SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

If I’m allergic to peanuts, will I get a allergic reaction to the oil?
I have heard this happen to someone, I'd be very careful.

If you have a peanut allergy, I would seriously consider another medication with a carrier oil like castor, cotton seed, or sesame seed oil. I know @SkankHunt has a few pharma brands.

If you still want to use a sustanon blend, look into Balkan Pharmaceuticals, they use peace oil. I know @SkankHunt has this brand too.
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i think it would depend on how refined the oil is. i don't think i would take the chance to find out if i were in the same position.


This person didn't have a full blown anaphylaxis shock (thank god) but had a reaction to the Arachis oil and his arm was inflamed on the injection site. Big red swollen welt that was very tender.
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This person didn't have a full blown anaphylaxis shock (thank god) but had a reaction to the Arachis oil and his arm was inflamed on the injection site. Big red swollen welt that was very tender.
Simple solution. Have one needle in your left quad full of Sustanon. Have another needle in the right quad full of ephedrine.

Excellent study. Guess my friend was one of the few that's hyper allergic to peanuts. That man would smell a peanut and blow out in hives. I agree with the published literature no real evidence, but if you have an allergy, best to stay away.

His shit was inflamed, I was blaming it on the Benzyl alcohol in the Sustanon until the idiot told me he has an allergy to peanuts.
Ozempic. Problem is that at $300+ a pen it gets pretty impossible to justify. At the starting dose that pen lasts a month. Once you get to maintenance that pen lasts two weeks and then one week. It works unbelievably well, significantly better than Saxenda, but man…that cost gets out of hand very fast. Even international, direct-from-pharma is pricey, so it’s not like you can get away with discounting that price very much. If the pens were $150-200 you’d be able to move them faster than shit through a goose. But then you wouldn’t make any money. Glad this is your problem and not mine.
Do you need pct after ozempic and should you dose it 0.5mg Per week for 4 weeks?
Do you need pct after ozempic and should you dose it 0.5mg Per week for 4 weeks?
No PCT needed. The first 4 weeks you can start at 0.25 as per the Ozempic website. Then you go to .5mg and so on and so fourth. For the 1mg pens the clicks are below.
Do you need pct after ozempic and should you dose it 0.5mg Per week for 4 weeks?
I lasted 1 week at 0.25 and then increased by accident and decided to just move forward with 0.5mg.

Similar to Test, you won't really notice the changes until 2 to 3 weeks later. At that point, it's just really incredible stuff.

I literally have every weight loss tool that you can think of. I had some success with DNP, but nothing significant. DNP gives me smelly sweaty clothing, my wife asking me not to touch her with my clammy hands, and waking up in the morning in a pool of sweat.

The ozempic is more powerful without any noticeable sides. I recently lost 9 lbs in 10 days (about 4.5% of my body weight). I eat 2 to 3 meals a day. I enjoy the food that's on my plate and am satisfied. I don't necessarily feel too full to eat more, I'm simply satisfied. It's very hard to explain, but you'll know what I mean when you try it.

Yes, the price point is different than a dnp or a clen. But those items are like assault rifles, where in my experience the ozempic is more of a nuclear bomb. If you are looking to seriously lose weight, then you are going to want to have this in your artillery. For me it was well worth the price of admission.
For how long would you guys run a cycle, i think i Will try 8 weeks then.

What's the cycle? It really depends on what compounds, at what dosages, and your own physiology/tolerance tbh.

Let your bloodwork guide cycle design. If your lipids are in the gutter and liver enzymes through the roof on week 4, then your cycle should end on week 4. If your cbc, cmp, and lipids look good on week 8, then extend your cycle and recheck in 4 weeks or sooner.

Cycle design and length should be dynamic based on how your own physiology reacts. Look at how much variability there is between people trying to dial in their E2. You gotta figure out how your own body reacts/tolerates whatever it is you plan on taking and adjust as you go.
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For how long would you guys run a cycle, i think i Will try 8 weeks then.
Honestly? As long as you both need it and can afford it. It sneaks up on you and out of nowhere the scale says a number that you didn’t expect. Understand that those who use it by prescription can be on it for long periods of time. At least one of the clinical trials had patients on it for a year. So the difference between eight weeks and 12 weeks and 16 weeks is entirely based on your weight loss goals and the thickness of your wallet.
Honestly? As long as you both need it and can afford it. It sneaks up on you and out of nowhere the scale says a number that you didn’t expect. Understand that those who use it by prescription can be on it for long periods of time. At least one of the clinical trials had patients on it for a year. So the difference between eight weeks and 12 weeks and 16 weeks is entirely based on your weight loss goals and the thickness of your wallet.
I wouldn't say a prescription for a trt dose at ~100mg/week of test year round is equivalent in tolerability to blast/cycle doses that bodybuilders would take. Imagine running 50mg anadrol for 16 weeks. Your liver is gonna be screaming lol.
I wouldn't say a prescription for a trt dose at ~100mg/week of test year round is equivalent in tolerability to blast/cycle doses that bodybuilders would take. Imagine running 50mg anadrol for 16 weeks. Your liver is gonna be screaming lol.
I think Yuppie is referring to Ozempic.
I think Yuppie is referring to Ozempic.
Yes, and I think viking18 is referring to ozempic as well. Even though he is using the term cycle.

I am about 4 weeks in and saw my weight drop into the 180s this morning. I haven't seen that weight since 2017. The heaviest weight loss has been very recent. So, now if I go back 6 days, I lost 9 lbs in those 6 days. I am due for another dose today, but I think I may wait a few more days, as the weight loss has been much faster than expected.

With that said, 8 weeks may last you longer than 8 weeks. And once again don't get discouraged by the first 2 weeks of use.
Yes, and I think viking18 is referring to ozempic as well. Even though he is using the term cycle.

I am about 4 weeks in and saw my weight drop into the 180s this morning. I haven't seen that weight since 2017. The heaviest weight loss has been very recent. So, now if I go back 6 days, I lost 9 lbs in those 6 days. I am due for another dose today, but I think I may wait a few more days, as the weight loss has been much faster than expected.

With that said, 8 weeks may last you longer than 8 weeks. And once again don't get discouraged by the first 2 weeks of use.
Are you at the full 1mg or still 0.5mg? There was another guy I was talking to and he’s been cruising at 0.5mg for a few weeks now.
I lasted 1 week at 0.25 and then increased by accident and decided to just move forward with 0.5mg.

Similar to Test, you won't really notice the changes until 2 to 3 weeks later. At that point, it's just really incredible stuff.

I literally have every weight loss tool that you can think of. I had some success with DNP, but nothing significant. DNP gives me smelly sweaty clothing, my wife asking me not to touch her with my clammy hands, and waking up in the morning in a pool of sweat.

The ozempic is more powerful without any noticeable sides. I recently lost 9 lbs in 10 days (about 4.5% of my body weight). I eat 2 to 3 meals a day. I enjoy the food that's on my plate and am satisfied. I don't necessarily feel too full to eat more, I'm simply satisfied. It's very hard to explain, but you'll know what I mean when you try it.

Yes, the price point is different than a dnp or a clen. But those items are like assault rifles, where in my experience the ozempic is more of a nuclear bomb. If you are looking to seriously lose weight, then you are going to want to have this in your artillery. For me it was well worth the price of admission.
So how to you eat sufficient protein for bodybuilding on this stuff? No hitting 300-350 grams eating 2-3 meals a day not wanting to eat anymore. This does not sound like a bodybuilding drug at all.
Yes, and I think viking18 is referring to ozempic as well. Even though he is using the term cycle.

I am about 4 weeks in and saw my weight drop into the 180s this morning. I haven't seen that weight since 2017. The heaviest weight loss has been very recent. So, now if I go back 6 days, I lost 9 lbs in those 6 days. I am due for another dose today, but I think I may wait a few more days, as the weight loss has been much faster than expected.

With that said, 8 weeks may last you longer than 8 weeks. And once again don't get discouraged by the first 2 weeks of use.
Your post above has me seriously considering trying this out. As you mentioned, I have experience with t3 and dnp and the sides suck.
With this, all it does is simply kill your appetite? I mean, if you're used to eating the same things you just get full much quicker and don't eat as much? You suggest first time buyer grab 1 or 2 mg?
So how to you eat sufficient protein for bodybuilding on this stuff? No hitting 300-350 grams eating 2-3 meals a day not wanting to eat anymore. This does not sound like a bodybuilding drug at all.
It’s not for bodybuilding at all. It’s a weight loss drug. I think Viking confused a few guys when he said “cycle”.