Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Thanks again, very helpful. That makes sense. If you consider boldenone (that is melted at room temperature) it's obviously not damaged in its liquid state.

Yeah the amount of heat needed to destroy/alter a compound vs whats needed to change its physical form can differ substantially, or not, depending on the molecule. But in this case I'm sure that's the case.

The likely weak point in any of these esterified hormones would probably be the Ester linkage itself. Not 100% sure on that, I just remember those bonds are particularly unstable relative to other bonds.
For all you guys who homebrew, are you really saving enough over just buying finished oils? I read up on all that was required and it seemed like a lot to learn and do, much less the risk of importing raws.
For all you guys who homebrew, are you really saving enough over just buying finished oils? I read up on all that was required and it seemed like a lot to learn and do, much less the risk of importing raws.
With every other sources, yes for sure they save a lot of money
example, you order 1kg of test $330
It's equivalent of 400 vials of test
$330/400 that's less tha $1/vial + equipement cost + time
Enough test for few years.

For some products such as Ment, you don't save that much.

we sell 10g $250
10g = 20 vials of MENT.
so that's $13/vial and we sell it $18/vial which will be often cheaper than cost of raws.

Raws are often much easier to pass customs, risk on them is minimal.
For all you guys who homebrew, are you really saving enough over just buying finished oils? I read up on all that was required and it seemed like a lot to learn and do, much less the risk of importing raws.
It's not really about savings, especially after buying the equipment. I can brew myself using the carrier oil of my choice and concentrations that I want. On my TRT cruise, I add 100mg deca for joints so I make a blend of test/deca.

It's also insurance in case there are supply disruptions with testosterone. At the moment, pharma grade testosterone has a 2 to 3 month wait in Canada. Finished oils only have a 2-3 year shelf life, but I can keep enough raws for a 10+ year supply.
With every other sources, yes for sure they save a lot of money
example, you order 1kg of test $330
It's equivalent of 400 vials of test
$330/400 that's less tha $1/vial + equipement cost + time
Enough test for few years.

For some products such as Ment, you don't save that much.

we sell 10g $250
10g = 20 vials of MENT.
so that's $13/vial and we sell it $18/vial which will be often cheaper than cost of raws.

Raws are often much easier to pass customs, risk on them is minimal.
I always thought there was a huge risk importing raws for buyers. Just so much easier to buy finished products but many homebrew regardless.
///Sales of tabs, leftovers///

1 bottle = 100 tabs


+10 bottles $15/bottle

+20 bottles $10/bottle !!

Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid50 mg
Letrozole1 mg
Pramipexole1 mg
Dapoxetine HCL25 mg
MK2866 Ostarine10 mg
LGD4033 Ligandrol10 mg
S410 mg
Hyaluronic acid200 mg
Fladrafinil20 mg
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just a warning to anyone in the ‘land of the free’ thinking about ordering a press or even capsule machine, but ESPECIALLY a press.. you will get the undivided attention of the DEA if u order one. And most places will be legally obligated to report just an attempted purchase of one. I was very curious if the chinese ones that used to be on alibaba were dea honeypots or not, i dunno, but wouldnt be surprised.

buyer beware
just buy and fill caps
It's not really about savings, especially after buying the equipment. I can brew myself using the carrier oil of my choice and concentrations that I want. On my TRT cruise, I add 100mg deca for joints so I make a blend of test/deca.

It's also insurance in case there are supply disruptions with testosterone. At the moment, pharma grade testosterone has a 2 to 3 month wait in Canada. Finished oils only have a 2-3 year shelf life, but I can keep enough raws for a 10+ year supply.
When ever they have a shortage of test I go to a different pharmacy or switch to the other ester if one is back ordered. I’ve never had a problem getting my script filled in Canada.
When ever they have a shortage of test I go to a different pharmacy or switch to the other ester if one is back ordered. I’ve never had a problem getting my script filled in Canada.
I never had a problem either except my most recent prescription where I was told to expect it to be filled in February. I called three other pharmacies - same story.
I never had a problem either except my most recent prescription where I was told to expect it to be filled in February. I called three other pharmacies - same story.
Sheesh bad luck. I’m due for a refill soon, hopefully I don’t run into that problem. Have you had any issues importing raws to Canada?
I always thought there was a huge risk importing raws for buyers. Just so much easier to buy finished products but many homebrew regardless.
For orals it’s super worth it. Cialis is $55 for 100g. If you take 5mg a day that’s enough for 50+ years lol.
For homebrew, what is the recommended temperature based on the melting point of the compound? E.g. Enanthate melts at 32-36C while Cypionate melts at 98-102C.

On the homebrew forum, some say it MUST be heated to the melting point, while others are saying to heat only enough to dissolve the compound and heating beyond the melting point will cause damage.
I never had a problem with just enough heat to dissolve when I brew standardized raws and concentrations (Test P/E/C/D, Tren A/E, Dronstanolone P/E etc). Just let it stir enough with enough heat and BB and once dissolve it shouldn't crash.
For homebrew, what is the recommended temperature based on the melting point of the compound? E.g. Enanthate melts at 32-36C while Cypionate melts at 98-102C.

On the homebrew forum, some say it MUST be heated to the melting point, while others are saying to heat only enough to dissolve the compound and heating beyond the melting point will cause damage.
You do not need to heat to the melting point. Just heat until dissolved. The temperature required for that depends on the solubility of the raw in the specific carrier oil you use.

Hearing past the melting point won’t necessarily degrade the raw. Degradation happens near the “decomposition temperature” which is also unique to each compound. The decomposition temperature is generally well above the melting temp of long esters (undecyclonate) because they have very low melting points. but the decomposition temperature can also be well below the melting point of “no-ester”/“base” raws, which have very high melting points. Generally the temperature of decomposition won’t change “much” between different esters of the same compound, but the melting point will.

There’s also not a single “decomposition temperature” per se. Rather, there’s an equation (Arrhenius Equation) which shows that noticeable decomposition happens at all temperatures, just glacially slowly at like 40F, and in a matter of minutes at 250F.

I don’t find comprehensive thermal decomposition data immediately handy but for a general “sense”: https://www.scholarsresearchlibrary.com/articles/simultaneous-determination-of-impurities-and-degradation-products-by-rapid-rpuplcms-method.pdf

This shows that heating test base to 80C (176F) for 6 hours results in 1.6% of the testosterone degrading. This is probably the highest temperature a high quality UGL would use to try to dissolve it in solution (test base / test no ester is a terrible example because it doesn’t dissolve and is usually injected as a “suspension” in either oil or bac water but whatever just roll with it okay) and all esterified testosterone would need lower temperatures than test base to dissolve. However, heating test base to its melting point, 155C (311F), for 3 hours resulting in 40% of the raw undergoing thermal decomposition.

However, the melting point of testosterone undecanoate is only 60C…so you could heat that to its melting point and expect minimal or no degradation of the testosterone.

Tl;dr: Brewing temperature limit has nothing to do with melting point. There’s a concept of “decomposition temperature” but it’s more of a guideline/curve/rangeand not a strict single number. Just heat to the lowest temperature that the compound dissolved in your oil. Minimize time spent hot too - degradation is caused by “temperature times time”, so minimize both, but if you have to choose between them, temperature is way more important than time.

Also keep your compounds away from UV light for more than a few hours. That consistently degrades raws and oils over time (slowly, but surely).

HGH and other peptides also have a “temperature of denaturization” in addition to “temperature of degradation” but it will be higher than the temperature of degradation and if you’re heating peptides you’re already completely doing it wrong. Effects of thermal and mechanical stress on the physical stability of human growth hormone and epidermal growth factor - PubMed you’ll lose 20% of the hGH by heating it to 70C (50% if you leave it that hot for 3 hours). But it will “denature” at 74C…at which point you will lose 100% of it pretty instantly.

Cooking eggs is an example of denaturing proteins/peptides. It’s not burned, but it’s clearly changed.
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