Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

During the CNY holidays nothing is sent, because all shipping companies are off and the company and warehouse do not work during this period.
Domestic orders has been sent, and some domestic orders in the past 2-3 days aren't sent yet.
The work will resume next week including shipping and production, and everything expected to be sent next week.
Thank you for your patience.
Sorry to pester you with this but :)
What was the cut off date for int'l orders placed before CNY?
I made an order last night, and had a change to add a kit of MT2, you sent me the link to pay but I don't think it worked, cause my account doesn't show any new activity.
Let us know how the Nebido experiment turns out. I was thinking of trying a small batch of 300mg/ml @ 1/22 with heat or are you saying more than 20 BB is not needed?
Test U? Nebido is 50% BB mate and the rest 49% is castor oil at 250mg/ml so I am aiming for at least 40% BB
During the CNY holidays nothing is sent, because all shipping companies are off and the company and warehouse do not work during this period.
Domestic orders has been sent, and some domestic orders in the past 2-3 days aren't sent yet.
The work will resume next week including shipping and production, and everything expected to be sent next week.
Thank you for your patience.
Will you restock primo next week, after CNY or itll take longer?
I don’t have any EQ otherwise I would. I do mix the Bold C with my Test E but unfortunately my E is one of the pippy batches so all around my shots are unpleasant unless I dilute a little with MCT
How much MCT are you using? 1:1 ratio? My homebrew Test E from their raws is some of the most painful gear I've used in over two decades.
Here is a warning for anyone considering buying TestU oils. I have used QSC TestU oils @ 200mg/ml in the past and they were great. When they recently announced that they we going to start selling Test U @ 350mg/ml, I ordered 3 kits. Every one of the 30 vials of Test U was crashed. I warmed one up in a pan of water, swirling the vial and eventually the crystals when back into solution. Unfortunately as soon as they cooled, the crystals were back. I contacted QSC to ask for a refund of the product only and I would eat the shipping. Their response was that I should heat up the vial before every injection and they did not guarantee against crystals and pip. I can tell you, I will not be heating up Test that I KNOW will crystalize in my glutes. Just a heads up for those considering an order.

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Well this is kind of a bummer. I was about to order a bunch of it. I hate dealing with gear that crashes and constantly have to reheat
Melting point is somewhere in the 60ºC so it's gonna crystalize no matter what since it cant be absorbed that quick from the depot.

Test U needs it's BB and that's not bad, BA is the culprit for pip. I 'll order some in the near future and try to replicate Nebido but at 300mg/ml with 1% BA for bacteriostatic reasons.
I had great luck with my Test U brew a few years ago at 300mg/mL with 1.5%/20% (BA/BB) in MCT. Super smooth, didn’t crash, no pip, and stable blood levels. I personally dosed it once per week but had several bloods don’t mid way through a week and the day before a shot and levels were always consistent throughout the week.
How much MCT are you using? 1:1 ratio? My homebrew Test E from their raws is some of the most painful gear I've used in over two decades.
Yeah I definitely wish I had the Cyp. This Test E is rough. I have a good stash of raws that leaves 0 pip, I just haven’t had the time to brew and love having finished product.

I haven’t found the sweet spot for the E yet. I’ve diluted the Bold C from 200 to 150 and it’s much better, but im going to bring the next bottle down to 100-125 and see if I can get it to 0 pip.

The E as is with only 1mL isn’t bad. But a 3mL shot can be crippling. I’m going to try diluting from 250 to 175-200 and see if that helps.
Can you dilute by drawing the oil through a filter into a syringe and then just adding an appropriate amount of AAS oil? Or do you need to mix it together first?
Can you dilute by drawing the oil through a filter into a syringe and then just adding an appropriate amount of AAS oil? Or do you need to mix it together first?
Get a sterile vial, and then filter like 10mL of oil into the vial.

Then when you go to do your shot, draw up the desired AAS dose, then fill the rest of the syringe with your sterile oil to dilute it.