Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

All those anti-aging SARMS MPMD uses clearly work wonders. He doesn’t look a day over 55 years old!
Haha yeah, I don't listen to anything that MPMD guy says. Low dose mk677 does give me some anti aging benefits though: like better sleep, faster hair growth, better joints, and nicer skin.

BUT.. HGH gives all that + more though.
Understand, little boy there's noting I can gain from you. Being on this board longer than people gets you no real credit. In the time of 3 years you spent here you gained zero knowledge & it shows. Have a good life!
I thought you ignored me, Beta Cuck that you are..
Haha yeah, I don't listen to anything that MPMD guy says. Low dose mk677 does give me some anti aging benefits though: like better sleep, faster hair growth, better joints, and nicer skin.

BUT.. HGH gives all that + more though.

Have you had problems with insulin resistance?

Have you had problems with insulin resistance?
Never. But mk677 causes more bloat than HGH. That's why I only use 7.5mg of it. Even 15mg of MK gives noticeable bloat in the face and midsection. 7.5mg gives minimal bloat and makes me look younger. Still though, I'm going to switch over to HGH as soon as I receive it.
The pricing is so damn good… where is member testing?? Maybe they’re here and I missed them… bloods? Jano? Anything?
There has been member testing from Jet Labs on some of their raws.
Albeit that’s… ~ok~ At best, I want real tests from only their product directly. Jet labs could of used anything and said they got from these guys. I’m tempted to get a kit, send it off still capped, and see what comes of it…. If it wasn’t for cc purchasing and my current funds, I’d go for it myself. Just crazy that with these prices……. No one’s done it yet???
Albeit that’s… ~ok~ At best, I want real tests from only their product directly. Jet labs could of used anything and said they got from these guys. I’m tempted to get a kit, send it off still capped, and see what comes of it…. If it wasn’t for cc purchasing and my current funds, I’d go for it myself. Just crazy that with these prices……. No one’s done it yet???
I hear ya man. As far as GH I can’t say I’ve seen anyone do tests on it. Not sure what reason Jet would have to give credit to these guys - I look at it as a service to the community to help make informed choices.

Lol, ask Cherokee (Pocahontas) why buying your gear with a credit card is the best and ONLY way to go hahahahaha. But yeah definitely man - if you get some, would love to see test results.
I hear ya man. As far as GH I can’t say I’ve seen anyone do tests on it. Not sure what reason Jet would have to give credit to these guys - I look at it as a service to the community to help make informed choices.

Lol, ask Cherokee (Pocahontas) why buying your gear with a credit card is the best and ONLY way to go hahahahaha. But yeah definitely man - if you get some, would love to see test results.
I’m pretty much stuck with ordering their hcg and see if i get pregnant… some service to the community is better than none I suppose. Gah hcg is fucking hard to find right now, at least at reasonable prices. $50+ a vial wtf
I hear ya man. As far as GH I can’t say I’ve seen anyone do tests on it. Not sure what reason Jet would have to give credit to these guys - I look at it as a service to the community to help make informed choices.

Lol, ask Cherokee (Pocahontas) why buying your gear with a credit card is the best and ONLY way to go hahahahaha. But yeah definitely man - if you get some, would love to see test results.

Albeit that’s… ~ok~ At best, I want real tests from only their product directly. Jet labs could of used anything and said they got from these guys. I’m tempted to get a kit, send it off still capped, and see what comes of it…. If it wasn’t for cc purchasing and my current funds, I’d go for it myself. Just crazy that with these prices……. No one’s done it yet???
There was apparently a member from the Meso UK or France forum who tested the hgh back in April. If it wasn't so expensive, I'd pay for it. I grabbed 2 kits, got slightly better sleep and the usual tightness in hands.
I’m pretty much stuck with ordering their hcg and see if i get pregnant… some service to the community is better than none I suppose. Gah hcg is fucking hard to find right now, at least at reasonable prices. $50+ a vial wtf
I saw a test hgh 94%
The pricing is so damn good… where is member testing?? Maybe they’re here and I missed them… bloods? Jano? Anything?

Lab test for raws:
test c, anadrol, anavar, primo acetate, primo enanthate, masteron p , masteron e, tren e

Lab test of hgh:

another lab test of anavar:

Lab test of trestolone acetate oil:

Raloxifen raw lab test:

Lab test exemestane raw powder:

Lab test hgh frag:


And many others...

I’m pretty much stuck with ordering their hcg and see if i get pregnant… some service to the community is better than none I suppose. Gah hcg is fucking hard to find right now, at least at reasonable prices. $50+ a vial wtf

There are many pregnancy tests done of our hcg in french meso, and I think Skank will send it to Jano

Last edited:
Lab test for raws:
test c, anadrol, anavar, primo acetate, primo enanthate, masteron p , masteron e, tren e

Lab test of hgh:

another lab test of anavar:

Lab test of trestolone acetate oil:

Raloxifen raw lab test:

Lab test exemestane raw powder:

Lab test hgh frag:


And many others...

There are many pregnancy tests done of our hcg in french meso, and I think Skank will send it to Jano

Man. I can’t argue with the facts. Thank you for the information! It should be of benefit to everyone including yourself so that’s a win/win in my book.

After translating a bunch of French, it seems you have some solid fans on the French board.

I definitely feel slightly more confident trying the hcg. Not FULLY confident because let’s be honest, what source would willingly show any bad tests they’ve come across. But… I will be giving the hcg a shot and see how that does first.

Thanks for going out of your way to shut me up lol
Ordered BPC-157, TB-500 and couple of HGH kits.

Will preform testing in my area local labs(Israel) and update with results.
It’s not Janos but very high grade lab testing for chemicals.
Just a reminder, as many don't know it or didn't read it in the thread, we can ship all our products in the price list from China to our USA warehouse, and ship them domestically to you, we bear all customs risk, extra fee is $45 up to 1 kg, $88 up to 2 kg...

For example :
Mr Ronnie wants 1 kit of test e, 1 kit of ment, 1 kit of semaglutide 2mg and 100g of viagra:
1 kit test e $65
1 kit ment $180
1 kit semaglutide $118
100g viagra $40
extra is $45
Total = $448

Mr Arnold wants 1 kg of test e + 100g primo + 10 kits hgh:
weight is >1kg so:
1 kg test e $330
100g primo $980
10 kits hgh $520
extra fee $88
Total = $1918

everything in the price list attached can be shipped to you domestically !

