SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Below is my most recent list. This will be my last week open and I’ll be closed from the 20th to the 3rd for the holidays.


Bausch Omnadren 250mg
Aspen Sustanon 250mg
Bayer Paki Testoviron 250mg
Bayer Rimobolan 100mg
Bayer Nebido 1000mg/4ml


Abdi Anapolon 50mg/20ct
Abdi Anapolon 50mg/20ct-EXPIRED 4/21
Balkan Dianabol 50mg/60ct-EXPIRED (Lab tested by Jano, 49mg)
Balkan Stanzolol 10mg/100ct

BP Meds/Vitamins/Cialis/Pharma/Antibiotics

Micardis Telmisartan 80mg/28ct
STADA Telmisartan 80mg/30ct
Abdi Ibrahim Nebivolol 10mg/28ct
Deva Dodex B12 1000mcg/5amps
Aknetrent Accutane 10mg/30ct
Roche Accutane 20mg/30ct
Vidalista Cialis 20mg/10ct
Pfizer Lipitor 10mg/30ct
Cipla Azithryomycin 500mg/5ct
GSK Bactrim DS 800+160mg/10ct
Zentiva Finasteride 5mg/30ct


Genotropin 12mg/36iu GoQuick pen

Fat Loss:

NovoNordisk Saxenda 6mg/ml-3 pens
Ozempic 1mg+4 needles
Sopharma Clenbuterol 20mcg/50ct


Deva Nolvadex 20mg/30ct
AstraZeneca Arimidex 1mg/28ct
Pfizer Aromasin 25mg/30ct
Pfizer Cabaser 1mg/20ct
ToLife Raloxifene 60mg/28ct
Novartis Letrozole 2.5mg/30ct


IBSA Merional (HMG) 150iu
IBSA Fostimon (FSH) 150iu
Bayer Ovidac 5000iu- (3) left. More on the way, won’t have till 2022.
Livzon HCG 5000iu/1 vial
Generic HMG 75iu (Pending Jano labs)
Still have the Bayer HCG available?
Any plans to get dapoxatine? Can’t find anyone with it
Price is high.
Roidforsale has it for $20 a pill.

Dashpct has it also for a lot cheaper. They also have a cialis/dapoxetine mix as well as straight dapoxetine.

I have some stuff on the way from India but this will be the last time until they get a courier or something. It’s been 6 weeks now and still nothing. (Not from dash).
Price is high.
Roidforsale has it for $20 a pill.

Dashpct has it also for a lot cheaper. They also have a cialis/dapoxetine mix as well as straight dapoxetine.

I have some stuff on the way from India but this will be the last time until they get a courier or something. It’s been 6 weeks now and still nothing. (Not from dash).
Don’t mind the price just really looking for domestic, I’ve gave up on international lol
Has the Livzon been tested?
Jano will be closed till Jan 7th. Maybe some of my India stuff will arrive by then and I can send everything out at once. Regardless I myself will be closed after this week till the 3rd.
Never heard of it honestly, but I’m sure if you can get it people will buy including myself, like I said really no one has it domestic for purchase
You got it bro I’ll see what I can do. This will be my last week open before the holidays. I’ll reopen the 3rd and hopefully I’ll have one of those by then.