Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

What’s the best method? Dilute it in a solution?
That's one, using Glycerine

or simply using the superdosing spoons:


weight a first time, then you have weight per spoon

you take a spoon, put in your mouth, drink water and save money !


Trestolone Enanthate
raws available: 10g $260

DNP raw available +98%: 10g $17 , 100g $91 , 1kg $426

View attachment 176913

Letfover orals on hot sale !

1 bottle=100tabs

+10 bottles $15/bottle
+20 bottles $10/bottle

Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid50 mg
Letrozole1 mg
Pramipexole1 mg
Dapoxetine HCL25 mg
MK2866 Ostarine10 mg
LGD4033 Ligandrol10 mg
S410 mg
Hyaluronic acid200 mg
Fladrafinil20 mg

HGH available in all warehouses !

USA , Canada, Europe and Australia domestic

Big discounts for big orders....!!

Australia, Canada and EU = $80/kit
For 100 kits $68/kit free shipping !!

USA = $70/kit
100 kits = $60/kit free shipping

EU domestic list

Peptidesdosageprice ($)
HGH ($80/kit)20x10iu160
BPC157 10x5mg75
IGF-1 LR310x1mg165

US domestic list

Peptides / HGH / HCG dosageprice ($)
HGH Frag10x5mg88
BPC157 20x5mg110
IGF-1 LR310x1mg145

New international oils:

Test U
350mg/ml $105/kit
Superdrol 40mg/ml $65/kit
Test Phenylprop 100mg/ml $60/kit
Bold U 250mg/ml $90/kit
Bold C 250mg/ml $85kit

View attachment 176914View attachment 176915View attachment 176916View attachment 176917View attachment 176918

+98% Sarms raws (december lab tests)

View attachment 176922View attachment 176921View attachment 176920View attachment 176919

DHT, Finasteride, Letrozole, Tudca, DHB +98% (dec lab tests)

View attachment 176923View attachment 176924View attachment 176925View attachment 176926View attachment 176927

GHK CU 75mg, HGH 15iu, Tirzepatide 5mg & 10mg (dec lab tests):

View attachment 176928
View attachment 176929View attachment 176930View attachment 176931

Contact and orders: qingdao.rep@protonmail.com
Not gonna lie these lab tests look great. Over the last couple of months you improved your service for sure, QSC.
That's one, using Glycerine

or simply using the superdosing spoons:


weight a first time, then you have weight per spoon

you take a spoon, put in your mouth, drink water and save money !
What’s the glycerin method? Does glycerin fully dissolve and become homogenously mixed? What’s raws can I use for glycerin? Orals I commonly use are dbol, anavar, accutane, finasteride, and aromasin.
What’s the glycerin method? Does glycerin fully dissolve and become homogenously mixed? What’s raws can I use for glycerin? Orals I commonly use are dbol, anavar, accutane, finasteride, and aromasin.
You can buy an inexpensive capsule
machine ($50) and learn to make your own. If you take lots of orals, including supplements, it's worth your time to make everything yourself. See link below.

No labels is very smart. If it busts open and it's not labeled they will tape it back up and send it. If its labeled and breaks open domestic.....you may get it seized or worse get in trouble.
What's up with the Canadian Domestic line? Ten weeks have passed since I placed my order, yet there is still no tracking.

Has anyone in Canada received their stuff yet, or we all still playing the waiting game?
Just wait it’ll come. I gave up on tracking a while ago
This is exactly what skeeves me out.

QSC hit me with the "chill bro", "we have a system", "we have software", "we've been doing this for a long time"- when I questioned him a few pages back about the efficacy of the order fulfillment process within such a large operation.

But it's very obvious at this point that they make a lot of mistakes, which is fine, shit happens. But...if they can make the mistake over and over again of not packing all ordered products, who's to say they couldn't make the mistake of packing the wrong products -given that they aren't very fond of labels.

...It's one thing if you're strictly an AAS manufacturer.

...But when you manufacture thousands of different chemicals, you can't/shouldn't be making mistakes. Period.
You should prob just stick to domestic tbh. I feel like there are risks we all take dealing with anything from China…

You should prob just stick to domestic tbh. I feel like there are risks we all take dealing with anything from China…

I'm all about supporting and creating American jobs- but not if that means paying $60 for a vial of test lol.

I understand the risks that are an integral part of sourcing not only AAS, but anything for that matter, from overseas...

...But it's important to ask questions -that is- when you have questions to ask...

I use to lurk on Meso for years, and holding sources accountable seems be somewhat of a lost art compared to a couple years ago -since most of the vets left/were permabanned...

...Also, it's just fun to fuck with him bc he's a greedy little pp chinaman and he sucky sucky mothafuckaa
Started at 500mcg daily. Now doing 1mg single shot into subQ stomach within 2 hours of a meal for better bioavailability. Theoretically you could break it up into 2 shots.

Considering BPC-157 is a form of peptide that is produced naturally in the stomach, it was thought to heal various stomach issues. For me it did my appetite returned. My digestion improved (before it felt like it took hours for food to digest) and my heart burn went down considerably.

As for any of the other supposed benefits of BPC-157 (blood vessel formation, brain regenerative properties, collagen production, etc) too early to tell. I plan to run it for at least 6 months maybe 9-12 months before stopping to get a full idea of the benefits.

Has anyone tried oral BPC-157 for heartburn? If it acts locally on the esophagus before it's degraded in the stomach, might have an effect. Not necessarily *instead of* subQ injections, but perhaps *in addition to* subQ injections..

I got seizures to Canada in the past using express delivery such as UPS and Fedex, I don't advice it, it's risky.

China Post or reship domestic line.

Canadians don't have the choice either wait for such delivery times, or order domestic.
I just ordered 4mg domestic semaglutide to get me through till my order came in, it cost almost double my whole 20mg kit cost from QSC. The wait is worth it, I just underestimated how long the wait was going to be lol
Clearly there’s something to the whole no labeling products. If it was a matter of QSC not wanting the added expense or time to put pretty vial labels they would simply spend 5 more seconds to write the full compound name on the bag instead of just a code to determine what is what. No labels is clearly helping the delivery success. I understand the concern of not getting the right product. Having faith in someone you’ve never met is a little sketchy. But clearly whatever system they are using to avoid error is working.

All the random testing this far has shown products to be what they are labeled as. Even if a vial is labeled it doesn’t necsssairly mean it is what it says. We have seen a couple shitty sources over the years sending out products that aren’t the compound advertised.
Clearly there’s something to the whole no labeling products. If it was a matter of QSC not wanting the added expense or time to put pretty vial labels they would simply spend 5 more seconds to write the full compound name on the bag instead of just a code to determine what is what. No labels is clearly helping the delivery success. I understand the concern of not getting the right product. Having faith in someone you’ve never met is a little sketchy. But clearly whatever system they are using to avoid error is working.

All the random testing this far has shown products to be what they are labeled as. Even if a vial is labeled it doesn’t necsssairly mean it is what it says. We have seen a couple shitty sources over the years sending out products that aren’t the compound advertised.
I don't want anything labelled in any way. That effectively guarantees it will be seized if opened by customs.
At least it is not labeled as anal lubes, if anyone still remember the stealth packaging back in the late 2000s. I think it was Australian customs who caught it.