Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

my order. 2x kit epitalon and dsip missing on this picture.

raws are 5gr mk677 the other 2 should be 10gr sildenafil 10gr tadalafil but which one is the precise one? both transparent blister are "not signed" with any number, and one is EMPTY (silde or tada missing....?)
i have to dose 5mg one and 25mg the other one, i don't wanna they say it's 10g viagra and then it's cialis (25mg is too much for cialis...)


  • PXL_20221221_175301143.jpg
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order arrived today but 2 items are missing. .... i heard so many people lately complaining about that, is there a problem with the inventory? i emailed you.

(about powders i opened a grey closed plastic bag and inside i found 3 transparent packets BUT only 2 were filled with powder, one is EMPTY (the missing item)...wft?
This is exactly what skeeves me out.

QSC hit me with the "chill bro", "we have a system", "we have software", "we've been doing this for a long time"- when I questioned him a few pages back about the efficacy of the order fulfillment process within such a large operation.

But it's very obvious at this point that they make a lot of mistakes, which is fine, shit happens. But...if they can make the mistake over and over again of not packing all ordered products, who's to say they couldn't make the mistake of packing the wrong products -given that they aren't very fond of labels.

...It's one thing if you're strictly an AAS manufacturer.

...But when you manufacture thousands of different chemicals, you can't/shouldn't be making mistakes. Period.
Let's be clear, you want labels and logos and shit like that you order elsewhere, here :

You have many sources that do labels, and on vials you have the name of the product, concentration per ml, batch number and all that marketing shit.

If you order from me, there is no labels, and it's not gonna change, so you will only get marks, either letters or numbers or nothing if it's obvious, and once you receive your order, you send me an email and I tell you what is what.

You don't like it, don't buy, I ain't going to repeat this over and over. It's becoming annoying.
What's up with the Canadian Domestic line? Ten weeks have passed since I placed my order, yet there is still no tracking.

Has anyone in Canada received their stuff yet, or we all still playing the waiting game?
I ordered October 22, still nothing. Will be trying china post, or DHL/ Fedex for next order. Anyone had any seizures to Cnada with DHL/Fedex?
Let's be clear, you want labels and logos and shit like that you order elsewhere, here :

You have many sources that do labels, and on vials you have the name of the product, concentration per ml, batch number and all that marketing shit.

If you order from me, there is no labels, and it's not gonna change, so you will only get marks, either letters or numbers or nothing if it's obvious, and once you receive your order, you send me an email and I tell you what is what.

You don't like it, don't buy, I ain't going to repeat this over and over. It's becoming annoying.

Boo fucking hoo :eek:

I don't give a fuck that you're "annoyed", annoyed is waiting 3 weeks for an order that arrives incomplete.

The "labels" were not the focal point of my little rant back there, maybe you should read it again- and reply to the dude who has products missing in his order.

I've ordered from you 2x and will continue to order- because you are *generally* one of the most reliable sources here...

...but that doesn't mean you aren't open to criticism when mistakes are made just like every other source.

Maybe you can remove the tampon from your snatch and take accountability rather than that emotional, pompous bullshit you call a reply.

"MEhhhhh, oRdeR fROm sOmeONe eLse tHeN"
Boo fucking hoo :eek:

I don't give a fuck that you're "annoyed", annoyed is waiting 3 weeks for an order that arrives incomplete.

The "labels" were not the focal point of my little rant back there, maybe you should read it again- and reply to the dude who has products missing in his order.

I've ordered from you 2x and will continue to order- because you are *generally* one of the most reliable sources here...

...but that doesn't mean you aren't open to criticism when mistakes are made just like every other source.

Maybe you can remove the tampon from your snatch and take accountability rather than that emotional, pompous bullshit you call a reply.

"MEhhhhh, oRdeR fROm sOmeONe eLse tHeN"
View attachment 176910
I have already replied to him by email before even reading comments here.

Sometimes missing products are not by mistake, a product can be out of stock, for example all customers who received their orders with a missing kit of primo it wasn't a mistake.

Just to not let customers wait for a restock, if the order has been acceopted before inventory check, and happens that a product is sold out, sometimes we ship, and later either refund customer or give him credit or ask him for replacement.

Mistakes are very very rare.
I ordered October 22, still nothing. Will be trying china post, or DHL/ Fedex for next order. Anyone had any seizures to Cnada with DHL/Fedex?
I got seizures to Canada in the past using express delivery such as UPS and Fedex, I don't advice it, it's risky.

China Post or reship domestic line.

Canadians don't have the choice either wait for such delivery times, or order domestic.
I have already replied to him by email before even reading comments here.

Sometimes missing products are not by mistake, a product can be out of stock, for example all customers who received their orders with a missing kit of primo it wasn't a mistake.

Just to not let customers wait for a restock, if the order has been acceopted before inventory check, and happens that a product is sold out, sometimes we ship, and later either refund customer or give him credit or ask him for replacement.

Mistakes are very very rare.

Great. How fucking hard was that.

I still love you QSC.

But go fuck yourself.


Trestolone Enanthate
raws available: 10g $260

DNP raw available +98%: 10g $17 , 100g $91 , 1kg $426

DNP raw.png

Letfover orals on hot sale !

1 bottle=100tabs

+10 bottles $15/bottle
+20 bottles $10/bottle

Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid50 mg
Letrozole1 mg
Pramipexole1 mg
Dapoxetine HCL25 mg
MK2866 Ostarine10 mg
LGD4033 Ligandrol10 mg
S410 mg
Hyaluronic acid200 mg
Fladrafinil20 mg

HGH available in all warehouses !

USA , Canada, Europe and Australia domestic

Big discounts for big orders....!!

Australia, Canada and EU = $80/kit
For 100 kits $68/kit free shipping !!

USA = $70/kit
100 kits = $60/kit free shipping

EU domestic list

Peptidesdosageprice ($)
HGH ($80/kit)20x10iu160
50x10iu 400
BPC157 10x5mg75
IGF-1 LR310x1mg165

US domestic list

Peptides / HGH / HCG dosageprice ($)
HGH Frag10x5mg88
BPC157 20x5mg110
IGF-1 LR310x1mg145

New international oils:

Test U
350mg/ml $105/kit
Superdrol 40mg/ml $65/kit
Test Phenylprop 100mg/ml $60/kit
Bold U 250mg/ml $90/kit
Bold C 250mg/ml $85kit

Bold C oil.pngBold U oil.pngSuperdrol oil.pngTest PP oil.pngTest U oil.png

+98% Sarms raws (december lab tests)

YK11 raw.pngRad140 raw.pngMK677 raw.pngLGD4033 raw.png

DHT, Finasteride, Letrozole, Tudca, DHB +98% (dec lab tests)

DHB raw.pngDHT raw.pngFinasteride raw.pngLetrozole raw.pngTudca raw.png

GHK CU 75mg, HGH 15iu, Tirzepatide 5mg & 10mg (dec lab tests):

GHK CU 75mg.png
HGH 15iu 122022.pngTirzepatide 5mg.pngTirzepatide 10mg.png

Contact and orders: qingdao.rep@protonmail.com
I have already replied to him by email before even reading comments here.

Sometimes missing products are not by mistake, a product can be out of stock, for example all customers who received their orders with a missing kit of primo it wasn't a mistake.

Just to not let customers wait for a restock, if the order has been acceopted before inventory check, and happens that a product is sold out, sometimes we ship, and later either refund customer or give him credit or ask him for replacement.

Mistakes are very very rare.
i remember i asked for 6x sr9009 but replied that only 5x has left, so could be possible that in reality only 4x was left so you shipped only 4. it could happen of course.
and about the missing sildenafil/cialis of course i don't think you tried to scam me because to be a scam , item should be totally missing, instead i received the transparent blister empty....maybe to actually show that something should have been there to allow me to check the error and get credit for next order.

i am not complaining about no labels, i know it's your way to do this business i only would be sure about the powder i ordered (cialis or viagra) to use right dosage. i am not in hurry, i 'm waiting for your email with the response about the warehouse error.
i have to do another order but i HAVE TO wait for bac water to utilize peptides so i hope that water will be restocked to allow me to place another order

ps. i know that no labels but why to use 1,2,3? and repeat 1, 2 on kits etc. i would have preferred for DSIP only a D and for epitalon only E. i think it's still no problem with european customs if you use a single letter imho
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