you need to have the community they make the labs prosper without the community there are no sales without the community liking you there is nothing to work from. Its the people the members that make things happen nice labels and a great lab set up do help maybe a really cool lab name but in the end its the meso rx members who have been here making things happen I know everyone has a opinion but these are my thoughts. So again thank you MESO RX forum members. Going straight to the buy from me my products are filtered twice and have boxes and hologram labels and zero PIP and have a special coating on all my labels that make them shine I don't feel that is good either. I learned from the best brewer ever he taught me everything I know I was his rep we were partners he taught me the best recipes and sterile procedures ever I can do any kind of brew That does not work for me either I don't do that I learned from multiple members on meso rx in the past many years ago and I have even learned new stuff recently from multiple members here I don't think you ever stop learning on meso the knowledge keeps growing. I did my best on labels I do not think they are important at all period some of the best gear I ever used had the names written in sharpie on the bottles but I understand that to some members here the labels are appealing and wanted so I did take time making them. I feel testing being sterile and clean filtering and rubber stoppers are more important and security I do not even have or want a lab name I do not want to be like every other lab with a cool sounding lab name I like stealth and anonymity I don't want a lab name coming back tied to me if anything ever happened I feel its best not to have one at all. I think vials are just as important also. I wanted to offer the meso rx community 50ml bottles of only two compounds I honestly cant keep up like most people with 50 different things I'm lucky I can accomplish what i'm doing now being just me I like simple products I like test and tren and I like a simple affordable price I like life simple as much as possible I do plan to bring EQ in also in a 50ml but for now im simple just two things. If I can help members save money down the road then I will feel very happy within myself for all the information that I learned from the people here for years then the least I can do is sell items that are only the most affordable I do not care about money or profit I really don't. The goal for me here and to even be doing this is to give back to the meso rx community and help people save money down the road or maybe a bigger bottle that will last awhile so members can cut down on ordering and stay safer i don't know but my bottle will always be affordable. I don't have have anything under my belt other then the expertise of learning from everyone here and I think that in itself is the best experience anyone could ask for or have vs a chemistry degree and a breaking bad lab set up. I plan on ding this for as long as I can to Contribute for many years here on the forum I do not have a exit strategy I really enjoy doing everything that I learned here from everyone and I like using what I have read. I am a single one man show no kids with very solid discrete location for all brewing practices I do not sell locally and I do not sell to any friends I have never sold anywhere else ever on any other forum or locally definitely my first time and i wanted to be on meso. Its the only forum I would ever want to be involved with. If the community and members here do not think its a good idea or needed at this time then it will end here I will respect the decision and not try anywhere else or sell anywhere else Meso is my true home and the communities input matters and Ill have about 4 years worth of gear to use. I think the rules state that we are not allowed to speak about where we get our raws directly so I will not say but as far as I know the supplier is not in anyway connected to meso rx or any other forum online I have not asked them directly but I can not find them anywhere on any open forum online advertising. For personal brew and small amounts I have used them for 9 years and never had any issues. I'm not sponsored by them they don't give me any discounts or better deals our relationship is all business. I'm not sponsored by any company I buy my supplies from Im sure I pay the same amount as everyone else if not more. I personally only use Filtered Cotton Seed Oil I always pay more and buy it prefiltered I have never had any issues using it I feel pre filtered oil helps with PIP I understand there are many different opinions on PIP and where it comes from and what it is could be the hormones or the BB/BA but filtered oil I have never had it with cotton seed being prefiltered. It seems a lot of the bigger Pharma companies buy it in bulk and use it since its so cheap you can still find a lot of the prescription testosterone made with cotton seed oil and of course most are using grapeseed oil but back then it was always cotton seed oil in All the TRT stuff. I fully understand the MESO RX community rule regarding a donation I know who to contact and I know the proper donation amount it will be done this week. I have the banner but my banner is not from making the proper donation amount I will make sure it gets done ASAP. My lab when I brewed was in a very discrete location with a very wide zero airflow room with just enough light to see what I was doing and enough room to work in. The security of the location as all my locations are solid I do not ever keep anything from a brew I throw every single item away as soon as i'm done so currently I do not have a lab I really think its best not to have anything connected to the location or myself not even a hot plate or a beaker I like being as anonymous as I can not that my location could ever be jeopardized but there is always a chance with everything no matter what no matter how safe you play or how solid security is. Much respect to guys that post here that talk about moving the lab or going to another location with the lab set up I personally will not do that I buy everything I need for a batch and brew in one day then throw everything out that night. My system of throwing everything away is a entire different scenario and set up I do not just walk to the nearest dumpster at a walmart and toss everything in the trash. The system in place to throw out all equipment is SOLID its a system and its done properly as soon as i'm done brewing everything is gone even a glass stirring rod. All my pictures posted below of my lab the things I used are now miles and miles away I do not have any of it every single brew from here on out that i make is with a brand new set up and all brand new equipment at anytime members can request pictures and everything will be different from the hotplate to the vacuum pump to the beakers everything. I keep my word and throw it all away any extra vials that I buy in bulk or any extra rubber stoppers any oil left over or BB/BA I toss it all I keep nothing and I cant stress that enough. My 10000ml beaker featured in the picture was $210 total I threw that out I keep nothing and always start brand new. My lab that I did use was clean and efficient in a very very discreet location that only I know about I ended up buying a brand new tent the size was big enough to fix a brand new 72 by 36 stainless steel work table inside of it industrial style I usually zipped myself in and out of the tent. Everything within the tent was fully sealed no openings or windows or air that got through it had just enough light to reflect the back side of the tent so I could see what I was doing and enough light was let in. I was using a painters suit with goggles and hood but it got really hot using that so I just started using sterile hospital grade rubber gloves and changed them out frequently and since im really paranoid about being clean I did wrap the tent walls floor and entire table with blue medical avalon stretch papers it was not needed but it made me feel like everything was top notch.