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Are you at the full 1mg or still 0.5mg? There was another guy I was talking to and he’s been cruising at 0.5mg for a few weeks now.
0.5 and I wouldn't call it cruising. It's more like 10 mph above speed limit. This stuff is great.

If I switched to 1 mg weekly I would probably look like Jared Leto in Dallas Buyers Club.
Your post above has me seriously considering trying this out. As you mentioned, I have experience with t3 and dnp and the sides suck.
With this, all it does is simply kill your appetite? I mean, if you're used to eating the same things you just get full much quicker and don't eat as much? You suggest first time buyer grab 1 or 2 mg?
Agreed on the T3 and DNP. T3 makes me a bit jittery and as for DNP, it's unique in that you can go to bed in a dry fit shirt and wake up the next morning moist like you did an hour on the elliptical.

I do like Clen. It makes me feel euphoric while breathing easier. But unfortunately it has a tendency to enlarge your heart and kill you. That won't stop me from having a relationship with it, but just some food for thought.

The appetite thing is unique. It's like no other appetite suppressant I've had. For example, Claritin D will curb your appetite because it's basically a milder form of speed. But your heart is racing and you feel energetic for a while and then crash. Ozempic is different. You feel normal. When you wake up, you want to grab some food like normal. You eat the food, it tastes good, your satisfied. No craving for seconds. Throughout the day, I don't have a craving for snacks much. If I do, the apple will satisfy me as much as the chocolate. That's another important point. Healthy food is just as satisfying as junk.

I'm so glad that you asked the last question. I sent Skank an email with constructive criticism about the confusion with respect to the dosage. For the price you pay Skank gives you the BEST pen. It's a full 4mg in total. I didn't realize that myself until I got the pen. That's why a few posts ago Skank posted a clicks per mg chart. Because the pen you get assumes you are taking 1 full mg 4 times. So, to get to the 0.5mg dose you count your pen clicks based on the chart. And that will give you 8 doses. You follow directions and start with 0.25mg for 4 weeks, you get 10 doses. And it may last you longer than 10 weeks because I'm at the point where weight is coming off so rapidly that I'm going to wait longer than a week in between doses.
Agreed on the T3 and DNP. T3 makes me a bit jittery and as for DNP, it's unique in that you can go to bed in a dry fit shirt and wake up the next morning moist like you did an hour on the elliptical.

I do like Clen. It makes me feel euphoric while breathing easier. But unfortunately it has a tendency to enlarge your heart and kill you. That won't stop me from having a relationship with it, but just some food for thought.

The appetite thing is unique. It's like no other appetite suppressant I've had. For example, Claritin D will curb your appetite because it's basically a milder form of speed. But your heart is racing and you feel energetic for a while and then crash. Ozempic is different. You feel normal. When you wake up, you want to grab some food like normal. You eat the food, it tastes good, your satisfied. No craving for seconds. Throughout the day, I don't have a craving for snacks much. If I do, the apple will satisfy me as much as the chocolate. That's another important point. Healthy food is just as satisfying as junk.

I'm so glad that you asked the last question. I sent Skank an email with constructive criticism about the confusion with respect to the dosage. For the price you pay Skank gives you the BEST pen. It's a full 4mg in total. I didn't realize that myself until I got the pen. That's why a few posts ago Skank posted a clicks per mg chart. Because the pen you get assumes you are taking 1 full mg 4 times. So, to get to the 0.5mg dose you count your pen clicks based on the chart. And that will give you 8 doses. You follow directions and start with 0.25mg for 4 weeks, you get 10 doses. And it may last you longer than 10 weeks because I'm at the point where weight is coming off so rapidly that I'm going to wait longer than a week in between doses.

I was prescribed Claritin d as a kid cause I had such bad seasonal allergies but fuck did it make my heart race and gave me the jitters my dad took me off it right away, and they put me back on the more normal Claritin... This was when u needed a prescription for it now u can buy it over the counter so this is goin back when I was a kid, as I would always get sinus infections n chest colds from the post nasal drip at night.... Then I believe Zyrtec came out and I was switched to that, but the original Claritin always worked the best of anything I took but man that d as a kid I remember it working good but it also fucked me up. It was exactly like u said a bit like speed well idk what speed is like but I'd admagin something like that but way more intense... I just remember it racing my heart and making me racey and jittery and that was the last thing I needed anymore of as a kid lol.... These pens are Interesting maybe I'll bring it up to my father's doctor to see if it'll help him also shedd alil extra weight he's carrying which hopefully will also help him with his back issue
I can echo the sentiments above about the GLP-1 agonists: I’ve been using Saxenda at the lowest dose of 0.6mg daily (1 pen lasts a month on this dose) and it has been life changing. My hunger use to be far and away larger than any single person I know and I’m a 140-150lb female. I can crush massive amounts of high volume food and be hungry a half hour later. The hunger has always made cutting so hard for me, going to bed hungry, waking up hungry, and being hungry for all but about a half hour after eating each meal. This is while drinking a 1.5-2 gallons of water a day.

Saxenda makes me comfortable at 1300 cals a day, when I’m normally feeling extreme hunger at 2000+. I can go several hours without thinking about food, and sometimes have to force the food down, even at such low calories. I don’t have to worry about only eating super high volume foods anymore to fill me up, I can eat a normal portion and be satisfied. For example - my normal yogurt bowl is 300-400g Greek yogurt and another 150-200g of berries. I eat that and am typically hungry again within the hour. Now on Saxenda, I cut that bowl in half or 2/3 and many times have to make an effort to finish it. I will literally never do a cut without it again - for those of us who struggle with the appetite hormones being crazy out of whack, it is worth its weight in gold.
I was prescribed Claritin d as a kid cause I had such bad seasonal allergies but fuck did it make my heart race and gave me the jitters my dad took me off it right away, and they put me back on the more normal Claritin... This was when u needed a prescription for it now u can buy it over the counter so this is goin back when I was a kid, as I would always get sinus infections n chest colds from the post nasal drip at night.... Then I believe Zyrtec came out and I was switched to that, but the original Claritin always worked the best of anything I took but man that d as a kid I remember it working good but it also fucked me up. It was exactly like u said a bit like speed well idk what speed is like but I'd admagin something like that but way more intense... I just remember it racing my heart and making me racey and jittery and that was the last thing I needed anymore of as a kid lol.... These pens are Interesting maybe I'll bring it up to my father's doctor to see if it'll help him also shedd alil extra weight he's carrying which hopefully will also help him with his back issue

I never get any of this. I think the Claritin you were taking has Pseudophedrine. Which is Claritin D.

I have HORRIBLE allergies and I take zyrtec and it makes me sleepy. Actually Zyrtec is in the same family as Benadryl.

The only other med that made me feel like this was Flonase works excellent but if you have any form of anxiety, forget it.
I'm so glad that you asked the last question. I sent Skank an email with constructive criticism about the confusion with respect to the dosage. For the price you pay Skank gives you the BEST pen. It's a full 4mg in total. I didn't realize that myself until I got the pen.
Wait, is this true @SkankHunt ? I assumed it was 1mg total, not 1mg x 4 doses. That changes everything if true.
what I didn't realize with the GLP-1 products is the leptin reduction. THAT is a total game changer. I thought until yesterday that they just balanced insulin and suppressed appetite.

So both Sax and Oz are giving fantastic results - it's now just a matter of preference for injection frequency? They both work about equally otherwise?
I prefer liraglutide, it’s daily so you can skip a shot on your refeed day and not have issues getting food in. I also find it easy to get 5 meals in, but they are all just reduced calories. It doesn’t make me have zero appetite all day, just when I do eat I get full faster. It’s probably the best dieting drug that exists
what I didn't realize with the GLP-1 products is the leptin reduction. THAT is a total game changer. I thought until yesterday that they just balanced insulin and suppressed appetite.

So both Sax and Oz are giving fantastic results - it's now just a matter of preference for injection frequency? They both work about equally otherwise?
Seems they both work well. Just injection frequency is the main difference. Price wise there’s been some fluctuations.

Ozempic I originally had at $350, then $300, then $250. Now it’s at $260 due to supplier increase.

Saxenda was $300 then $325 now it’s $350. I haven’t grabbed some in a while so I’m not sure where the price was at now but it’s been trending upward.
what I didn't realize with the GLP-1 products is the leptin reduction. THAT is a total game changer. I thought until yesterday that they just balanced insulin and suppressed appetite.

So both Sax and Oz are giving fantastic results - it's now just a matter of preference for injection frequency? They both work about equally otherwise?

I think people react differently in terms of side effects to them. I know vigorous Steve was the reason I decided to try the Saxenda - I don’t love daily injections but it’s much easier to reverse course if you get intolerable side effects - nausea, vomiting being the most common ones. If you have severe nausea on Oz, you could have it for several days.

Also, if you follow a refeed protocol during your cuts; the once-weekly injection could make that more difficult. I think I will give Oz a try my next go around, I’m finishing my Sax tomorrow and then going on a reverse into a bulk for several months but will no doubt be using a Glp-1 the next time I cut. For someone who has struggled with appetite hormones for the better part of 7 years now, it’s a miracle drug.
What were your results Chica? if you don't mind sharing? I am gonna grab some Oz and give this a go. Paired with my Armodaf I should be juuuuuuust fine lmao.
Wait, is this true @SkankHunt ? I assumed it was 1mg total, not 1mg x 4 doses. That changes everything if true.
what I didn't realize with the GLP-1 products is the leptin reduction. THAT is a total game changer. I thought until yesterday that they just balanced insulin and suppressed appetite.

So both Sax and Oz are giving fantastic results - it's now just a matter of preference for injection frequency? They both work about equally otherwise?

Bingo... I was pleasantly surprised by both the product and dosage. I'm glad we are able to clarify that here.

Also, I initially went after ozempic because of the spread out weekly injections. However, if Saxenda uses the same tiny needle than it's worth considering either/or, or both. It is so thin that you don't feel it all.
Bingo... I was pleasantly surprised by both the product and dosage. I'm glad we are able to clarify that here.

Also, I initially went after ozempic because of the spread out weekly injections. However, if Saxenda uses the same tiny needle than it's worth considering either/or, or both. It is so thin that you don't feel it all.
forgot to quote you earlier but thank you greatly for the very detailed information and review on the stuff. the leptin aspect is what is making me push the order button. xD
forgot to quote you earlier but thank you greatly for the very detailed information and review on the stuff. the leptin aspect is what is making me push the order button. xD
Glad I could be of help, especially to someone that's given me so much great information.

Cha Eun Woo Love GIF
ozempic is great, the best glp-1 ive used.
The worst is trulicity. I had immense gut issues and felt like walking death.
and this while only using half a 1,5mg pen (shot the pen into an syringe and split the dosage into 2)
ozempic gives slight discomfort first but really only minor.
Ive started with 0,3mg weekly and am not at 0,6mg (added 0,1mg weekly)
well, I should be more like in the 230-240 range at my current strength/size state, lmao, so hoping for some good progress in that direction. (I'm 6'6 / 275ish currently).

after hearing this, Skank be like